Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-18 Thread Nick FitzGerald
Paul Schmehl wrote:

> Is there a compelling reason for posting this pissing contest to the list?

Paul, surely you've noticed -- if it affects or interests Jason, it 
_is_ of interest to this list...
I can't believe a fellow of your erudition could have missed that!


Nick FitzGerald

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RE: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-17 Thread Aditya Deshmukh
Paul Schmehl wrote:
>> Is there a compelling reason for posting this pissing contest to the
>Yes, there is, Paul. But you weren't paying attention, as usual.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-17 Thread Jason Coombs

Paul Schmehl wrote:

Is there a compelling reason for posting this pissing contest to the list?

Yes, there is, Paul. But you weren't paying attention, as usual.


Jason Coombs
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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-17 Thread Paul Schmehl

Is there a compelling reason for posting this pissing contest to the list?

--On Tuesday, August 16, 2005 15:10:37 -1000 Jason Coombs 


Mr. Jason Coombs
59-088 Kamehameha Hwy.
Haleiwa, HI  96712

Re: Global CompuSearch, L.L.C.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-16 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, Leif Ericksen wrote:

> I really can not believe that this one is legit
> I will admit my spelling and grammar are less the desirable unless I
> take my time and re-read what I am doing.  IF this is a cease and desist
> order it is invalid as far as I am concerned.  I am NO lawyer but I
> found it funny
> "cease and assist"?  Then a little bit further down it is correct say
> cease and desist.

Yep.. Break out the popcorn and peanuts: this should be a LOT of fun!
Lawson has his hands full on this one - and personally, I think his
lawyer is just digging his client a deeper pit to jump into and drown.


J.A. Terranson

I like the idea of belief in drug-prohibition as a religion in that it is
a strongly held belief based on grossly insufficient evidence and
bolstered by faith born of intuitions flowing from the very beliefs they
are intended to support.

don zweig, M.D.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-16 Thread Leif Ericksen
I really can not believe that this one is legit
I will admit my spelling and grammar are less the desirable unless I
take my time and re-read what I am doing.  IF this is a cease and desist
order it is invalid as far as I am concerned.  I am NO lawyer but I
found it funny

"cease and assist"?  Then a little bit further down it is correct say
cease and desist.

> Global CompuSearch hereby demands that you immediately cease and assist 
> from making any further defamatory and disparaging statements to anyone 
> regarding Marcus Lawson and Global CompuSearch; and that you cease and 
> desist from contacting Mr. Cave about Mr. Lawson, Global CompuSearch or 
> about Mr. Sanders’ case.  If you choose to ignore my client’s demand, 
> and you continue to spew these false and defamatory statements against 
> Mr. Lawson and his company, I have been instructed me to immediately 
> proceed with initiating a lawsuit against you to obtain all appropriate 
> remedies.  I am further informed that you are affiliated with a forensic 
> organization.  If you continue with this conduct, we will have to notify 
> the organization and potentially join them as a party to the lawsuit.
> Global CompuSearch hopes that you will act prudently so that no further 
> legal action will be necessary.  However, Global CompuSearch is prepared 
> to do what is necessary to protect itself from your unwarranted attacks 
> and outrageous conduct.

Oh, well I know I screw up my grammar and spelling and what not so this
is not all that bad.

Leif Ericksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: Global CompuSearch]

2005-08-16 Thread Jason Coombs


Mr. Jason Coombs
59-088 Kamehameha Hwy.
Haleiwa, HI  96712

Re: Global CompuSearch, L.L.C.

Dear Mr. Coombs:

Our firm has been retained by Global CompuSearch, L.L.C., to address the 
false and slanderous statements that you have made to various third 
parties about Global CompuSearch and Marcus Lawson.  I have reviewed 
several emails that you have sent which you have sent to calling Mr. 
Lawson a liar, and calling him an incompetent computer forensic expert. 
 Specifically, I have reviewed an August 9, 2005 email that you sent to 
an internet forensic bulletin board where you provide an alleged quote 
of Marcus Lawson and stated that Mr. Lawson’s purported statement is “a 
big fat lie told by self-important people.”   Later in this email you 
seek information about Marcus Lawson and then state that “people like 
Marcus Lawson who think they know what their doing but clearly do not 
are helping to get innocent people convicted by spewing nonsense.”  Your 
statements about Mr. Lawson are false and are obviously made with the 
intent to injure Mr. Lawson’s reputation as a forensic expert and injure 
Mr. Lawson’s business throughout the computer forensic community which 
Mr. Lawson and Global CompuSearch will not sit idly by and allow.

I have also reviewed the emails that you have sent directly to Global 
CompuSearch’s client, Mr. Phil Cave, Esq., in which you attempt to 
directly solicit forensic work by repeatedly defaming Marcus Lawson and 
his company.In an email that you sent on August 10, 2005, to Mr. 
Cave you state that Mr. Lawson’s testimony caused harm to a defendant in 
a separate trial, and then state:

“I would submit to you that anyone with minimal training who knows how 
to operate a computer could have done the work that Mr. Lawson did, and 
it is my belief that the same can be said of Mr. Lawson’s work in the 
present case.”

Considering that you have not reviewed the work that Mr. Lawson has done 
in Mr. Sander’s case, nor have you reviewed the computer hard drive in 
question, your accusations are clearly baseless.  You further claim in 
your email that Mr. Lawson has made a purported false statement at some 
point in time which “proves beyond any doubt that Mr. Lawson’s 
inaqdequate understanding of computer programming is causing him to 
offer inaccurate, underinformed opinions in the present case.”  In an 
August 13, 2005, email to Mr. Cave after writing two pages of reasons 
why you believe Mr. Lawson can simply disobey a court order and transfer 
to you a hard drive which contains illicit child pornography, you state 
that Mr. Lawson’s work product is “incompetent and misleading.”  In this 
same email you write:

“I sincerely hope that the court in this case is given full explanation 
of what Mr. Lawson’s mistakes have been, and that the court takes the 
time to carefully teach Mr. Lawson his duty as an expert witness.  He 
clearly misunderstands what the court expects of him, and his 
misunderstandings are helping to deprive people of their Constitutional 
rights.  Surely this cannot be his intent.”

Your statements about Mr. Lawson are false and are obviously made with 
the intent to injure Mr. Lawson’s professional relationship with Mr. 
Cave.  This not only constitutes defamation, but you are further 
deliberately attempting to interfere with the business relationship 
between Mr. Cave and Global CompuSearch.

Global CompuSearch hereby demands that you immediately cease and assist 
from making any further defamatory and disparaging statements to anyone 
regarding Marcus Lawson and Global CompuSearch; and that you cease and 
desist from contacting Mr. Cave about Mr. Lawson, Global CompuSearch or 
about Mr. Sanders’ case.  If you choose to ignore my client’s demand, 
and you continue to spew these false and defamatory statements against 
Mr. Lawson and his company, I have been instructed me to immediately 
proceed with initiating a lawsuit against you to obtain all appropriate 
remedies.  I am further informed that you are affiliated with a forensic 
organization.  If you continue with this conduct, we will have to notify 
the organization and potentially join them as a party to the lawsuit.
Global CompuSearch hopes that you will act prudently so that no further 
legal action will be necessary.  However, Global CompuSearch is prepared 
to do what is necessary to protect itself from your unwarranted attacks 
and outrageous conduct.

Very truly yours,


cc: Marcus Lawson
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