Re: [Full-disclosure] ZDI-07-020: BMC Performance Manager SNMP Command Execution Vulnerability

2007-04-19 Thread rashbi

 BMC has provided the following statement: [This issue] has been 
 found not to be a security vulnerability; when properly 
 (as described for our customers in our documentation and in our 
 online knowledge base) this attack is not possible.

Anybody with some experience on BMC Patrol products know that 
security levels 1 to 4 are rarely used, because of the 
configuration and management overhead.

Furthermore, level 0 (the default one) isn't imho the only security 
level impacted by this vulnerability (which is an anonymous r/w 
access to the SNMP configuration, including full paths to 
binaries), given that level 1 use anonymous SSL and that level 2 
use SSL with unverified client certificate. Levels 1 and 2 will 
just help an attacker to bypass your NIDS.

Interested people can have a look to the Patrol Security User 
( for 
additional details.

Conclusion : pconfig/xpconfig/wpconfig or any similar custom script 
can be used to hack any default install of Patrol BMC but it has 
been found not to be a security vulnerability. How sad :-(


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[Full-disclosure] ZDI-07-020: BMC Performance Manager SNMP Command Execution Vulnerability

2007-04-18 Thread zdi-disclosures
ZDI-07-020: BMC Performance Manager SNMP Command Execution Vulnerability
April 18, 2007

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendor:

-- Affected Products:
Performance Manager

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability since April 13, 2007 by Digital Vaccine protection
filter ID 5286. For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS: 

-- Vulnerability Details:
These vulnerabilities allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of BMC Performance Manager. User interaction
is not required to exploit this vulnerability.

The specific flaw exists in the PatrolAgent.exe listening on TCP port
3181. The service allows remote attackers to modify configuration files
without authentication. This can be exploited by an attacker by
modifying parameters in SNMP communities definitions. By modifying the
masterAgentName and masterAgentStartLine parameters, an attacker can
execute arbitrary code.

-- Vendor Response:
BMC has provided the following statement: [This issue] has been found
not to be a security vulnerability; when properly configured (as
described for our customers in our documentation and in our online
knowledge base) this attack is not possible. 
BMC has a formal customer support mechanism in place to provide
solutions to security issues brought to us by those who have legally
licensed our software. In cases where security issues are brought to my
attention by individuals/vendors who do not have legal access to our
products, we will investigate their merit; however the issues will be
addressed at our own discretion and according to our understanding of
their severity. 
Finally, please note that in the future, I will only communicate
resolutions and workarounds to licensed customers who are using our
software legally. For a more meaningful dialogue around these issues
and to be notified of any available patches, I urge all licensed
customers to use BMC's support mechanism.

-- Disclosure Timeline:
2007.03.05 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2007.04.13 - Digital Vaccine released to TippingPoint customers
2007.04.18 - Public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by an anonymous researcher.

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, a division of 3Com, The Zero Day Initiative
(ZDI) represents a best-of-breed model for rewarding security
researchers for responsibly disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:

The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is used.
3Com does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any exploit code.
Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor, 3Com provides its
customers with zero day protection through its intrusion prevention
technology. Explicit details regarding the specifics of the
vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until an official vendor
patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the altruistic aim of
helping to secure a broader user base, 3Com provides this vulnerability
information confidentially to security vendors (including competitors)
who have a vulnerability protection or mitigation product.

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