Re: [Full-disclosure] The new 'cyber politica' mailing list thats planned for the non-technical elite

2008-09-21 Thread anonymous pimp
Don't you already have your own mailing list? Go there.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The new 'cyber politica' mailing list thats planned for the non-technical elite

2008-09-21 Thread AaRoNg11
Hi, my comment wasn't meant to flame you. I was basically trying to say that
if you used your email for sensitive stuff, and it had been compromised, the
intruder finding out your IP address is the least of your worries. I'm sorry
if it was interpreted as a flame.

Anyway, I like the idea of a non-technical mailing list. I'd be sure to sign
up :)

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:02 PM, n3td3v [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 12:34 PM, n3td3v [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 4:01 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sat, 20 Sep 2008 21:47:55 BST, AaRoNg11 said:
  If the job was that sensitive of a job, do you really think they'd be
  gmail to send important information?
  Remember - n3td3v is in the British Isles, where clusterfuck IT is
 rampant in
  the government sector.  You know, like Let's lose the financial details
  Oh, why was the disk unencrypted? Because the policy on how to securely
  transfer the data was deemed so sensitive that it was only accessible to
  upper management - the people *doing* the work didn't have access to the
  policy of how to do it right.
  Maybe we can take this over to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
  whatever name he gives the new mailing list when John Cartwright
  finally gets the finger out.
  We need a non-technical, unbiased, unmoderated version of
  full-disclosure where people can post rants, raves, speeches, ideas,
  views, opinons, news items, the dirty on employees, gossip, security
  conferences, or other intelligence thats non-technical.
  A place where people like n3td3v don't get made to feel bad for
  posting their views on whats going on in the security community.
  There seems to be a feeling that anyone who is non-technical is
  unwelcome on full-disclosure and end up getting written about on
  securityfocus by robert lemos and made to feel a bad person. :(
  This is unfair, in the bigger scope of things, there just isn't
  anywhere to go to post non-technical stuff thats unmoderated.
  So instead of being nasty to n3td3v and writing about him on
  securityfocus and declaring a hunt for n3td3v, let's just create a new
  mailing list where people like me won't get made uncomfortable for
  The bottom line is, there is no non-technical, unbiased, unmoderated
  version of full-disclosure and there should be one.
  We need a cyber political mailing list, where anything goes, right now
  it just seems that people don't really want n3td3v around, but thats
  not because n3td3v has done something wrong, its just because there is
  no where else suitable to post about cyber politics thats
  non-technical, unbiased, unmoderated.
  I don't like posting to full-disclosure if I feel unwelcome, but I
  don't want to be muzzled, I want John Cartwright to setup a new
  mailing list for the non-technical issues.
  This is my proposal im putting forward, so let's talk about it.

 I say 'cyber-politica' is a decent name for it we can have.

 Although im concerned the 'cyber' might go out of fashion over the
 years, so if you have cyber in the name it might get outdated.

 I think the new mailing list will be perfect for me and gadi types,
 then we won't be annoying the list anymore about what we think of
 everyone and cyber security.

 I think full-disclosure has had enough of opinionated people like me
 and gadi who chime in when we feel like it, it appears to upset the
 full-disclosure crowd, so a new mailing list would be brilliant for
 the non-technical crowd who still want to chime in when we're not
 happy about something.

 When people like me and gadi types post our opinionated views about
 people and cyber security, folks don't always reply and give their
 views, because they think the mailing list isn't supposed to be about
 the non-technical subject, so are reluctant to get involved incase it
 increases the 'noise'.

 What's needed is a non-technical mailing list where the non-technical
 elite can hang out. website already have technical and non-technical sections,
 so why can't full-disclosure be split in two?

 Its obvious me and gadi are not welcome on the current format
 full-disclosure, so we need a new mailing list for the non-technical

 I was very upset to be bashed by robert lemos and his friends via news
 articles and blogs, so now its time for a place we can go and not
 upset people anymore. It was never my intention to upset folks but
 thats what seems to have happened. They seem to think the
 full-disclosure list is being destroyed by the non-technical elite. So
 why not give the non-technical elite a mailing list of their own, so
 people won't get upset because we post an email that hasn't got a
 vulnerability or exploit in it.

 We should leave the full-disclosure list for technical users, and the
 non-technical users have their own mailing list to post on, then
 nobody can be accused 

Re: [Full-disclosure] The new 'cyber politica' mailing list thats planned for the non-technical elite

2008-09-21 Thread AaRoNg11
It refers to neither. I'm sorry, i'm new to this list so I assumed that
n3td3v's post was serious.

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Razi Shaban [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aaron, there's something you don't seem to get here. n3td3v is a
 troll. I'm hoping that eleven refers to your college graduation year
 and not your high school graduation; if it's the first you might know
 what a troll is. If not, look it up.


Aaron Goulden
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The new 'cyber politica' mailing list thats planned for the non-technical elite

2008-09-21 Thread n3td3v
It is serious, like most of my posts. I'm not a troll, maybe gobbles
was, but im not related to him. robert lemos just wrote bullshit to
flame me trying to say I was gobbles. I hadn't even known anything
about him (gobbles) until after I started posting to the list. It just
seems to be a coincidence that gobbles left the list and then n3td3v
appeared. we're not connected in any shape or form. I originally came
on the list to talk about yahoo and a certain employee who works there
who backstabbed me and my friends, by giving me intelligence about the
inner workings of yahoo to me in return for intelligence about hackers
in the yahoo scene at the time. He used this information to get a job
as a yahoo messenger security engineer. He now works as a senior yahoo
software engineer, and for years i've complained to yahoo about him,
but yahoo can't take action without conclusive evidence, even though
there is plenty of suggestive evidence. He is probably still feeding
out information to hackers in exchange for information about yahoo
hackers, and he could possibly be coding backdoors into yahoo software
for the intelligence services in a covert operation which yahoo
officials don't know about. And, some members of the yahoo security
team are also part of it, and are stopping the claim about the
employee getting passed to the management of yahoo who would
investigate the employee more seriously. For years ive sent info to
the yahoo security team about this individual, but they don't
communicate back if the intelligence is being taken seriously or if
they just trash what I say. The employee in question was originally
part of the yahoo hacker scene, he got head hunted through another
employee and fast tracked into the company as and when it was obvious
yahoo was becoming a multi-nation corporation. He told me none of his
other co-workers knew he got fast tracked into yahoo, and that its a
secret how he got in. He has used 'intelligence' methods to get higher
and higher into the corporation, exchanging intelligence about yahoo
for intelligence about yahoo hackers. He was originally in the
military in france then for some mysterious reason he dropped
everything, moved to U.S and began working in yahoo. Ain't most
intelligence officers have military background to begin with? There
are tons of suggestive evidence about him, but nothing thats
conclusive that can oust him from the company.

All the best,


On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:58 PM, AaRoNg11 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It refers to neither. I'm sorry, i'm new to this list so I assumed that
 n3td3v's post was serious.

 On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Razi Shaban [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aaron, there's something you don't seem to get here. n3td3v is a
 troll. I'm hoping that eleven refers to your college graduation year
 and not your high school graduation; if it's the first you might know
 what a troll is. If not, look it up.


 Aaron Goulden

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] The new 'cyber politica' mailing list thats planned for the non-technical elite

2008-09-21 Thread n3td3v
On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:20 PM, anonymous pimp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't you already have your own mailing list? Go there.

It has to be a mailing list run by someone who is neutral to
everything thats going on, you can't have an official central list for
the internet for non-technical cyber politics be called 'n3td3v -
google groups' because its biased towards one particular person etc.
The same reason that Funsec doesn't work either, because its biased
towards gadi, his agenda, friends, the professional scene etc. It
would need to be a mailing list setup by John Cartwright who doesn't
favour any particular person, a certain professional peer group or
view, etc etc. Its got to be a non-technical cyber politics mailing
list thats unmoderated, neutral, central, and unbiased in its

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The new 'cyber politica' mailing list thats planned for the non-technical elite

2008-09-21 Thread Anders B Jansson
n3td3v wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:20 PM, anonymous pimp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't you already have your own mailing list? Go there.

Being bored I browsed my Junk folder before I trashed it and I found this gem 
of coherent thinking.

 It has to be a mailing list run by someone who is neutral to
 everything thats going on, you can't have an official central list for
 the internet for non-technical cyber politics be called 'n3td3v -
 google groups' because its biased towards one particular person etc.

You could just set up a mailing list that didn't include your handle.
It's not required that it do you know.

 Its got to be a non-technical cyber politics mailing
 list thats unmoderated, neutral, central, and unbiased in its

Yes, so just set one up and stay away from moderating it.

How hard can that be?

Also while browsing my Junk before trashing I noticed your objection to being a 

I have to admit that it is actually possible that you aren't.

But the alternative is that you are a complete moron.

// hdw

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