[funsec] Why BC holds the record for "World's Weirdest Politicians"

2013-05-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
Whenever political pundits get together, they all start the competition for 
politicians are more corrupt/venal/just plain weird than yours."  Whenever 
from BC enters the fray, everyone else concedes.

Herewith our latest saga:

The ruling "Today's BC Liberal Party" is finding itself polling behind the NDP. 
(Do not let the word "liberal" in the party name fool you.  Whereas pretty much 
every other liberal party would be centre-left, the BC Liberals are, 
somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun.)  The liberals are runing attack ads 
stating that, twelve years ago, the leader of the NDP backdated a memo.

(No, I'm not making this up.)

The Liberals have just released another version of the same attack ad, this 
using a snippet of footage from the recent leaders debate.  Trouble is, the 
consortium that ran the debate has copyright on the video of the debate, and 
parties agreed that none of the material would be used for political purposes.

The Liberals, called on their use of the video, have refused to take it down.

(How old do you have to be to understand the meaning of "copyright 

(I am eagerly awaiting the next installment of this story.  I assume the 
paid for by Today's BC Liberals [or possibly by public money: that's happened 
before] will argue the provisions of "fair use," [1] claim that the attack ads 
commentary, or even educational ...)

[1] - http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2007/03/fairy-use-tale

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All truth is one.  In this light, may science and religion
endeavor here for the steady evolution of mankind, from darkness
to light, from narrowness to broad-mindedness, from prejudice to
tolerance.  It is the voice of life, which calls us to come and
learn.- inscription on Hayes Hall tower bell at SUNY Buffalo
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] Risk analysis

2013-05-11 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
Oh, hey, what do you know?  There's actually scientific data showing that 
lots of guns around is a bad idea ...




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A scholar is just a library's way of making another library.
- Daniel Dennett
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[funsec] Overdisclosure

2013-05-13 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out
and remove all doubt.  - Abraham Lincoln
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[funsec] For tech dinosaurs ...

2013-05-13 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
A bunch of old tech going up for auction:

(Including an Enigma  :-)

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You can observe a lot by just watching. - Yogi Berra
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[funsec] Private drone spying ...

2013-05-14 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
OK, get out your legal arguments: privately-owned "peeping tom" drones are now 
in use ...




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Hardware has grown following Moore's Law, software seems to be
stuck with Gresham's Law.  - Jim Horning
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Re: [funsec] Skype with care – Microsoft is reading everything you write

2013-05-17 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:20 PM, Jeffrey Walton  wrote: >

> > Anyone who uses Skype has consented to the
> company reading everything they write.

As it happens, I'm currently reviewing an intriguing book ("Boilerplate") that 
addresses all kinds of issues around "agreements" and consent.  Particularly 
those of us who joined Skype before MS bought it, and therefore "agreed" to a 
very different set of rules ...

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If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.- Marva Collins
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[funsec] REVIEW: "Cloud Crash", Phil Edwards

2013-05-23 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
BKCLDCRS.RVW   20101009

"Cloud Crash", Phil Edwards, 2011, 978-1466408425, U$9.99
%A   Phil Edwards PhilEdwardsInc.com philipjedwa...@gmail.com
%C   Seattle, WA
%D   2011
%G   978-1466408425 1466408421
%I   CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform/Amazon
%O   U$9.99
%O  http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1466408421/robsladesinterne
%O   http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/1466408421/robsladesin03-20
%O   Audience n Tech 2 Writing 1 (see revfaq.htm for explanation)
%P   386 p.
%T   "Cloud Crash"

To a background of the Internet crashing, and opposed by a conspiracy
that has penetrated the highest levels of government, two (no, make
that three ... err ... four ... better say five ...) groups of
individuals race to save the world from ... a stock market fraud?
hostile takeover? aliens?  (No, I'm pretty sure the aliens were a red

The story and inconsistent characterizations could use some work, and
the plot twists don't make it very easy to follow what is going on. 
It's fairly easy to tell who the good and bad guys are: the politics
and philosophy of the book are fairly simple, and one is reminded of
the scifi and comics of the 30s and 40s, with heavily anti-fascist and
(ironically) right-wing rhetoric.

It would be tempting to dismiss the work as a simple "jump on the
latest buzzword" potboiler, were it not for the fact that the
technology is fairly realistic.  Yes, right now everyone is jumping on
the cloud bandwagon without much regard for real security.  Yes, if
you wanted to make a big (and public) splash on the Internet, without
doing too much permanent damage, taking down power supplies would
still leave the data intact.  (Of course, an axe would do just as good
a job as bombs ...)

So, while the story isn't great, at least the technology is less
annoying than is normally the case ...

copyright, Robert M. Slade   2012 BKCLDCRS.RVW   20101009

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The last man on Earth sat alone in a room.
There was a knock on the door.
- Frederick Brown, world's shortest horror story
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[funsec] Safe online banking

2013-05-23 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah

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I refuse to believe corporations are people until Texas executes
one. - http://twitter.com/#!/ararubyan/status/115479037849239553
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[funsec] Kim Dotcom owns two-factor authentication

2013-05-24 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah

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cur f wd  dis and p
 A sed   iend  rought   eath ease  ain
   blesfr b   br and ag
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[funsec] All-time-really-stupid-ideas Dept.

2013-05-28 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah

(For those cavellers among us, I can probably file this under physical 

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 Great wits are sure to madness near allied. - John Dryden, 1681
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[funsec] Carpenters and programmers

2013-05-31 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
No, this isn't the one about the woodpecker.


(And it's *way* too true ...)

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The earth is degenerating these days.  Bribery and corruption
abound.  Children no longer mind parents.  And it is evident that
the end of the world is fast approaching.   - Syrian tablet, 2800 BC
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[funsec] Risks to the language ...

2013-06-05 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
Online tends to take priority, so I am only today reading (and discarding) old 
rags on the mail pile.  One is "Security" magazine for January of this year.

The back page editorial, by the editor (probably senior editor) of the magazine 
starts out with the words, "There are five basic tenants that can mitiage risk 
(Lest you think it is just a slip, the second sentence starts out, "Those 
tenants are 

No, she's not talking about renting space out to security companies.  What she 
means is "tenets."  Which the OED tells us is "noun: a principle or belief, 
especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy."  (Posibly 
older than she looks, since, prior to the 16th century, it was "tenent," from 
Latin "tenere," to hold.  In which case she can't spell.)

I suppose someone will blame it on autocorrect.  But it's the first two 
sentences of 
the piece!  Surely someone would have noticed!  (No, they didn't.  And stop 
calling me "Shirley.")

OK, as someone who wrote a dictionary, I'm probably over-reacting.  However, we 
already have enough trouble in our field with people making up words and 
hijacking the meaning of words and phrases we already have.  We don't need 
mangled English, as well.

rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
"If you do buy a computer, don't turn it on." - Richards' 2nd Law
"Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses"  0-387-94663-2
"Viruses Revealed"  0-07-213090-3
"Software Forensics"0-07-142804-6
"Dictionary of Information Security" Syngress   1-59749-115-2
= for back issues:
[Base URL] site http://victoria.tc.ca/techrev/
CISSP refs: [Base URL]mnbksccd.htm
PC Security:[Base URL]mnvrrvsc.htm
Security Dict.: [Base URL]secgloss.htm
Security Educ.: [Base URL]comseced.htm
Book reviews:   [Base URL]mnbk.htm
[Base URL]review.htm
Partial/recent: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/techbooks/
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[funsec] Comparative law enforcement

2013-06-07 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah
The US NSA has been collecting call message details on all telephone calls to, 
from, or between Americans.

The Canadian RCMP is giving away puppies.

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Canada is a country that works in practice, but not in theory.
 - Stephane Dion
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[funsec] Facebook would *NEVER* abuse someone's privacy ...

2013-06-07 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah

(Wait.  I thought Facebook was a wholly-pwned subsidiary of Snoops-BackwardsR-

(Doesn't that Facebook statement look an awful lot like the Google statement?
http://googleblog.blogspot.ca/2013/06/what.html )

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_|\   /|_  _|\   /|_  _|\   /|_  _|\   /|_  _|\   /|_  _|\   /|_
>   C   <  >   a   <  >   n   <  >   a   <  >   d   <  >   a   <
Modified from JD Small 
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[funsec] Trust the machines ...

2013-06-10 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

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You think things have to be *possible*? Things have to be *true*!
- `The Subtle Knife', Philip Pullman
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[funsec] "1984" sales spike

2013-06-11 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
In the wake of the news about PRISM, Amazon reports huge sales of George 
Orwell's novel "1984."




In other news, the NSA now knows the names of everyone who bought "1984" in 
the past three months ...

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There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You
can't do any business from there. - `Colonel' Harlan Sanders
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Re: [funsec] "1984" sales spike

2013-06-17 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Date sent:  Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:25:33 -0400
From:   Jeffrey Walton 

>  I'm starting to believe there's a concerted effort to keep us
> fighting amongst ourselves so we don't focus on the issues that
> matter.

Oh, surely no politician would ever do such a thing ...

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
well, the last remaining computer in the house with Windows on it
died this morning.
   - http://twitter.com/e_cowperthwaite/status/157499523676110848
Congrats, you've been defenestrated.
- https://twitter.com/#!/SecurityHumor/status/157511635857195009
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[funsec] The ultimate illegible PowerPoint slide!

2013-06-20 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

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Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.
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[funsec] NSA in mainstream cartooning

2013-06-27 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

(Probably today only, although it may show for a while at 
http://www.raesidecartoon.com/ed-gallery.html )

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Our claims for `human rights' insult those in the world truly
deprived of basic human rights.- Rex Murphy, Laing Lectures 2012
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[funsec] Testing and failure analysis

2013-06-27 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
In which we learn that, no, it is *not* a good idea to test the soundess of a 
in a flooded area by driving a fully loaded train over it ...


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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
The investigation of the meaning of words is the beginning of
education. - Antisthenes
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] New definitions for BC/DR ...

2013-07-11 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
According to Apple Corp., a train wreck is a "natural" disaster ...


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God, grant me the serenity to accept the risk I cannot change,
the courage to counter or mitigate the risk I can change,
and executives at the decision level with the wisdom to know the
   difference - Mim Britt's Risk-aholic Anonymous Prayer
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[funsec] Gun Control

2013-07-13 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
OK, I'll accept that Americans are never going to be rational about restraints 
gun ownership.

But couldn't you at least ensure that the people who own them have at least 
digit IQs?


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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Those who can, do.  Those who can't, schedule multiple hour-long
planning and scheduling meetings...
 - http://twitter.com/#!/DaleInnis/status/132485284972609537
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[funsec] The NSA? Pikers, compared to Madison Avenue ...

2013-07-13 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

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People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment
and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against
the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. - Adam Smith
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[funsec] So, if you say anything, to anyone in Kentucky, about their kids, you go to jail?

2013-07-16 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Kentucky officials say syndicated advice columnist John Rosemond violated state 
law by giving old-school, no-nonsense parenting advice without a proper 

Kentucky says the tough-love advice he dispensed to a reader about dealing with 
spoiled child amounted to the “unlawful practice of psychology” in the state.


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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.
   - George Bernard Shaw
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[funsec] iKnife differentiates normal from cancerous tissue

2013-07-17 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Sounds great.  But, my immediate reaction, upon finding he called it the 
was: is he going to get sued by Apple?

(This is, after all, the same company that kills people if they dare answer the 
phone while it's charging ...)

(Yes, I know ...)

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an
evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil
that they set out to destroy.
   - Christopher Dawson, The Judgment of Nations
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[funsec] One way to deal with drones ...

2013-07-18 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
"Similar to the bounties governments once paid to hunters who killed animals 
preyed on livestock, but only after they produced the ears, the town would pay 
$100 to anyone who can produce the fuselage and tail of a downed drone."


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If you aren't the person to whom this was intended, we beseech
you not to hold the entire corporation liable for the dim bulb
responsible.  Please delete and pretend you never saw it.  Thank
you and have a nice day.  Delete it now.  NOW!  If you don't
something bad will happen to you involving a pigeon.
  - Mim Britt
... and if you bothered to read this disclaimer, the pigeon is
you...- Donald P. Welker
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[funsec] Drones and rescue?

2013-07-18 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Using a smartphone app to let crowdsourcing help out in mountain searches and 
rescue.  An intriguing idea, but it will be more interesting to see how it 
plays out.  
During the search for Steve Fossett, it was felt that the crowdsourcing was 
more of 
a hindrance than a help.

(And we all know how useful crowdsourcing is when spreading reports of new 
computer viruses.  Good Times for all!)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
 Yesterday, upon the stair/I met a man who was not there
 He was not there again today/I think he's from the NSA ...
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[funsec] We know where you are. And where you've been ...

2013-07-18 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
"Automatic license plate readers have proliferated across the US due to a fall 
the cost of underlying storage and interception technology, and some $50 
dollars in federal grant money distributed to under-funded law enforcement 
departments that otherwise couldn't afford it."


(ObSciJoke: A quantum physicist is stopped by a traffic cop.

Original version:
Cop: You were doing 130 miles per hour.
QP: Oh, great!  Now I'm lost!

New version:
Cop: You know we can tell exactly where you are.
QP: That's good.  You'll never know whether I'm speeding.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Frequent advice to Internet newcomers:
State your business, avoid eye contact, leave quietly,
 --and no one gets hurt.
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[funsec] Risk management, once again ...

2013-07-18 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Wait: the way to make sure the plane doesn't burn, is to not have a locator to 
it if there is any problem?




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The graveyard is full of indispensable men.  - Charles de Gaulle
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[funsec] Good News

2013-07-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
We are the professionally paranoiac.  We are the doomsayers.  By nature 
us into the type of work we do) we continually look for all possible problems.

It's occasionally time to stop and remember that things aren't quite that bad 


==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into
superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.
   - George Bernard Shaw
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[funsec] Way to make sure we can't do our jobs properly ...

2013-07-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
We've always had problems getting management to pay attention.  We've always 
had problems attracting (the right) people into our profession.

Now we have to worry about getting sued.  (Either ourselves, or the people who 
get us the info we need ...)


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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
A European says, `I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?'
An American says, `I can't understand this, what's wrong with
  him?'   - Terry Pratchett (author)
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[funsec] Huawei

2013-07-22 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
"Huawei Is a Security Threat and There's Proof, Says Hayden"

However, they are not going to tell you what the proof is.




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 In America, freedom of the press is largely reserved for those
  who own one. - A. J. Liebling
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[funsec] You are here

2013-07-22 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Hope you were waving and smiling on Friday ...

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So what we are generally trying to do is not really Risk
Assessment, but Risk Justification.  We don't want to reduce risk
so much as justify why we are allowing our assets to be so
exposed.- Bill Royds
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[funsec] A virus too big to fail?

2013-07-22 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Once upon a time, many years ago, a school refused to take my advice (mediated 
through my brother) as to what to do about a very simple computer virus 
infection.  The infection in question was Stoned, which was a boot sector 
 BSIs generally do not affect data, and (and this is the important point) are 
eliminated by deleting files on the computer, and often not even by 
the hard disk.  (At the time there were at least a dozen simple utilities for 
removing Stoned, most of them free.)

The school decided to cleanse it's entire computer network by boxing it up, 
shipping it back to the store, and having the store reformat everything.  Which 
the store did.  The school lost it's entire database of student records, and 
databases for the library.  Everything had to be re-entered.  By hand.

I've always thought this was the height of computer virus stupidity, and that 
days when anyone would be so foolish were long gone.

I was wrong.  On both counts.




"In December 2011 the Economic Development Administration (an agency under 
the US Department of Commerce) was notified by the Department of Homeland 
Security that it had a malware infection spreading around its network.

"They isolated their department's hardware from other government networks, cut 
off employee email, hired an outside security contractor, and started 
systematically destroying $170,000 worth of computers, cameras, mice, etc."

The only reason they *stopped* destroying computer equipment and devices was 
because they ran out of money.  For the destruction process.

Malware is my field, and so I often sound like a bit of a nut, pointing out 
that most people consider minor.  However, malware, while now recognized as a 
threat, is a field that extremely few people, even in the information security 
study in any depth.  Most general security texts (and, believe me, I know 
all of them) touch on it only tangentially, and often provide advice that is 
out of date.

With that sort of background, I can, unfortunately, see this sort of thing 
happening again.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Confidentially, your delusion that you are the only sane one and
everyone else is mad is correct, but they *are* in charge ...
- Len Norris (editorial cartoon)
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[funsec] How *NOT* to handle incorrect passwords ...

2013-07-25 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Virgin Atlantic feels that it is a good idea to provide the failed password, in 
text, in the URL when you try for a reset ...

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  Practice random humour and acts of senseless mirth
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[funsec] Unintended consequences of anti-fraud algorithms

2013-07-25 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah



Google's AdWords anti-fraud scanning finds theft of a different kind.

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It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.
  - G. K. Chesterton
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[funsec] Shhh, this information is secret ...

2013-07-26 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

If people think you are telling them a secret, they'll believe you.

(That's strictly between you and me, of course ...)

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Every exit is an entry somewhere else.- Tom Stoppard
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[funsec] (Photo) Copyist's error?

2013-08-06 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Students of the classics and ancient documents are used to checking for copyist 
errors, but a photocopier?


And, of course, you can't trust the machine to check the copy agasint the 
since it will probably make the same mistake every time.

Actually, with absolutely everything in the world going digital, this type of 
problem is becoming inevitable, and endemic.  Analogue systems have problems, 
but digital systems are subject to catastrophic collapse.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience
is mere intellectual play.   - Immanuel Kant
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[funsec] Chilling effect on email ...

2013-08-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Silent Circle shuts down email offering in wake of Lavabit termination:


(I am amused by the statement, at the end of the post, that "14 bloggers like 
 I am quite sure none of them are really thrilled by the posting, but this is 
one of 
the things current social media sites "force" you to say  :-)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
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  If you do buy a computer, don't turn it on. - Richards' 2nd Law
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[funsec] Spies among us

2013-08-14 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

OK, so this is about MI-5.  Do you *really* think the CIA and NSA are that much 

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   There's no place like
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[funsec] Explosive breast implants

2013-08-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Not much detail here, but I'm calling bullshit.  Or, at least, irrelevance.

Yes, I suppose you could put a few ounces of a liquid or gel explosive into a 
implant, but how would you set it off?  Without wires coming out of the skin, 
large radio receivers and batteries (which would leave less room for 
explosives), or 
huge radio transmitters that would look kind of suspicious.  ("No, really, Mr. 
agent, my cell phone has to have this car battery to operate.")

If you were going to go that route, it would be a lot easier to have abdominal 
surgery, and go for the gut, where any person as obese as I am could carry 
pounds of explosives with no problem at all.  And the surgery could be passed 
as gall bladder, appendix, hernia repair, stomach banding, or any number of 
 You could probably liposuction fat and replace it with explosives.  (Yeah, it 
look terrible and probably get infected quickly, but what would a suicide 
care?)  With anyone over 50, you could even insert a detonation switch that 
looked like a pacemaker.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
I walked until midnight in the storm, then I went home and took a
sauna for an hour and a half. It was all clear. I listened to my
heart and saw if there were any signs of my destiny in the sky,
and there were none - there were just snowflakes.
   - Pierre Elliott Trudeau recounting a `walk in the
snow' at a news conference announcing his resignation, Feb. 29, 1984
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[funsec] Bear crossing

2013-08-22 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah



With video.

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CISSP study reference books http://is.gd/uAJdeI
terminology http://is.gd/RkbJoX
links/URLs http://is.gd/2dqWeD
annotated/commented links http://is.gd/FMwem5
blog http://is.gd/h2Sa99
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] Outsourcing, and rebranding, (national) security

2013-08-26 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
I was thinking about the recent trend, in the US, for "outsourcing" and 
"privatization" of security functions, in order to reduce (government) costs.  
example, we know, from the Snowden debacle, that material he, ummm, 
"obtained," was accessed while he was working for a contractor that was working 
for the NSA.  The debacle also figured in my thinking, particularly the PR 
and disaster.

Considering both these trends; outsourcing and PR, I see an opportunity here.  
The government needs to reduce costs (or increase revenue).  At the same time, 
there needs to be a rebranding effort, in order to restore tarnished images.

Sports teams looking for revenue (or cost offsets) have been allowing corporate 
sponsors to rename, or "rebrand," arenas.  Why not allow corporations to 
national security programs, and rebrand them?

For example: PRISM has become a catch-phrase for all that is wrong with 
surveillance of the general public.  Why not allow someone like, say, DeBeers 
step in.  For a price (which would offset the millions being paid to various 
companies for "compliance") it could be rebranded as DIAMOND, possibly with a 
new slogan like "A database is forever!"

I think the possibilities are endless, and should be explored.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us.  Huxley
feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.
  - Neil Postman
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[funsec] YASCCL (Yet Another Stupid Computer Crime Law)

2013-08-27 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Over the years I have seen numerous attempts at addressing the serious problems 
in computer crime with new laws.  Well-intentioned, I know, but all too many of 
these attempts are flawed.  The latest is from Nova Scotia:

http://nslegislature.ca/legc/bills/61st_5th/1st_read/b061.htm - Bill 61
http://is.gd/JR0bjt  Commentary

"The definition of cyberbullying, in this particular bill, includes “any 
communication” that ”ought reasonably be expected” to “humiliate” another 
person, or harm their “emotional well-being, self-esteem or reputation.”"

Well, all I can say is that everyone in this forum better be really careful 
what they 
say about anybody else.

(Oh, $#!+.  Did I just impugn the reputation of the Nova Scotia legislature?)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
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Those who can, do.  Those who can't, schedule multiple hour-long
planning and scheduling meetings...
 - http://twitter.com/#!/DaleInnis/status/132485284972609537
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[funsec] It's ... SUPER-USER!

2013-08-30 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
According to the NSA, "NOBODY could stop Snowden – he was A SYSADMIN!"


a) This will be a great motto for the next Sysadmin day.

b) So these are the new moles?  In order to obtain all intelligence data from 
agencies, all you need to do is get a job as a SYSADMIN at a company with a 
government contract?

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
If there were no God, there would be no atheists  - G. K. Chesterton
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[funsec] Chain confidentiality

2013-09-04 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
This morning I received a chain letter via email.  It's actually been a while 
since I 
saw one of those old standards.  This one contained one of the maudlin poems, 
somewhat more sentimental than most.

But, down at the bottom, after the usual:

"Please do not break this prayer; send it to a friend."

came a slightly unusual ending:


"This message may contain information that is considered confidential and
which may be prohibited from disclosure under applicable law or by
contractual agreement. The information is intended solely for the use of
the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,
distribution or use of the information contained in or attached to this
message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email
transmission in error, please notify the sender by replying to this email
and then delete it from your system."

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
 All reports are in.  Life is now officially unfair.
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[funsec] Olivia gets wanded

2013-09-04 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
A purported children's book is getting a lot of socmed attention:



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A truly English protest march would see us all chanting: `What do
we want?  GRADUAL CHANGE!  When do we want it?  IN DUE COURSE!'
  - Kate Fox, `Watching the English'
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[funsec] REVIEW: "Viral Times", Ron Seybold

2013-09-08 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
BKVRLTMS.RVW   20130107

"Viral Times", Ron Seybold, 2011, 978-0-9850067-0-9, U$12.99
%A   Ron Seybold r...@workshopwriter.com
%C   11702 Buckingham Road, Austin, TX, USA 78759
%D   2011
%G   978-0-9850067-0-9 0-9850067-0-6
%I   Workshop Writer Press
%O   U$12.99 workshopwriter.com 512-331-0075 r...@workshopwriter.com
%O  http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0985006706/robsladesinterne
%O   http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0985006706/robsladesin03-20
%O   Audience n- Tech 1 Writing 2 (see revfaq.htm for explanation)
%P   270 p.
%T   "Viral Times"

This book is a novel.  The basic plot is that AIDS Ultra (a new-and-
improved form of AIDS) and HIVE-5 (a disease that sounds way too much
like "High five!" for anyone to take seriously) have made unprotected
sex just too dangerous.  Instead of waiting for the inevitable to
happen and the population to reduce to those few who *do* take their
marriage vows seriously, someone invents SimSuits and SexNet.  (Of

Jenny Nation (whose name sounds too much like temperance leader Carrie
Nation for anyone to take seriously) invents a computer virus to
infect the SexNet.  But it's also supposed to infect (and kill) the
people who use SexNet.  So, one would assume, we have the standard
canard of the computer virus that infects people (made so famous by
the Weekly World News).

However, this book gets into this (review) series by actually
addressing this problem!  The SimSuits are, of course, supposed to be
full sensation virtual reality interfaces to the SexNet.  Instead of
assuming electrical or electro-mechanical interfaces, Seybold
postulates a kind of yeast-based pseudo-organism as the interface. 
Therefore, the computer virus can force the organic interface to
create disease agents.

(The reviewer must pause, at this point, to wonder how many people
would find wrapping themselves into a slime-lined suit a preferable
alternative to abstinence and/or dying, and to speculate on the
incidence of normal yeast infections that such a setup would cause. 
But I digress.)

The book also postulates that a) drug companies sell nothing but
useless nostrums, b) modern medicine is a fraud, and c) that
homeopathic, naturopathic, and other alternative treatments are the
only effective solutions.  If you have sympathy with that perspective
you might like the book, because otherwise it is rather confusing with
an unsatisfying ending (unless you also assume that the author is
planning a sequel).

copyright, Robert M. Slade   2013   BKVRLTMS.RVW   20130107

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
The one thing that is certain is that anyone who uses the phrase
'outside the box' is as deeply inside the box as a person can be.
 - Michael Lewis
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[funsec] Unintended consequences from NSA ...

2013-09-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
"The biggest shock, for me, was learning that AutoCorrect is, in fact, done 
live by 
NSA operatives infuriated by so much lousy spelling."


==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Fate has no happiness in store for you, unless your quiet home
[times] in the old family residence [...] deserve to be called
happiness.  Why not?  If not the thing itself, it is marvelously
like it, and the more so for that ethereal and intangible
quality, which causes it all to vanish, at too close an
introspection.  Take it, therefore, while you may.  Murmur not
--question not--but make the most of it!
 - The House of the Seven Gables
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[funsec] Risk management and security theatre

2013-09-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Bruce Schneier is often outrageous, these days, but generally worth reading.  
In a 
piece for Forbes in late August, he made the point that, due to fear and the 
trouble casued by TSA regulations, more people were driving rather than flying, 
and, thus, more people were dying.


"The inconvenience of extra passenger screening and added costs at airports 
9/11 cause many short-haul passengers to drive to their destination instead, 
since airline travel is far safer than car travel, this has led to an increase 
of 500 
U.S. traffic fatalities per year."

So, by six years after the event, the TSA had killed more US citizens than had 
terrorists.  And continues to kill them.

Given the recent NSA revelations, I suppose this will sound like more 
but I don't see it that way.  It's another example of the importance of *real* 
management, taking all factors into account.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Book (n): a utensil used to pass time while waiting for TV repair.
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[funsec] The new terror

2013-09-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah


I'm accepting bids for the rights to my new movie: "Jellyphoon!"

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Fantasy is not our crutch, it's arcane.
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[funsec] iPhone fingerprint biometrics

2013-09-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
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I'd be content if my children grew up to think decorating
consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.  - Anna Quindlen
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[funsec] "Undetectable" hardware trojans?

2013-09-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Run for your lives!  Researchers have developed trojan chips that nobody can 
find!  Chipnado!


(Upon reading the headline, my initial reaction is to wonder how the 
found the chips again after they'd made them.  But I digress.)

As usual, the media has overblown it.  The actual paper:
demonstrates a way to modify the operation of an integrated circuit in a way 
makes it harder to find by visual inspection.  Finding the variant 
functionality is 
probably inefficient, but not impossible.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
As the length of the thread increases, the chances of someone
making a pointless and completely off-the-wall comment (purely in
the hope of having his/her/its name in the mailing list)
approaches one.   - rms, named Markwin's Law by MW, 20100615
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[funsec] Snooping and spying is legal

2013-09-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has now given its rationale for 
allowing collection of metadata from phone calls:


(If you want it in a more readable form:
for-why-spying-on-everybody-is-ok/ )

Basically, it seems to boil down to the fact that if you tell anybody anything, 
fair game.  If you make a phone call, you tell the phone company.  If you send 
email, of course, you tell dozens of routers and MTAs.  (If you write a lteer, 
tell the piece of paper.)

So, anything you tell anyone is open for surveillance.  The only way to keep a 
secret safe is to keep it in your head.  (Unless you have multiple 
personalities, in 
which case the government has the right to scan your brain.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
A great deal of Microsoft security is unfortunately just like the
underwear of Brittany Spears.  If it's even there at all it's
needlessly complex and frilly, looks good without actually
covering much and is far too easy to get around or remove
completely.  - dbIII on Slashdot
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[funsec] Online banking insecurity

2013-09-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
I've had an account with the Bank of Montreal for almost 50 years.

I'm thinking that I may have to give it up.

BMO's online banking is horrendously insecure.  The password is restricted to 
characters.  It is tied to telephone banking, which means that the password is 
actually the telephone pad numeric equivalent of your password.  You can use 
numeric equivalent or any password you like that fits the same numeric 
 (Case is, of course, completely irrelevant.)

My online access to the accounts has suddenly stopped working.  At various 
over the years, I have had problems with the access and had to go to the bank 
find out why.  The reasons have always been weird, and the process of getting 
access again convoluted.  At present I am using, for access, the number of a 
debit card that I never use as a debit card.  (Or even an ATM card.)  The card 
remains in the file with the printed account statements.

Today when I called about the latest problem, I had to run through the usual 
of inane questions.  Yes, I knew how long my password had to be.  Yes, I knew 
password.  Yes, it was working until recently.  No, it didn't work on online 
banking.  No, it didn't work on telephone banking.

The agent (no, sorry, "service manager," these days) was careful to point out 
he was *not* going to ask me for my password.  Then he set up a conference call 
with the online banking system, and had me key in my password over the phone.

(OK, it's unlikely that even a trained musician could catch all six digits from 
DTMF tones on one try.  But a machine could do it easily.)

After all that, the apparent reason for the online banking not working is that 
government has mandated that all bank cards now be chipped.  So, without 
informing me, and without sending me a new card, the bank has cancelled my 
access.  ( I suppose that is secure.  If you are not counting on availability, 
access to audit information.)

(I also wonder, if that was the reason, why the "service manager" couldn't just 
look up the card number and determine that the access had been cancelled, 
than having me try to sign in.)

I'll probably go and close my account this afternoon.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Any person can invent a security system so clever that she or he
can't think of how to break it. - Schneier's Law
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[funsec] Last word on iPhone fingerprint scanner and NSA

2013-09-20 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Commentators quote economic studies alleging that market
downturns predicted four out of the last five recessions.  That
is an understatement.  Wall Street indexes predicted nine out of
the last five recessions!  - economics Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] Canadian organized crime conspiracy

2013-09-20 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

(I'll be you didn't even *know* there was a Global Strategic Maple Syrup 

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws.- Plato
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
Note: funsec is a public and open mailing list.

[funsec] Squirrel!

2013-09-23 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Squirrels are no longer content with simply damaging human information 
infrastructure by shutting down electrical power, but have now turned to 
undermining the national security of the United States by tunnelling under 
Minuteman missle silos.

[Smithsonian blog,
8-30-2013] [The Local (Stockholm), 9-1-2013] [New York Times,

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
  '; DROP TABLE prism_data;
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[funsec] 'Surveillance-proof' font invented!

2013-10-01 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Completely useless, of course, but a bit of a laugh.

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One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like
that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.  - George Orwell
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[funsec] Wireless: the ultimate promiscuous network

2013-10-04 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
A clip from the latest episode of "Muroch Mysteries":


(I love "Murdoch": humour, steampunk, and generally good mysteries as well  :-)

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What's most interesting about these ciphers is how robustly lousy
they are. - Bruce Schneier (on the GSM cryptographic algorithms)
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[funsec] Don't mess up your Web people ...

2013-10-07 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

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If you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide from the
giant surveillance apparatus the government's been hiding.
   - https://twitter.com/StephenAtHome/status/344297005616611328
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[funsec] Your right to daydream during boring conference calls is in peril ....

2013-10-07 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

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I stand by all the misstatements that I've made.
  - then Vice President Dan Quayle to Sam Donaldson, 8/17/89
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[funsec] "Identity Thief"

2013-10-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
I really should know better.

Last night, hoping that, in two hours, Hollywood might provide *some* 
information on an important topic, even if limited, I watched "Identity Thief," 
movie put out by Universal in 20013, starring Jason Bateman and Melissa 

It is important to point out to people that, if someone phones you up and 
you a free service to protect you from identity theft, it is probably not a 
good idea 
to give them your name, date of birth, social security/insurance number, credit 
card and bank account numbers, and basically everything else about you.  This 
is provided in the first thirty seconds of the film.  After that (except for 
the point 
that the help law enforcement might be able to give you is limited) it's all 
downhill.  The plot is ridiculous (even for a comedy), the characters somewhat 
uneven, the situations crude, the relationship unlikely, the language profane, 
the legalities extremely questionable.

(The best line in the entire movie is: Sandy - "Do you know what a sociopath 
Diane - "Do they like ribs?"  I know this may not seem funny, but trust me: it 
gives you a very good idea of how funny this movie really is.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
   Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change ready.
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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Re: [funsec] "Identity Thief"

2013-10-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Date sent:  Wed, 09 Oct 2013 12:43:20 -0500
From:   Chester Wisniewski 

> Maybe it wasn't funny because it was so far in the future? 20013 humour 
> can be a touch strange.

a) So, you figure we are devolving, and by 20013 it will be funny?

b) Yeah, I know, I'm the dinosour of infosec ...

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DO SOMETHING!) SMALL) USEFUL) NOW!)  - Bob Bemer's motto
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[funsec] Google's "Shared Endorsements"

2013-10-15 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
A lot of people are concerned about Google's new "Shared Endorsements" scheme:

However, one should give credit where credit is due.  This is not one of 
functions, where, regardless of what you've set or unset in the past, every 
they add a new feature it defaults to "wide open."  If you have been careful 
your Google account in the past, you will probably find yourself still 
I'm pretty paranoid, but when I checked the Shared Endorsements setting page 
( http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/10/15/how-to-remove-your-face-from-
googles-upcoming-shared-endorsement-ads/ ) on my accounts, and the "Based 
upon my activity, Google may show my name and profile photo in shared 
endorsements that appear in ads" box is unchecked on all of them.  I can only 
assume that it is because I've been circumspect in my settings in the past.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws.- Plato
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] Don't use LinkeDin's new "Intro"

2013-10-25 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Just don't, OK?


(Maybe I just should have stopped after "Don't use LinkeDin" ...)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
I clicked without thinking.  That's what using a Mac does to you,
gives you a feeling of invincibility.  - Martin Wehlou, 20061222
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] Online voting

2013-10-25 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time
to pause and reflect.   - Mark Twain
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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Re: [funsec] Online voting

2013-10-25 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
OK, yeah, I suppose it works better if I actually include the URL ...


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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his
audience so they believe they are clever as he. - Karl Kraus
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[funsec] Pinterest autospam (or worse?)

2013-10-25 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

I took a screen cap (no, obviously I didn't slick the link) of something that 
to suddenly show up all over Pinterest this morning.

a) Anyone have further info?

b) Warn those you know who are active on Pinterest to maybe be a bit careful ...

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Don't get me started on intuitive. You know what's intuitive?
Fear of heights.  Everything else we call intuitive took years of
practice.  - Donald A. Norman in RISKS 22.02
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[funsec] Edith Head

2013-10-28 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Today's Google Doodle is in honour of Edith Head's 116th birthday.

She was the inspiration for the "Edna Mode" character in "The Incredibles."

And so, primarily because I love the access control scene:

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
 I feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
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[funsec] Cloudy with a chance of egregious errors ...

2013-10-28 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
OK, we are being asked to entrust our precious data to a compnay that makes 
*how* many errors talking about the history of technology?


==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
A story is not like a road to follow . . . it's more like a
house.  You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back
and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the
room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is
altered by being viewed from these windows.  And you, the
visitor, the reader, are altered as well by being in this
enclosed space, whether it is ample and easy or full of crooked
turns, or sparsely or opulently furnished.  You can go back again
and again, and the house, the story, always contains more than
you saw the last time.  It also has a sturdy sense of itself of
being built out of its own necessity, not just to shelter or
beguile you.   - Alice Munro
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] BadBIOS

2013-11-01 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
In recent days there has been much interest in the "BadBIOS" infection being 
reported by Dragos Ruiu.  (The best overview I've seen has been from Naked 
Security http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/11/01/the-badbios-virus-that-
jumps-airgaps-and-takes-over-your-firmware-whats-the-story/ )  But to someone 
who has lived through several viral myths and legends, parts of it sound 

It is said to infect the low-level system firmware of your computer, so it 
be removed or disabled simply by rebooting.

These things, of course, have been around for a while, so that isn't 
wrong.  However, BIOS infectors never became a major vector.

It is said to include components that work at the operating system level, 
so it 
affects the high-level operation of your computer, too.
It is said to be multi-platform, affecting at least Windows, OS X, and 

This sounds bit odd, but we've had cross-platform stuff before.  But they never 
became major problems either.

It is said to prevent infected systems being booted from CD drives.

Possible: we've seen similar effects over the years, both intentionally and un.

It is said to spread itself to new victim computers using Software Defined 
(SDR) program code, even with all wireless hardware removed.

OK, it's dangerous to go out on a limb when you haven't seen details and say 
something can't happen, but I'm calling bullshit on this one.  Not that I don't 
think someone couldn't create a communications channel without the hardware: 
anything the hardware guys can do the software guys can emulate, and vice 
However, I can't see getting an infection channel this way, at least without 
kind of minimal infection first.  (It is, of course, possible that the person 
the analysis may have made a mistake in what they observed, or in the reporting 
of it.)

It is said to spread itself to new victim computers using the speakers on 
infected device to talk to the microphone on an uninfected one.

As above.

It is said to infect simply by plugging in a USB key, with no other action 

We've seen that before.

It is said to infect the firmware on USB sticks.

Well, a friend has built a device to blow off dangerous firmware on USB sticks, 
so I 
don't see that this would present any problem.

It is said to render USB sticks unusable if they aren't ejected cleanly; 
these sticks 
work properly again if inserted into an infected computer.

Reminds me somewhat of the old "fast infectors" of the early 90s.  They had 
unintended effects that actually made the infections easy to remove.

It is said to use TTF (font) files, apparently in large numbers, as a 
vector when 

Don't know details of the internals of TTF files, but they should certainly 
enough space.

It is said to block access to Russian websites that deal with reflashing 

Possible, and irrelevant unless we find out what is actually true.

It is said to render any hardware used in researching the threat useless 
further testing.

Well, anything that gets reflashed is likely to become unreliable and 

It is said to have first been seen more than three years ago on a Macbook.

And it's taken three years to get these details?  Or get a sample to competent 
researchers?  Or ask for help?  This I find most unbelievable.

In sum, then, I think this might be possible, but I strongly suspect that it is 
a promotion for PacSec, or a promo for some presentation on social engineering.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Hardware has grown following Moore's Law, software seems to be
stuck with Gresham's Law.  - Jim Horning
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[funsec] Happy 11-12-13!

2013-11-12 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
(Yeah, OK, a bit late for the Antipodes ...)

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Intellectuals solve problems.  Geniuses prevent them.  - A. Einstein
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[funsec] Security awareness?

2013-11-15 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
With security awareness month just past, I have been seeing a number of 
attempts at security awareness, most by various security companies.  They've 
been, as many as I've been able to get through, very disappointing.

For example, Eugene Kaspersky (@e_kaspersky) tweeted about a free guide for 
small businesses:

For the cost of you name, company name, country, email address (and your phone 
number, if you were foolish enough to fill in that field) you could download a 
page PDF "Simplifying IT Security For Dummies," apparenlty the Kaspersky Lab 
Limited Edition."  (Actually, although you were promised a download, initially 
got a slideshow on a Web page.  You then had to find a very dim button on the 
bottom of the page, and select the right options, to actually get a PDF.)

There's nothing really wrong with the book, other than the fact that it is 
generic, and presents very little in the way of actual useful advice (and takes 
strong stance against freely available AV software.).  The sales pitch for 
Kaspersky is a rather modest five pages.  The only real danger is that anyone 
would think that reading the booklet would prepare them to do any security 
planning.  If it prompted them to do any actual study on the matter, that might 

But it's disappointing, nonetheless, to see our field brought down to this.  I 
into it in the old days of virus research, when all of us were trying to help, 
were eager to pass along anything we knew to anyone who would listen.  Some of 
that enthusiasm wore off when we finally figured out that nobody wanted to 
 A lot more of it left when Certain Individuals, and then some large corps, 
out that "creating brands" was more profitable than actually trying to create 
security tools.  (I'm actually thinking more of other people when I say that, 
Eugene has never had any problem with self-esteem issues, but he has also 
some useful tools.)

Anyway, just another dull, depressing day in the security field, I guess ...

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Good judgment comes from experience.
Experience comes from bad judgment.
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[funsec] For the CISSPs amongst us ...

2013-11-18 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Yes, I know that not all of you are ertified by, or wish to be associated with, 
(ISC)^2.  You can stop reading here, delete, and go on to the rest of your 

For those remaining: The (ISC)^2 board elections are upon us, and there is some 
confusion right now about whether the main forum (CISSPForum) is a valid place 
for board candidates to conduct or even respond to questions on how they would 
try to influence the direction of the org.  Voting has already started, and 
ends with 

As a stopgap an alternate forum has been created with a charter of doing 
BUT hosting these vital discussions.  If you are a current CISSP in good 
and eligible to vote, there are two things you should do now  

1) Join the CISSP-Elections forum by sending your name (as certified) and CISSP
number to cissp-elections-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

2) VOTE!  Be sure you VOTE!
Not voting is simply allowing the board-nominated default slate to
have your vote.  To be sure you are going to be able to vote, visit
https://www.isc2.org/MemberHome.aspx and log in.

(If you can think of any fora or mailing lists where this information should be 
distributed, feel free.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
  Good, fast, cheap: pick two
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[funsec] Good grief, what *else* are they surveilling ...

2013-11-29 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
How to protect your privacy online.
Step 2: See Step 1.
- http://twitter.com/ChrisPirillo/status/13881888168
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Re: [funsec] For the CISSPs amongst us ...

2013-11-29 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
From:   Joel Esler 
Date sent:  Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:51:34 -0500

> …wait…
> ISC2 does elections via…
> Yahoogroups?

No, that's just the mailing list "we the people" have set up for discussion 
there isn't any other option.

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
   Su cuenta bancaria es mi cuenta bancaria.   - phisher's maxim
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[funsec] Security Questions

2013-11-30 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

Besides the stupidity of some of them, there's another problem  :-)

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace
to society. - Theodore Roosevelt
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[funsec] Well, at least it wasn't 1-2-3-4-5 ...

2013-12-01 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
For 20 Years the Nuclear Launch Code at US Minuteman Silos Was 


==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
This is an age of euphemisms, which means it's an age of lies.
   - Rex Murphy, Laing Lectures 2012
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[funsec] Access vulnerability on Android tablet

2013-12-03 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
I made my first ever "Black Friday" purchase last week.  Staples (for those 
North America, this is a "big box" office supplies store with a large computer 
tech section) had a door-crasher special of a Digital2 brand 7" tablet, running 
Android 4.1, marked down from $250 to $70.  We had to go past a Staples on an 
errand, so I stopped in and got it.

I don't quite regret getting it: particular at that price it is probably worth 
it.  I may 
do a review of its shortcomings at some point.  (Low memory, poor storage 
management, slow performance, limited battery, incompatible with some apps, 
poor file management options, many functions irregular.)  However, I came 
something this morning that indicates a weakness.

One of the oddities is that there is no indication of charging or battery 
unless the 
tablet is on.  So, while charging, I had the tablet on to check the battery 
The indicator icons are on the lower right of the screen on this model, and, in 
order to get more details on the charge, I touched that area.  But I had 
to unlock the device.


Lo and behold, it brought up the quick indicator list anyway, and, along with 
it, the 
notifications.  Prodding at this, I found that I couldn't get into the settings 
proper, but I could access any of the notification messages.  And, once into 
any of 
those apps I had full access.

(This sounds similar to a number of lock-screen vulnerabilities that I've heard 
on various Android and iOS versions and devices, but it seemed to be simpler 
more direct than most.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
My son is not brilliant; he's not genius. Anyone that has any
computer knowledge could have done what Jeff did. It doesn't take
a level of genius to do this.
  - mother of teen charged with modifying a virus - got *that* right
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[funsec] We have met the privacy enemy, and he is us

2013-12-04 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah



(In other news, a US appellate court will start streaming its decisions.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
 Open source software - no walls, fences, Windows, or Gates
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Fun and Misc security discussion for OT posts.
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[funsec] CyberSec Tips: Follow the rules - and advice

2013-12-05 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
A followup to 1-2-3-4-5 (or ):

A recent story (actually based on one from several years ago) has pointed out 
that, for years, the launch codes for nuclear missiles were all set to 
(Not quite true: a safety lock was set that way.)


Besides the thrill value of the headline, there is an important point buried in 
story.  Security policies, rules, and procedures are usually developed for a 
In this case, given the importance of nuclear weapons, there is a very real 
from a disgruntled insider, or even simple error.  The safety lock was added to 
system in order to reduce that risk.  And immediately circumvented by people 
didn't think it necessary.

I used to get asked, a lot, for help with malware infestations, by friends and 
 I don't get asked much anymore.  I've given them simple advice on how to 
the risk.  Some have taken that advice, and don;t get hit.  A large number of 
others don't ask because they know I will ask if they've followed the advice, 
they haven't.

Security rules are usually developed for a reason, after a fair amount of 
This means you don't have to know about security, you just have to follow the 
rules.  You may not know the reason, but the rules are actually there to keep 
safe.  It's a good idea to follow them.

(There is a second point to make here, addressed not to the general public but 
the professional security crowd.  Put the thought in when you make the rules.  
Don't make stupid rules just for the sake of rules.  That encourages people to 
break the stupid rules.  And the necessity of breaking the stupid rules 
people to break all the rules ...)

Posted at http://blogs.securiteam.com/index.php/archives/2304

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It doesn't matter if the cup is half full or half empty.
 Whatever's inside it is evaporating either way.
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[funsec] Opinions/facts on haveibeenpwned.com?

2013-12-10 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Someone in our local SIG raised a question about http://www.haveibeenpwned.com. 
 It had been promoted for some time, after every major security breach of 
credentials, as a place to check your accounts.

I haven't seen any reports of problems related to it, nor does a quick Google 
search turn up any.  There are some kudos from people I would generally trust 
know what is going on.  But I haven't heard any first hand experiences, either.

The site is registered to:
Troy Hunt, New South Wales, Australia
Anybody know him?  From some stuff on his blog, he seems reasonable, but he 
could be a fake with an attachment to the Russian mob and a good command of 
written English, for all I know.

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Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.
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[funsec] Review of "cloud drives" - Younited - pt 2

2013-12-12 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
My major test of the Younited drive took a few days, but it finally seems to 
completed.  In a less than satisfactory manner.

I "synched" a directory on my machine with the Younited drive.  As noted, the 
synching ran for at least two days.  (My mail and Web access was noticeably 
during that time.)  The original directory, with subdirectories, contained 
under 7 Gigs of material (the quota for basic Younited drives is said to be 10 
G) in 
slightly under 2,800 files.  The transfer progress now shows 5,899 files 
transferred, and I'm out of space.

A quick check shows that not all files are on the Younited drive.

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True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than
anywhere else. - Clarence Darrow
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[funsec] Review of "cloud drives" - Younited - pt 3

2013-12-14 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Yesterday I received an update for the Younited client--on the Win7 machine.  
The XP machine didn't update, nor was there any option to do so.

This morning Younited won't accept the password on the Win7 machine: it won't 
log on.  Actually, it seems to be randomly forgetting parts of the password.  
with most programs, it doesn't show the password (nor is there any option to 
it), the password is represented by dots for the characters.  But I'll have 
characters entered (with seven dots showing), and, all of a sudden, only three 
will be showing.  Or I'll have entered ten, and suddenly there are only two.

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but
World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein
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Re: [funsec] Review of "cloud drives" - Younited - pt 3

2013-12-14 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
From:   Steve Pirk 
Date sent:  Sat, 14 Dec 2013 18:03:23 -0800

> Are you going to be doing a review of Google Drive? 

Yup, Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, SkyDrive, and Younited, so far.  I've got 
some others on the back burner after those.

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace
to society. - Theodore Roosevelt
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Re: [funsec] who was it?

2013-12-16 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Date sent:  Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:33:19 -0600
From:   RandallM 

> while we slept, NSA kept our bios safe
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/12/16/nsa_alleges_bios_plot_to_destroy_pcs/

And next they'll say that it can infect computers by transmitting 
over speakers and microphones!  Wait for it ...

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Q: What do you think is the best solution to overpopulation?
Support your argument with examples.
A: The `Hunger Games.'
- www.happyplace.com/3907/unintentionally-inappropriate-
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[funsec] Friday social engineering

2013-12-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

"When women are present or when men are prompted to think about women, 
they act differently, research shows."

"Sex-related cues like these have been found to make men more prone to take 
risks while playing blackjack, to discount the future when making economic 
decisions and to spend on conspicuous luxury items (but not on mundane 
expenses). Typically, the effects are strongest in single men. By contrast, 
studies uniformly report that cues about males have no such effects on women."

Male infosec professionals: don't think about woman when planning.

Female infosec professionals: you can think about anything you want.

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
What's most interesting about these ciphers is how robustly lousy
they are. - Bruce Schneier (on the GSM cryptographic algorithms)
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[funsec] My Choice? No, thanks.

2013-12-19 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
UPS is out to steal your data.  They want you to give it to them.


In the beginning (and you can go back and check the RISKS-Forum Digest 
archives), UPS deployed those clipboards with the digitizing pads for 
And we hollered and said that next they'd be selling databases of signatures 
associated names and addresses).  And they said they'd never do that.  Then 
did that.

If any of you receive packages via UPS that cross borders, you also know that 
they charge exhorbitant "brokerage fees" for doing so, and will turn those over 
collection agencies at the drop of a hat.  (I just had that happen to me again 
yesterday.)  So I heartily second the recommendation to avoid "My Choice" like 
the plague: once they get their hooks in, they aren't going to let go.

(We like the guys at the local UPS Store franchise for photocopying and other 
small office services, but I try to avoid dealing with the central company for 
anything.  Including shipping.)

==  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
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A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
- John Barrymore
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[funsec] Texting via vodka

2013-12-20 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
In an important breakthrough in communications technology, researchers have 
managed to transmit data without using wires. light, or radio waves.



(Please note that this research does not appear to advocate texting while 

(Given that Canadian researchers were involved, one wonders why they did not 
beer, eh?[1])

[1] - Linguistic research [2] is apparently indicating that youngers Canadians 
no longer using "eh," but ending sentences with "right."  Since there is no way 
anyone can call me young, I can continue to use "eh."

[2] - 

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
I agree [that if Mitnick paid dues to society he is entitled to a
fresh start].  And I think the fresh start should be as a used
car salesman or whatever, not a trusted information security
consultant   - Donn Parker, 20090414 #121472
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[funsec] It'll work! Trust us!

2013-12-20 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
The "Northern Gateway Pipeline" (nee "Enbridge Pipeline," and rebranded because 
of violent opposition to the initial inept PR campaign) has passed it's initial 

So we are told, because the Website where the decision was posted immediately 
folded under the load of requests for the details.

It's hard to have confidence in the people building a pipeline, and telling you 
the immense dangers will all be dealt with [1], when they can't even keep a 
Website running.




[1] - There are 209 "conditions" on the approval, most of which boil down to 
"you have no idea what will happen if ..."

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices.- William James
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[funsec] OK, who's still interested in going to the RSA conf this year?

2013-12-20 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
"NSA created and promulgated a flawed formula for generating random numbers to 
create a "back door" in encryption products. Reuters later reported that RSA 
became the most important distributor of that formula by rolling it into a 
tool called Bsafe that is used to enhance security in personal computers and 
other products.

"Undisclosed until now was that RSA received $10 million in a deal that set the 
NSA formula as the preferred, or default, method for number generation in the 
BSafe software, according to two sources familiar with the contract. Although 
sum might seem paltry, it represented more than a third of the revenue that the 
relevant division at RSA had taken in during the entire previous year, 
filings show."




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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to
err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so
experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings
of that precious right.- Mahatma Gandhi, (1869-1948)
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[funsec] TSA's 12 Banned Items of Christmas

2013-12-27 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

OK, maybe a bit late, but you can use it as a self-check coming home from 
for Christmas ...

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
I'm fairly sure Linux exists principally because writing an
operating system probably seems like a good way to pass the
 months of darkness in Finland- Rodger Donaldson
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[funsec] NSA hardware intercepting gear

2013-12-31 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah

I really should apply for a job with the NSA.  I've got all these old files 
from a 
quarter century ago, where we discussed all these things they are doing now.  
they are trying to resurrect the AF/91 virus myth (aka the "Desert Storm" 
which the Pentagon press office once mistakenly confirmed existed), I'm sure 
there are some great ideas in all of our old idle speculations and jokes.

(And, for whoever from the NSA is surveilling my postings, they're mostly on 
floppies, so you'll have to wait ...)

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
All war is deception.  - Sun Tzu
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[funsec] My New Year's Resolution

2013-12-31 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
1920 x 1080

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I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of
fools.  Let's start with typewriters.   - Frank Lloyd Wright
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[funsec] Saving the world from bamboo ...

2014-01-02 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
"U.S. customs officials last week destroyed 11 rare flutes by a respected 
musician who was returning home via New York's John F. Kennedy International 
Airport. But the agency isn't apologizing for the incident -- it says the 
flutes were 
an ecological threat."

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Kill all: God will know his own.  - originally spoken by Papal
Legate Bishop Arnald-Amalric of Citeaux, siege of Beziers, 1209 AD
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[funsec] Accuracy of Internet polls and reviews ...

2014-01-06 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah



"It would appear curious then, with so much public outcry, that in a Dec. 31 
Orlando Business Journal poll asking readers whether or not “CNN’s Blackfish 
documentary [had] changed [their] perception of SeaWorld” 99 per cent of 
respondents claimed "No."

"Sensing something fishy, the newspaper investigated and discovered that a 
Internat Protocal Address (IP Address) was responsible for 54% of the votes.

"That IP, verified by several third-party IP tracking websites according to the 
publication, belonged to SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment."

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
If your protocol is successful, it will eventually be used for
purposes for which it was never intended, and its users will
criticize you for being shortsighted.  - Charlie Kaufman
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[funsec] OK, don't let this go any further, but ...

2014-01-08 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
Just between you and me ...




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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
Prince Edward: You're not singing.
Giselle: Oh.  Oh, no I'm not.  Well, I was just thinking.
Prince Edward: [perplexed] Think-ing...? - Enchanted
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[funsec] Mavericks is safer

2014-01-09 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
No, that isn't grammatically incorrect.  It may be factually incorrect, or the 
correct statement may be that Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks may be less unsafe than 
prior versions.

I updated to Mavericks about a month ago.  It's annoying, on a number of 
However, according to a quick check by Naked Security, Apple seems to have 
stopped patching prior versions:




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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
The network is the last ditch attempt to turn powerful
  stand-alone computers into dumb terminals.
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[funsec] CyberSec Tips - "Computer Maintenance Department"

2014-01-16 Thread Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &amp; Hannah
I got a call today from "James," of the "computer maintenance department."

I suppose this may work better against those who actually *have* a computer 
maintenance department.  Since I'm self-employed, it's pretty obvious that this 
phony.  Sometimes, though, "James" or his friends call from Microsoft or other 
such possibilities.

Just in case anyone doesn't know, these are false, attempts to get you to 
your own computer, or install something nasty.  They can then charge you for 
spurious repairs, add you to a botnet, or mine your computer for account 

Oh, and also, as chance would have it, today I got my first completely 
spam/fraud/telemarketing call: a computer generated voice and voice response 
system, asking how I was, and then, when I didn't respond, was I there.  
would have been fun to try and push the limits of it's capability, but I didn't 
time ...

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rsl...@vcn.bc.ca sl...@victoria.tc.ca rsl...@computercrime.org
If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else
you do well matters very much.  - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
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