Re: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Defcon spelled half backwards is Fedcon and you dumfucks walked into a trap

2004-08-03 Thread Andre Ludwig
I took the liberty to fix a few things for you.

Down with lamers, down with scene whores, down with ppl
trying to make security a joke. Down with everyone
profiting off stupidity.

Why does Retards hang with morons and let them write a dumb emails?
Why they get dumb ideas and make an ass out of themselves?

Why people dont know who's who? Why ppl believe they
eleet when they nothing but poo?

Why people so inconsistent?

Why people allow themselves to be punked and not fight
back? Why so many tards? Why so many tools?


Why people think information sharing among all is
best? Fuck that.


Sorry i had to, to much of a comedy gold mine to leave alone. 

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 17:35:52 -0400 (EDT), Andrew R. Reiter
> funny that u post this to "FULL-DISCLOSURE"
> On Tue, 3 Aug 2004, Day Jay wrote:
> :Down with kiddies, down with admins, down with ppl
> :trying to make security better. Down with everyone
> :profiting off publicity.
> :
> :Why does Gobbles hang with iDEFENSE and let them buy
> :him a beer? Why he get drunk and make an ass out of
> :himself?
> :
> :Why people dont know who's who? Why ppl believe they
> :eleet when they nothing but poo?
> :
> :Why people so inconsistent?
> :
> :Why people allow themselves to be punked and not fight
> :back? Why so many fags? Why so many pussies?
> :
> :WTF?
> :
> :Why people think information sharing among all is
> :best? Fuck that.
> :
> :Why?
> :
> :
> :
> :
> :
> :
> :__
> :Do you Yahoo!?
> :New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!
> :
> :
> :___
> :Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> :Charter:
> :
> :
> --
> Andrew R. Reiter
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

[Full-Disclosure] The Worm tard who got busted

2003-09-02 Thread Andre Ludwig

You guys are amazing sometimes, it looks like a few of you have in fact done
some googling and some detective work.  Others are simply content on sitting
on the sidelines and spewing only moderately informative opinions around
like they are going out of style.

If the topic of what this kid did and how stupid he was interests you go
ahead and do some more detective work. The kid left one helluva trail on the
net with SEVERAL postings on (which has been offline since
Friday). What was he posting about?  Normal script kiddie things like  y0
d00dz ch3ck 0utz my l33t st4sh 0f spl01tz 4nd tr0j4nZ.  Not to mention
asking about several small footprint irc based RAT's.   So 1+1=2, and in my
book the kid is simply an amateur crook who should get the book thrown at
him.  He would gain some respect from me if he had more skill, but im not a
bleeding heart, you do the crime u do the time.   Granted i am not one to
judge but if i was in the jury there wouldn't be much of a doubt in my mind
as to who was behind things.  

Wow he even looks to have defaced a site or two.. (look at the title of the
window that loads)

Teekids Thoughts on VB6 vs .NET

Teekid Hiting the wrong button (new thread instead of reply)

Teekid Asking for a small footprint IRC boot with UDP features.

Teekid Pimping his m4d l33t w4r3z.. (his trojan archive)

Teekid shopping for a RAT

Teekid pimping his IRCBOTS site.

Teekid coming to the aid of a fellow RAT developer (what a nice guy)

All this was taken from only one site, if u want u can even find his
flipping CS scores on several servers.  He wasn't to bad of a shot with a

And for fun

Are all virus coders so stunning and athletic looking?

Wow ever since the rash of articles about our favorite coder of the week it
is allot harder to find some of the stuff that i found on fri and sat. Sorry
for the rant of sorts just sort of irked me that after reading 100 or so
emails about the kid no one even bothered to bring up any sort of evidence
that could have been gleamed ( thank god for goggle cache). I would have
posted more threads by the perp but the site is down, and while im sure with
some more time and searching i could dig up irc chat logs, and other such
info i unfortunately have a job to do (even though i hate it). 

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

[Full-Disclosure] Anyone have more info on this?

2003-09-03 Thread Andre Ludwig;[LN];kb824105

New patch from MS, looks like a crafted NetBIOS request could return data
from memory.  Anyone seen any more info on this new exploit?  

I am interested in an actual packet capture of the packet in question. Or
other technical information surrounding this new exploit. 

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] MS03-039 - Exploit ...

2003-09-10 Thread Andre Ludwig

correct me if I am wrong but it looks like this nessus script was written 
for the eeye exploit. (judging by the 4 requests in the script).  

Ludwig, CISSP

  -Original Message-From: Elv1S 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 
  4:24 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [Full-Disclosure] MS03-039 - Exploit ...
  from nessus lol
  # The script code starts here#function 
  dcom_recv(socket){local_var buf, len;buf = recv(socket:socket, 
  length:10);if(strlen(buf) != 10)return NULL;len = 
  ord(buf[8]);len += ord(buf[9])*256;buf += recv(socket:socket, 
  length:len - 10);return buf;}port = 
  135;if(!get_port_state(port))port = 593;else {soc = 
  open_sock_tcp(port);if(!soc)port = 593;else 
  hex2raw(s){local_var i, j, 
  ret;>for(i=0;i{  if(ord(s[i]) >= 
  ord("0") && ord(s[i]) <= ord("9"))  j = 
  int(s[i]);  else  j = int((ord(s[i]) - ord("a")) + 
  10);  j *= 16;  if(ord(s[i+1]) >= ord("0") && 
  ord(s[i+1]) <= ord("9"))  j += int(s[i+1]);  
  else  j += int((ord(s[i+1]) - ord("a")) + 10);  ret += 
  check(req){ local_var soc, bindstr, error__code, r;soc = 
  open_sock_tcp(port);if(!soc)exit(0);bindstr = 
  data:hex2raw(s:bindstr));r = 
  data:req);r = dcom_recv(socket:soc);if(!r)return 
  NULL;close(soc);error_code = substr(r, strlen(r) - 4, 
  strlen(r));return error_code;}function check2(req){ 
  local_var soc,bindstr, error_code, r;soc = 
  open_sock_tcp(port);if(!soc)exit(0);bindstr = 
  data:hex2raw(s:bindstr));r = 
  data:req);r = dcom_recv(socket:soc);if(!r)return 
  NULL;error_code = substr(r, strlen(r) - 24, strlen(r) - 
  Determine if we the remote host is running Win955/98/MEbindwinme = 
  = open_sock_tcp(port);if(!soc)exit(0);send(socket:soc, 
  data:hex2raw(s:bindwinme));rwinme = 
  dcom_recv(socket:soc);close(soc);lenwinme = 
  strlen(rwinme);stubwinme = substr(rwinme, lenwinme-24, 
  lenwinme-21);# This is Windows 95/98/ME which is not 
  vulnerableif("02000100" >< 
  = "5401048000";CO_E_BADPATH = "0400088000";NT_QUOTE_ERROR_CODE_EQUOTE 
  = "";#req1 = 

RE: [Full-Disclosure] Mystery DNS Changes

2003-10-01 Thread Andre Ludwig
Somewhat off topic, but a killer dhcp toolset that i have played with a bit
is Gobbler from .  Might give some people who
don't understand the whole DHCP vulnerability thing a bit of an education. 

Andre Ludwig

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Mystery DNS Changes

   ... DHCP enabled workstations have had
   their DNS reconfigured to point to two of the three addresses

User-driven trojan or not, machines running DHCP can pretty much
be told by a DHCP server that their leases are up and it's time to
renumber, and then that their new DNS servers are X Y and maybe Z.
This is part of the protocol, astoundingly enough, but spells
"attack vector" any way *I* look at it.

This would probably work on most cable-modem infrastructures, at
least where the provider hasn't done anything about the fact that
any customer [i.e. customer's box, forget the human] can become
a rogue DHCP server.  Within a soft chewy corporate net, a rogue
server probably presents an even higher risk cuz *none* of the end
user boxes would have the benefit of a somewhat protective device
[cable modem with clueful config] in between it and the rogue.

Expect it.  Script your bootup to nuke dhclient/dhcpcd/whatever
after it's gotten an address, and sanity-check what you get back.
DHCP clients, at least in the unix world, generally run OUTSIDE
your filters, as ROOT.  Windows users, you're probably just hosed,
because if you stop "DHCP client" you release your address.


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

[Full-Disclosure] Semi OT, Half Life 2 source code leaked due to Outlook flaw.

2003-10-02 Thread Andre Ludwig
All I can say is I hope that EVERYONE takes note of this hack.

>From the description of the official mouthpiece of Sierra software it sounds
like his machine was root kitted.  Any thoughts on this?

Ever have one of those weeks? This has just not been the best couple of days
for me or for Valve.
Yes, the source code that has been posted is the HL-2 source code.
Here is what we know:
1) Starting around 9/11 of this year, someone other than me was accessing my
email account. This has been determined by looking at traffic on our email
server versus my travel schedule.
2) Shortly afterwards my machine started acting weird (right-clicking on
executables would crash explorer). I was unable to find a virus or trojan on
my machine, I reformatted my hard drive, and reinstalled.
3) For the next week, there appears to have been suspicious activity on my
webmail account.
4) Around 9/19 someone made a copy of the HL-2 source tree.
5) At some point, keystroke recorders got installed on several machines at
Valve. Our speculation is that these were done via a buffer overflow in
Outlook's preview pane. This recorder is apparently a customized version of
RemoteAnywhere created to infect Valve (at least it hasn't been seen
anywhere else, and isn't detected by normal virus scanning tools).
6) Periodically for the last year we've been the subject of a variety of
denial of service attacks targetted at our webservers and at Steam. We don't
know if these are related or independent.

Well, this sucks. 
What I'd appreciate is the assistance of the community in tracking this
down. I have a special email address for people to send information to,
have information about the denial of service attacks or the infiltration of
our network, please send the details. There are some pretty obvious places
to start with the posts and records in IRC, so if you can point us in the
right direction, that would be great.
We at Valve have always thought of ourselves as being part of a community,
and I can't imagine a better group of people to help us take care of these
problems than this community.


Andre Ludwig, CISSP

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] Shortcut...... may cause 100% cpu use!!!

2003-10-30 Thread Andre Ludwig
This guy is a fraud if u haven't figured it out, cant eve get broken English
down properly, nice usage of the email service as well.  That
site is good for some laughs on its own. 

Keep up the good chain yanking.

Made me laugh

Might want to watch out for that switch vuln, that is a bigie i heard it
will even work on some routers as well! OHHH NOOEEE!!!111

Andre Ludwig

-Original Message-
From: bipin gautam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Shortcut.. may cause 100% cpu use!!!

mmm... ALL THOSE flamings* won't make me run! I SEE,
you old fellows HAVE nothing to do except typing
BULLSHIT* to eachother.. STAYING on those security

My grand pa. use to say, A person becomes a child 2
times in his life!

ONCE, when he is just born and again WHEN is TOO old
to think anything creative! 

CHILDERN... IT'S your time of retirement! 

--- Bipin Gautam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> hi,
> well, dude... Its a similar bug but not the same!!!
> do you consider every bufferoverflow exploit the
> same???
> see... you didn't read the shit clearly !!! WELL,
> here [in this discovery] the shortcut is pointing to
> itself 
> [ not to a different file.. as you inicated
> EACHOTHER,  nothing
> happens..[ i feel its patched]
> DOS!!!
> ---
> >I haven't looked at your shortcut file(s) yet, but
> it sounds like the
> >same as: 
> >
> >If you find something like this on your own, at
> least do a *little*
> >googling before reporting to a list.  Else, sound
> like a fool.  If you
> >re blatantly ripping off other peoples' stuff,
> well, shame on you.
> >tim

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Gates: 'You don't need perfect code' fo r good security

2003-10-31 Thread Andre Ludwig
I think the issue at hand is how Bill has simply given ideas for band aid
patches and not ways to ultimate secure systems.  Fire walling and virus
protection has its place in any environment.  But poorly designed software
with bugs known and unknown should not be a part of a "secure" system.  So
while some choose to look at the problem at a higher level then others the
issue still remains no matter how many firewalls, av products, IPS's, IDS's
you have in place if your still running shitty software at the end of the
line it is a liability. PLAIN AND SIMPLE

And look at it from Bills view, he cant play on the fact that ultimately it
is the quality of your code that makes a software system safe, not add on
measures.  If he was to openly admit that then it would be the same as Bill
kicking himself in the nuts. Lets face it Bill isn't stupid, he knows what
the real deal is and regardless of what any of us "mailing list experts"
deem is the "truth".  (he is mighty keen on manipulating media as well)

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
From: Geoincidents [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Gates: 'You don't need perfect code'
for good security

> First, firewalling and patching can not in fact shield networks from
> all of the impact of worms and viruses. Ask any experienced network
> admin. There will always be users who bring into a firewalled network
> a laptop that was, for example, infected at home.

Part of the problem here is network design. For example, if when laptops are
brought in they were only allowed to connect to a wireless network and that
wireless network was on the far side of the firewall (perhaps slightly more
access than from the internet but still majorly firewalled) and treated as
untrusted systems which they in fact are, then it would not be such an

There is no rule that says you can't have internal firewalls to separate
untrusted from trusted systems. But you have to design your network around
this idea for it to work.


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] Gates: 'You don't need perfect code' for go od security

2003-11-03 Thread Andre Ludwig
Your logic of basing how secure a software system is by the amount of
patches is at the least fool hardy. If anything where i come from the amount
of patches can be construed as a positive thing rather then a negative as
you attempt to portray it.  Just think of all those wonderful little
exploits and bugs hidden deep within the bowels of code you will never have
the chance to audit nor understand fully.  Now just think about that
wonderful code you have sitting in front of you in its full naked glory that
you can audit, you can modify, and of course you can compile your self.
Isn't it wonderful to know that while you may have a few more patches at
least the software you running has passed the most critical of all reviews
(social peer review).  Anyways i am going to end this little rant, but my
original point was attempting to base the quality of software off of the
patches is a ludicrous thing to do, esp. when your comparing open vs. closed
source.  In order to deduce which is better you would have to analyze the
source of EACH respective program against EACH other.  And not simply
spouting off some bull shit about who has had more patches in the last XX
amount of weeks or months. 

Andre Ludwig

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 8:43 AM
To: Full Disclosure
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Gates: 'You don't need perfect code' for
good security

Even though MS, by the time you factor in the large number of components
they ship, has had many times fewer patch releases than competing Linux

1. OpenSSH v. Remote Desktop / Terminal Services
OpenSSH: Two vulnerabilities in recent weeks
RD/Terminal Services: Zero vulnerabilities this year

2. Sendmail v. Exchange
As buggy as many people claim Exchange is, it has had two patches this
year -- if you include OWA.  Even though it provides substantially larger
amounts of functionality for some uses, it has still had fewer
vulnerabilities than its main competitor, Sendmail.

3. Apache v. IIS
Apache 2.0 especially, has never established itself as a server worthy of
production use, due to the fact that it is riddled with security
vulnerabilities.  Apache 1.3 has also had some vulnerabilities -- the recent
sub-request issue, Chunked encoding, etc.  IIS has steadily improved in
security, particularly with IIS 6.0.  For a relatively new product, IIS has
always been an innovator in security.  Especially on Windows platforms, IIS
offers many times better security and performance.  That said, I do realize
that Apache 1.3 was not initially written for Win32.  However, its Unix
releases also lack much of the account seperation found in IIS 6.  It is
currently not possible to serve requests from different sites as different
users in 1.3.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

[Full-Disclosure] Microsoft Announces Anti-Virus Reward Program (expanded)

2003-11-05 Thread Andre Ludwig
More then simply 250k for sobig and other authors. Looks like a great
marketing ploy for MS.

Haven't caught up on the entire "other thread" but it seemed to only cover a
portion of the story. 

Andre Ludwig

Microsoft Announces Anti-Virus Reward Program

Microsoft Teams With Law Enforcement to Root Out Malicious Coders

With $5 Million Reward Fund as a Part of Broader Security Initiative

WASHINGTON - Nov. 5, 2003 -Microsoft Corp. today announced the creation of
the Anti-Virus Reward Program, initially funded with $5 million (U.S.), to
help law enforcement agencies identify and bring to justice those who
illegally release damaging worms, viruses and other types of malicious code
on the Internet. Microsoft will provide the monetary rewards for information
resulting in the arrest and conviction of those responsible for launching
malicious viruses and worms on the Internet. Residents of any country are
eligible for the reward, according to the laws of that country, as Internet
viruses affect the Internet community worldwide.

For more information about on this announcement, please visit

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL buffe r overflow

2003-12-04 Thread Andre Ludwig
Just barely.

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
From: dave kleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 8:53 AM
To: 'Kristian Hermansen'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL
buffer overflow

Is there actually anyone on the list who is over the age of 20?

Dave Kleiman, CISSP, MCSE, CIFI

"High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation."
Jack Kinder


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kristian
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:56
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL buffer

Dude, thanks for the calc tips!!!  LATE makes perfect sense ;-)

Kristian Hermansen

-Original Message-
From: List Account [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:41 AM
To: 'Kristian Hermansen'
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL buffer

Funny you should be talking about Calculus, I'm finishing 152 now (finals
next week). Integration by parts not that bad. Here's a tip; LATE Logs
Algebraic Trig Exponentials What this is for is to find u, so that du will
be something simpler. So to use LATE to find u, try them in order, i.e. is
there a ln? No, then is there an algebraic function you can integrate?, etc.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kristian
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL buffer

OMFG Tri, hahahahaha!!!  Remember when you couldn't figure out who hijacked
yer mail/Paypal accounts?  Looks like we know who did it now.  Did he take
any money from yer Paypal account?  I do agree with one thing that he
said..."Stop leaking and killing my bug kid. Go to school to learn more."
Dude you missed calculus class again and don't forget we are doing
integration by parts/series this week/next week.  Maybe you aren't as slick
as I thought you were.  Stealing bugs from other people?  Dude, I had a lot
of respect for you...but now...I'm just not so sure about your "integrity".
Are you really finding these bugs with OllyDebug/IDAPro, or are you
monitoring security researchers email accounts to get your info?  Dude, I
only ask because I believe everyone here has the right to know...

Kristian Hermansen

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of De Blanc
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL buffer

Yeah! Yahoo is sux. Yahoo Messenger has tons of bugs.
But you are more sux than yahoo since you stole my
work and posted my found bug to yahoo and bugtraq.
Funny enough when your little company SentryUnion is
trying to sell "Indetify Theft" protection service but
you got owned, stole mail and money from your paypal
account, logged everything your chatted with gf via
one another yahoo messenger 0day. 

Stop leaking and killing my bug kid. Go to school to
learn more.

The Blanc

>Hi all,
>This bug is a lame bug, very lame actually. I release
it in order to
>show that how a big company don't even do a basic QA.
If we look through
>the security records of YIM, almost any YIM's
>components do have some kind of buffer overflow and
it is very easy
>to spot them too (by fuzzing the IDispatch
interface). I have no idea
>how can QA guys in the YIM project can manage to let
>dangerous bugs survival through the testing state.
Maybe they
>are so busy watching the new "Joe Millionaire" show
>-Original Message-
Behalf Of Tri Huynh
>Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 10:07
>Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Yahoo Instant Messenger
YAUTO.DLL buffer overflow
>Yahoo Instant Messenger YAUTO.DLL buffer overflow
>PROGRAM: Yahoo Instant Messenger (YIM)
>YIM is one of the most popular instant messenger.
This is a cool product,
>that allows me to chat with my gf from a very long
distant :-).

[Full-Disclosure] Associated Press Sports Desk Email "Mistake"

2004-01-08 Thread Andre Ludwig
Just curious to see what everyone's thoughts are on the AP sports wire
"mistake".  Allot of big names are on the list guess that is the price of

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: W2K source "leaked"?

2004-02-12 Thread Andre Ludwig
I am still up in the air on if this is legit or not. If it is yes the bar
has been lowered for simple exploits. It will also have the effect of
empowering those skilled individuals into creative and more advanced attacks
and exploits against the windows platform.  From the source file listings
floating around on the net it looks legit, but i doubt it is the entire
source tree most likely a branch or two.  Been told that the .zip file is
only 300 mb or so compressed. Which is no where near the size of the
reported win2k source tree (50gb or so) as reported here.

Andre Ludwig CISSP

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] RE: W2K source "leaked"?

This is not the first time that people have reported leaked copies of
Windows source code. In 2000, Wired News reported that the source code
for Whistler (now Windows XP) had been leaked, though they never
confirmed it.,1367,35135,00.html

WinBeta is also reporting on the new leak

0-day exploits being used on Microsofts network, foul play by privileged
partners or a hoax? Let's see what Microsoft reports.


Thor Larholm
Senior Security Researcher
PivX Solutions
24 Corporate Plaza #180
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: +1 (949) 231-8496
PGP: 0x5A276569
6BB1 B77F CB62 0D3D 5A82 C65D E1A4 157C 5A27 6569

PivX defines "Proactive Threat Mitigation". Get a FREE Beta Version of

-Original Message-
From: Gadi Evron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:49 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thor Larholm
Subject: W2K source "leaked"?

A couple of days ago a friend of mine drew my attention to the source 
making rounds on the encrypted p2p networks, I was hoping it would take 
a bit longer for it to be "out", but that was just day-dreaming.

Thor Larholm just gave me this URL, as you can notice, the server is

I never believed in 0-days. "New" or more to the point 
un-known-to-the-public exploits and vulnerabilities exist and are being 
In my opinion "0-days" virtually don't exist. It's usually either some 
vulnerability that is long known and a COP or a worm is created. Or 
exploits that will nearly never see the "public" but exist and are used 
by few individuals.. but now... I don't know.

How often does a brand new exploit come out without prior warning and
"attack" the net?

*If* this really is the.. _real_ source code for W2K (and according to 
the article NT4 as well) we'll see what happens next.

People didn't need help finding vulnerabilities in Windows before, but 
it just became a whole lot easier and a lot less demanding on the "m4d 
#4x0r 5k111z".

I can't really say that the article is right and the source was "leaked"

or "stolen". The source is being sold/given (?) for years now to EDU's 
and commercial companies for research purposes (not to mention China..).

I suppose foul play is always possible.

Can anyone confirm this is the real source code? How about a press 
release? :)

Gadi Evron

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] Microsoft confirms source code leak

2004-02-12 Thread Andre Ludwig
The actual press release can be found here

Andre Ludwig CISSP

-Original Message-
From: Thor Larholm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:49 PM
Cc: th-research
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Microsoft confirms source code leak

There has been discussions on this mailing list as well as others about
a possible leak of Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4 source code.

Microsoft has now confirmed these rumours to be true.


Thor Larholm
Senior Security Researcher
PivX Solutions
24 Corporate Plaza #180
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: +1 (949) 231-8496
PGP: 0x5A276569
6BB1 B77F CB62 0D3D 5A82 C65D E1A4 157C 5A27 6569

PivX defines "Proactive Threat Mitigation". Get a FREE Beta Version of

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] east coast powergrid / SCADA [OT?]

2003-08-14 Thread Andre Ludwig
It is my general feeling that the power failure could be SCADA related.  If
it was an attack or an accident i do not know, nor do i think the
appropriate information will ever be released to the public.  Allot of SCADA
systems from my research do RUN MS software (from win95 all the way up to
win2000), granted these are not full fledge systems but stripped down
machines with some functionality disabled.  I have found out that RPC is
used on several SCADA systems, to what extent i do not know, nor do i know
if they are vulnerable to the recent rash of RPC based exploits.  If someone
with more knowledge on these systems can please come forward i would greatly
appreciate it. 

Did anyone watch the PBS cyber war series that was on months ago?  I
remember Richard Clarke ranting about possible SCADA attacks on the power
grid. If anyone has more info please do come forward as this is a rather
interesting subject matter.

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
From: KF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 3:54 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] east coast powergrid / SCADA [OT?]

Anyone wanna comment on SCADA and the "cascading failure" that happened 
today in the north east, like potential for a similar outage from a 
"cyber based" attack, etc? 

Sorry ... I need to read about something other than blaster before I go 
insane. =]

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RE: [Full-Disclosure] east coast powergrid / SCADA [OT?]

2003-08-14 Thread Andre Ludwig
More fuel for the diversion from the drawn out ms blaster debate!


The more and more research i do the weirder it gets.

*cue X files theme song*

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RE: [Full-Disclosure] east coast powergrid / SCADA [OT?]

2003-08-15 Thread Andre Ludwig
I just confirmed that a major utility in Northern CA uses SCADA systems
based off of NT4. And yes the systems in question do use RPC as a means of
communication, as well as frame relays, modems and private trunks.  

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] east coast powergrid / SCADA [OT?]

Hash: SHA1

What OS would you say that they use?


>At least on the west coast they do not, I think the requirements of the
>systems are way out of Microsoft's range. Lot's and Lot's of Unix
>-Original Message-
>From: Michael Scheidell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 11:36 AM
>To: tetsujin
>Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] east coast powergrid / SCADA [OT?]
>>Paller said it is "highly unlikely" that the process control computers
>>behind critical infrastructure like power in the United States would 
>>run on the Windows operating system.
>well, ONTARIO HYDRO does seem to have SOME windoes boxes.. at least here
>is one that appears to have been infected with slammer:
>(Aug 9th through the 12th?)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] SCADA makes you a target for terrorists take 2

2003-08-18 Thread Andre Ludwig
I fully support you in your quest my friend. I think it is completely
asinine that the people who run these systems do the things they do. I mean
this is critical infrastructure after all!  And I still have not seen any
evidence to sway my thoughts on this matter.  If you look at the NERC
reports as to what caused the outages there was no mention of Ohio in them.
Unless of course they changed them from sat night.

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
From: Bernie, CTA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 6:03 PM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] SCADA makes you a target for terrorists take

Over a year ago the NIPC put out a warning about threats 
regarding the SCADA Systems

Again, my point is regardless of what caused the Blackout, 
attention needs to be given on improving and integrating System 
Security first, and replacing the so called worn out Grid 
(cables and related infrastructure) last. Vulnerable components 
should be identified, isolated and neutralized immediately. 
Worry about the sagging cables later. 

I can not understand why the same basic principles of systems 
security engineering should not apply to the Power Industry 
i.e., analyze potential Threats (Accessibility, Integrity, 
Confidentiality), Vulnerabilities and Attacks.

Ok I'm done... for now.

 National Infrastructure Protection Center

Terrorist Interest in Water Supply and SCADA Systems
Information Bulletin 02-001
30 January 2002

NIPC Information Bulletins communicate issues that pertain to 
the critical national infrastructure and are for information 
purposes only.

A computer that belonged to an individual with indirect links to 
USAMA BIN LADIN contained structural architecture computer 
programs that suggested the individual was interested in 
structural engineering as it related to dams and other water-
retaining structures. The computer programs included CATIGE, 
BEAM, AUTOCAD 2000 and MICROSTRAN, as well as programs used to 
identify and classify soils using the UNIFIED SOIL 

In addition, U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies have 
received indications that Al-Qa'ida members have sought 
information on Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) 
systems available on multiple SCADA-related web sites. They 
specifically sought information on water supply and wastewater 
management practices in the U.S. and abroad. There has also been 
interest in insecticides and pest control products at several 
web sites.

Recipients can find additional information regarding posting 
sensitive infrastructure-related information on Internet web 
sites in NIPC Advisory 02-001 issued on 17 January 2002 at The 
intent of this bulletin was to encourage Internet content 
providers to review the sensitivity of the data they provide 

The NIPC encourages recipients of this Information Bulletin to 
report information concerning criminal or terrorist activity to 
their local FBI office or 
the NIPC, and to other appropriate authorities. Recipients may 
report incidents online at, and can reach the NIPC 
Watch and Warning Unit at (202) 323-3205, 1-888-585-9078 or 

Chief Technology Architect
Chief Security Officer
Euclidean Systems, Inc.
// "There is no expedient to which a man will not go 
//to avoid the pure labor of honest thinking."   
// Honest thought, the real business capital.
//  Observe> Think> Plan> Think> Do> Think>  

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RE: [fd] RE: [Full-Disclosure] [Fwd: Edwards AFB shut down by W32Blaster] (fwd)

2003-08-20 Thread Andre Ludwig

I nominate this thread most useless thread EVAR!

With that being said, can you guys please move on, and repeat after me.

I know  several people who have certs that run *nix machines who are
complete idiots for the simple fact that they have not expanded their
horizons past a command prompt.  I also know people who wouldn't be able to
properly use dir(or ls) and cd from a command prompt if the fate of the
world depended on it.  So my point is this, shut up already mcse, cissp,
ccie, ccna, ccnp, and what ever else you have behind your name means
absolutely nothing in the real world. Maybe the PHB's in the cube farms and
offices of Corp America care but lets face it in the trenches letters mean
dick.  SO stop ragging on MCSE's simply because it is a Microsoft cert, that
is asinine and completely immature.  I mean think of all the business M$ has
created,  hell if it wasn't for them the INFOSEC field would be 100 or so
Sun consultants running around trying to sell the latest and greatest
(please note the sarcasm in that comment, and yes i know it would be a
totally different market then that).  SO be thankful that good ole Billie
Boy keeps us all so gainfully employed and entertained. 

Please take this post for what it is, A RANT!

Andre Ludwig, M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I  < 4m 1 l33t n0w?

-Original Message-
From: Mike Vasquez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:56 AM
To: 'Disclosure Full'
Subject: Re: [fd] RE: [Full-Disclosure] [Fwd: Edwards AFB shut down by
W32Blaster] (fwd)

- Original Message - 
From: "Gerald Cody Bunch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Please define the term real MCSE, being as the first word in the acronym
> stands for 'Microsoft'
> it would stand to reason that a real MCSE is nothing more than trained
> 'Microsoft' marketing monkey.

Gee wiz -- sign me up for one of your logic classes, please.  That's
brilliant rock solid reasoning.

Not reality based, but on this list, that doesn't matter. :-)

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [Full-Disclosure] Al Qaida claims responsibility for blackout

2003-08-20 Thread Andre Ludwig
Just to add to the deluge of articles that should be driving the point home.,4386,205339,00.html

"Industry officials said that during the second half of last year, 60 per
cent of the country's power and energy companies experienced hacking
attacks. None was successful."

So don't simply dismiss the theories that we  have brought to light simply
because you think that "they" don't have the intelligence to do these

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem
unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we
must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him
believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and
crush him.
-Sun Tzu 

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
From: Michael Scheidell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 1:58 PM
To: Geoff Shively
Cc: Drew Copley; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Al Qaida claims responsibility for

> I particularly like this:
> "In the entire history of FirstEnergy, FirstEnergy spokesman Todd
> said there hasn't been an outage of any system due to hackers, and that
> the weather in northeastern Ohio did more damage.

In light of this:

"The Slammer worm penetrated a private computer network at Ohio's
Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in January and disabled a safety
monitoring system for nearly five hours, despite a belief by plant
personnel that the network was protected by a firewall, SecurityFocus has
learned. "


Michael Scheidell, CEO
SECNAP Network Security, LLC 
Sales: 866-SECNAPNET / (1-866-732-6276)
Main: 561-368-9561 /
Looking for a career in Internet security?

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: [fd] Re: [Full-Disclosure] Google Private IP is !!!!!!

2003-08-21 Thread Andre Ludwig
Its all a part of googles plans to gobble up all the Ips in the w0rld!!!


OH NOEZ W3 H4V3 b33n H4X0RZ3D!!!


Sorry im bored at work again :)

Andre Ludwig

-Original Message-
From: Mike V [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [fd] Re: [Full-Disclosure] Google Private IP is

- Original Message - 
From: "Servicios de Seguridad Informatica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

El Jue 21 Ago 2003 16:23, Nicolas Cartron escribió:
> > I have found private ip address used by google servers. here are the
> > details.
> > [...]
> > This is google private ip address.

>has anyone know how this site know my private address?

Google has apparently hacked your network, and stolen your own private IP
address. SCANDALOUS!
I'd hire a good lawyer.  Maybe if you're *real* lucky you can get it back.
IP theft!  I hear it's the next big thing.

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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Sobig has a surprise...

2003-08-22 Thread Andre Ludwig  a page that shows the status of those ips.

Taken from Dshield mailing list. 

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

-Original Message-
From: Michael Scheidell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 2:15 PM
To: Florian Weimer
Cc: Steve Postma; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Sobig has a surprise...

> Why don't they publish the list of IP addresses so that people can put
> filters on their networks?

rumor has it:

Michael Scheidell, CEO
SECNAP Network Security, LLC 
Sales: 866-SECNAPNET / (1-866-732-6276)
Main: 561-368-9561 /
Looking for a career in Internet security?

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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Subject prefix changing! READ THIS! SURVEY!!

2003-08-22 Thread Andre Ludwig
[fd] For me. (option 2 isn't it?)

Andre Ludwig, CISSP

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

RE: Speculation in the media (Was: Re: [Full-Disclosure] CERT Employee Gets Owned)

2003-08-26 Thread Andre Ludwig
Speculation is the mother of all f*ckups.

I know this list is a "free" list where people can discuss things back and
forth.  But come on people, i am glad the original poster posted this story.
I find it amusing and well informative.  Well can we all agree to disagree
and if you want to flame please do it off list, as it is more fun that way
(think of all the icky words and foul language u can use!).   Anyways thanks
to the original poster i do think it was a bit OT but i was glad i read it. 

Andre Ludwig

-Original Message-
From: Peter Busser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:15 PM
Subject: Speculation in the media (Was: Re: [Full-Disclosure] CERT
Employee Gets Owned)


> You have *zero* knowledge about *this* incident.  And *that* was my
> point.  It's bad enough that the damn news media speculates about
> everything under the sun these days.

Right, the media do speculate about almost everything. Yesterday there was
speculation on the Dutch tv about ``cyberterrorism''. The program started
sobig, saying it caused a lot of damage. Then it went on to stating that
developing sobig and others takes a lot of people, time and money. Therefore
the only organisations who are capable of doing such development are mafia
and terrorist organisations. The program went on to conclude that especially
public utilities, like power companies, are vulnerable to this kind of
terrorism. And of course the obligatory politician who vows to take measures
was part of the program.

I sent these people an e-mail message saying that the terrorist angle
sound very convincing. Terrorists are, it seems to me, after terrifying
I don't think shutting down a power plant is a really effective way to do
Also that most virusses and worms are likely to be written by individuals
try to show off their skills.

The only answer I got was: We didn't address this subject, that was a
program. (Nonwithstanding the fact that the title of the broadcast was:
Computer-terrorism, something everyone can verify at their web site.)

Peter Busser
The Adamantix Project
Taking trustworthy software out of the labs, and into the real world

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[Full-Disclosure] MS Anti Virus?

2004-06-16 Thread Andre Ludwig
Oh this should be good...

 SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile,
Research) is still on track to offer an anti-virus product that will
compete against similar software offered by Symantec Corp. (SYMC.O:
Quote, Profile, Research) and Network Associates Inc. (NET.N: Quote,
Profile, Research) , the world's largest software maker said late on

Mike Nash, chief of Microsoft's security business unit, told reporters
that Microsoft is developing software to protect personal computers
running Windows against malicious software, the worms and viruses that
have plagued users with data loss, shutdowns and disruptions in Web
traffic in recent years.

"We're still planning to offer our own AV (anti-virus) product," Nash said.

Asked if that would hurt sales of competing products, such as Network
Associates' McAfee and Symantec's Norton family of products, Nash said
that Microsoft said that it would sell its anti-virus program as a
separate product from Windows, rather than including it in Windows.

Redmond, Washington-based acquired anti-virus technology from GeCAD
Software Srl., a Romanian software company, last year to develop its
own software.

Microsoft, whose Windows operating system is a favorite target for
computer viruses, launched a company-wide "Trustworthy Computing"
campaign in early 2002 to boost the security and reliability of its

Nash did not give a time frame for the release of Microsoft's
anti-virus software.

and another

by Scott Bekker


Microsoft is leaning toward offering a paid anti-virus subscription service.

Mike Nash, corporate vice president for the security business and
technology unit at Microsoft, said Microsoft will probably sell its
own anti-virus software and subscription service. It is the first
public signal that Microsoft intends to turn its acquisition of the
Romanian anti-virus company GeCAD into a product customers pay for.

The comments came up at a dinner with reporters in Seattle on Monday
night when Nash was asked how Microsoft's anti-virus efforts might
affect Symantec. "I want to make sure customers have another choice,"
the Bloomberg News agency quoted Nash as saying. "Some people will
continue to use Symantec, and some will use ours."

-- advertisement --

Shares of Symantec, which gets 85 percent of its revenues from
anti-virus products, were down following Nash's comments, according to

Previously, Microsoft had been coy about its plans for GeCAD, which it
acquired last June. "This acquisition will help us and our partner
anti-virus providers further mitigate risks from these threats," Nash
said at the time, implying Microsoft would use GeCAD's programming
talent to make Windows and other Microsoft products more resistant to

But Microsoft also immediately indicated at the time that it was fully
evaluating how to proceed with GeCAD's technology and employees. In a
white paper published last June on Microsoft's Web site, the company
wrote, "Details of the Microsoft antivirus solution, including any
product plans, pricing, and a timeline for delivery, are not yet
available. Microsoft strongly recommends that customers continue to
use antivirus solutions from industry partners and keep their virus
signatures updated."

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Re: [Full-Disclosure] Yahoo upgraded all accounts to 100MB

2004-06-16 Thread Andre Ludwig
Just think of all those l33t 0-days you can now have in your webmail!!!


This is definatly OT..

Andre Ludwig CISSP

On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 11:42:10 -0500 (CDT), Ron DuFresne
> The real questions fellows is though, what does any of this have to do
> with security, and who cares how much storage space your particular ISP or
> e-mail provider supplies?
> Thanks,
> Ron DuFresne
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, William Warren wrote:
> > hrmm my yahoo account still shows 4.0 you have a paid account?
> >
> >
> > Syed Imran Ali wrote:
> >
> > > Hiya,
> > >
> > > It is nice to see my inbox today, having 100MB or storage space, 84%
> > > remaining. Yahoo now allows up to 10MB attachment too I am not sure
> > > about is still allowing POP or not with 100MB, as it was with 6MB.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > S. Imran Ali
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > > Charter:
> > >
> >
> > --
> > My "Foundation" verse:
> > Isa 54:17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and
> > every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt
> > condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their
> > righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
> >
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> >
> ~~
> "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
> eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
> business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation." -- Johnny Hart
> ***testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!***
> OK, so you're a Ph.D.  Just don't touch anything.
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Re: [Full-Disclosure] MS Anti Virus?

2004-06-16 Thread Andre Ludwig
Think the mafia refers to this as a protection racket...

man so much can be made of this its a techy comedy gold mine.

"our software sucks so bad that the market for anti virus software for
our platform is such a lucrative market that we cant stay out of it"

Andre Ludwig CISSP

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 19:41:49 -0400, slacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile,
> > Research) is still on track to offer an anti-virus product that will
> > compete against similar software offered by Symantec Corp. (SYMC.O:
> > Quote, Profile, Research) and Network Associates Inc. (NET.N: Quote,
> > Profile, Research) , the world's largest software maker said late on
> Oh yeah, what's the average delay to release on exploit patches? What makes
> me think that they are going to be that slow on releasing AV updates?  =P
> slacker

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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Successful in blocking all known exploits

2004-07-03 Thread Andre Ludwig
Could it be because if it was a windows box it would have only have
been 876 min uptime instead of days?   ;)

ha ha

I just had to

Andre Ludwig CISSP

On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 22:55:20 +0200, Maarten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 03 July 2004 18:25, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> > On Sat, 3 Jul 2004, RandallM wrote:
> > > After a number of years, much thought,and  long nights I have developed a
> > > systematic method to prevent and thwart exploits on my system!
> > >
> > >
> > > I have been up and running for 876 days straight and have had no problems
> > > to date!
> >
> > Yeah, but what about Windowz boxes?
> Hum, how did you guess he isn't talking about a windows box ?   8-))
> --
> Yes of course I'm sure it's the red cable. I guarante[^%!/+)F#0c|'NO CARRIER
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:

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