Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR)

1999-03-03 Thread Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR)

Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR).
P.O. Box 263E, Earlville, Qld 4870, Australia.
Dear Colleague,
You have been referred to us as someone who is interested in 
global futures, sustainable development, and social justice.

I am sending you a copy of the Global Futures Bulletin (see 
following e-mail message).  The journal is multidisciplinary and 

The Global Futures Bulletin is a publication of the Institute for 
Global Futures Research (IGFR).

Recipient organisations include the World Bank, the US EPA, World 
Futures Studies Federation, Millennium Institute, Intergovernmental 
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Health Organisation, UNDP, 
UNEP, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), 
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Institute for Agriculture 
and Trade Policy, and the United Nations University amongst 36 other 

We would like to send you SIX successive ISSUES of the Global 
Futures Bulletin FREE OF CHARGE, after which you will be invited 
to take out a membership/subscription.  You are under no obligation 
whatsoever.  (The latest issue will follow within 24 hrs).

The Global Futures Bulletin is published online twice a month.

(If you find it is of no use to you, you need not respond and you will 
be automatically deleted from the recipient list at the end of the free 
trial period.  However, do let us know if you wish to be deleted from 
the list prior to this).

We have included a background brief on the Institute for Global Futures 
Research (IGFR) along with the latest copy of the Global Futures 
Bulletin (following e-mail).  We hope it is of some use to you.

Geoff Holland, Director,
Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR).
P.O. Box 263E, Earlville, QLD 4870, Australia.


The Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR) arose out of a series 
of meetings held during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 1992.

The IGFR was established in 1995 as an independent research 
centre to explore urgent global issues and longterm future options. 
The brief of the IGFR is to build a macro interdisciplinary 
perspective by researching pivotal issues in the areas of peace and 
social justice, the global environment and climate change, poverty 
and Third World development, human rights and democracy, 
population, resources, international relations, the global economy, 
science and technology, urban planning, and comparative culture, to 
mention but some of the key areas.

The IGFR produces a twice-monthly journal (Global Futures 
Bulletin) disseminated via e-mail to all its members and 
subscribers.  Members and subscribers include students and 
community leaders, members of various religious affiliations and 
non-government activist organisations, scientific research centres, 
university academics, and senior officials in the corporate sector, 
government policy makers and multilateral organisations, in 76 

The IGFR coordinates an Open Research Program where research 
teams comprising experts and advisers are grouped around 
40 interest areas.  Using futures and other methodologies as well as 
non-methodological (intuitive) approaches, we draw results together 
from different disciplines to identify major trends, global parameters, 
continuities and discontinuities, and use this understanding to generate 
options for the future.

1. development issues, theory and paradigms
2. peace and conflict resolution.
3. climate change
4. energy
5. evolving world order
6. biodiversity and habitat
7. emancipation of women
8. megatrends in technology
9. comparative society
10. implications of globalisation
11. ethnic relations and multicivilisations
12. food and sustainable agriculture
13. international governance
14. Agenda 21
15. quality of life indicators
16. population issues
17. toxic waste
18. urban development
19. global finance
20. transport
21. future generations - ethics
22. water
23. global parameters, scenarios, new dimensions
24. disaster
25. futures studies methodologies
26. history of the future
27. longwaves and macrohistory
28. industry trends, industrial ecology
29. new economics
30. corporate citizenship
31. alternative communities and lifestyles
32. cyberspace revolution
33. global conventions and international law
34. world summits
35. Gaia theory
36. world health
37. world systems theory
38. equity
39. spirituality and religion
40. community development

The IGFR was initially f

Re: Not so fast - reply to "Digital Havenots R US" II

1999-03-03 Thread Tom Lowe

>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>X-Received: 3 Mar 1999 21:37:58 GMT
>Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 16:36:26 -0500
>From: "P.A. Gantt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: Electronic Media Design and Support
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>Subject: Re: Not so fast - reply to "Digital Havenots R US"
>Yes and who do the inter-carriers pass this on to?
>Yes and who do the ISPs pass this cost onto?

Sorry, but that just isn't correct. ISPs continue to be billed as end users
at usual business rates under FCC rules. The order regulates sharing of
expense between CARRIERS. The ISP is regarded as an END USER under FCC
rules, not a carrier. The ruling makes this very clear.

>Tom Lowe wrote:
>> At 10:55 AM 3/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> >The Internet died last Thursday when
>> >the FCC ruled that long distance can
>> >be charged to ISPs for our connection
>> >to the NET via Telcos.
>> >--
>> Not so. I have read the entire text of the Declaratory Ruling in CC Docket
>> No. 96-98 and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No. 99-68 decided
>> Thursday, Feb 25, 1999, and it says nothing about long distance being
>> charged to ISPs for our connection to the Internet. It's solely about
>> inter-carrier compensation for connecting end users to ISPs.
>> For an explanation see:
>> The full text of the Ruling and Notice is to be found at
>Yeah from the FCC spin doctors.
>Talk to the ISPs they are furious!

Maybe there's a big conspiracy sub rosa, but it's not evidenced by this
particular ruling. Maybe there was another ruling that day? Enlighten me.


Noted. Sounds like a hillbilly insult.

Tom Lowe   The tygers of wrath are wiser than
Jackson, Mississippithe horses of instruction.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - William Blake

Not so fast - reply to "Digital Havenots R US"

1999-03-03 Thread Tom Lowe

At 10:55 AM 3/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>The Internet died last Thursday when
>the FCC ruled that long distance can
>be charged to ISPs for our connection
>to the NET via Telcos.

Not so. I have read the entire text of the Declaratory Ruling in CC Docket
No. 96-98 and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No. 99-68 decided
Thursday, Feb 25, 1999, and it says nothing about long distance being
charged to ISPs for our connection to the Internet. It's solely about
inter-carrier compensation for connecting end users to ISPs.

For an explanation see:

The full text of the Ruling and Notice is to be found at

Tom Lowe

Tom Lowe   The tygers of wrath are wiser than
Jackson, Mississippithe horses of instruction.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - William Blake

Open Source, source

1999-03-03 Thread P.A. Gantt

A must read.

Hope for the future

Steven Johnson is editor-in-chief of FEED and author of Interface
Culture: How New Technology Transforms The Way We Create
And Communicate.

Whole Web is Watching by Steven Johnson

P.A. Gantt, Computer Science Technology Instructor
Electronic Media Design and Support Homepage
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=etech
Common sense is not common, and conventional wisdom is not
wisdom. But at least you can have conventional sense. ~~ Daily Whale

Like students, schools, students, individuals can afford this??? ;^P

1999-03-03 Thread P.A. Gantt

Now that the FCC let the Telcos/Cable kill ISPs
Here's what we can expect.
Pay-per-view!!! = $ 

Issue: Digital TV

In a deal closed yesterday, News Corp. sold TV Guide
Magazine to United Video, a Tulsa Oklahoma company
controlled by TCI. With the deal, United Video has
changed its name to TV Guide and is expected to announce
a 10-year deal with TCI to offer interactive digital service
to TCI digital cable-TV subscribers. The service, called TV Guide
Interactive, bundles content to subscribers:
"offers a supplementary package to subscribers
including more channels, extended pay-per-view options, and even music
transmission," Bounds reports. The proposed deal is "broad in scope by
cable-industry standards" and  would attract other cable-TV operators.
TV Guide Interactive is used by 1.5 million subscribers now, and will
grow to 4.5 million when the TCI deal is closed.

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal (B9), AUTHOR: Wendy Bounds]

P.A. Gantt, Computer Science Technology Instructor
Electronic Media Design and Support Homepage
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=etech
Common sense is not common, and conventional wisdom is not
wisdom. But at least you can have conventional sense. ~~ Daily Whale

Digital Havenots R US

1999-03-03 Thread P.A. Gantt

The Internet died last Thursday when
the FCC ruled that long distance can
be charged to ISPs for our connection
to the NET via Telcos.

> ...talks about wireless connections, yet the real costs of doing
> wireless in most rural areas for wide-spread use is also very costly. It
> may be fine to hook up a school or healthcare clinic, but what about the
> small business, home-schooler, or other individual use--

I explained the tangled web of the FCC deceit and the effect of our
connection rates to the Net via responsible ISP connection
along with alternatives the Telcos will control.
Their comments:

o   How can we connect at home to your site and do our work?

o   We can not afford pay-per-view, wireless, etc.

~~ CC students

Note: Some can barely afford ~$19.95 unlimited now.
Afterall, they are working students who must
work so that can afford to take classes.

The move of the FCC and the telcos greed effectively kills
the above access to the above groups and my students' access.

Distance Ed? Dead! Killed Thursday unless consumers and
ISPs get the FCC to overturn the ruling.

Get off dead center! Write, phone, email, scream loudly!
We will not take big business corruption that denies access
to those who cannot afford the price pass on that is to come.

Divide? Try CHASM as large as The Grand Canyon and will get
wider and deeper as time goes on! Prices start at a s'cker
lower rate and go up. We consumers are not stupid. We know
this. My students got it right off.

~~ Digital HAVENOTS R US
P.A. Gantt, Computer Science Technology Instructor
Electronic Media Design and Support Homepage
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=etech
Common sense is not common, and conventional wisdom is not
wisdom. But at least you can have conventional sense. ~~ Daily Whale

The "English Disease"

1999-03-03 Thread WesBurt

To:  Frequent posters, lurkers, and innocents on several mail lists 

Hi Folks,

I was delighted to be welcomed back to list FutureWork by a re-play of my two
year old post "Two Articles of Economic Rights & Responsibilities," posted by
Tom Walker.  The older I get, the more I appreciate such kindly gestures.

Here is a 20 month old post which alarmed a few determined defenders of the
status quo (DDotSQ) on other lists, and hopefully will alarm a few more on
list FutureWork.

Warm regards to all,

>>> Begin 20 month old post <<<
Subj:   The "English Disease"
Date:   97-09-03 16:20:37 EDT
From:   WesBurt

To: Members of Burt's list

Dear Defenders of the Commonwealth:

If you are satisfied with the present trends in our world-wide laboratory of
nations, then you have no need of the technically valid conceptual model of
industrial society recently located at URL .
Read no further and e-mail me your request to be removed from my copy list.

The practical approach to sustainable global governance is to acknowledge the
excessive amount of chaos created by the systemic defect of omission in our
public policy, and supply that defect of omission.   This approach requires
the social science community to develop and promulgate to the public a
technically valid conceptual framework that comprehends the whole system of an
infinite variety of sovereign corporations operating under ONE LAW in tandem
(series) with the human assets of the world commonwealth.  Fig.6, at the above
URL provides that technically valid conceptual framework in which a
reproducible set of capital assets supplies the world market with goods and
services, and, a reproducible set of human assets supplies the labor market
with value-added, in a continuous-flow life-support process.

You ask: What is this "systemic defect of omission" hog-wash?  It is our
nearly universal propensity to minimize our taxes by withholding half of the
public investment we should be making in our developing human assets.  That
is, we babble on about the importance of public education to the future of
every nation, while charging the support of children in our own nations
entirely to the household budget of young low income parenting families, which
leaves one child in seven living in poverty in the U.S..  The immediate effect
of that unavoidable, but randomly distributed, item of fixed cost is to
corrupt the operation of a free labor market for all but gay, lesbian,
celibate, elderly and high income households, which do not bear that fixed
expense.  Here is a defect of public policy that inflicts an obscene financial
injustice on the great majority of the parenting families in every society in
history that has not corrected this defect of omission.  This issue has
nothing to do with whether or not you are capable of loving your neighbor's
black, brown, yellow, or white children as you love your own children.  The
issue is: are you capable of doing 6th grade arithmatic.

We know this condition as the "English Disease" by its symptoms of a volatile
5 to 25% unemployment rate and a perennial 2-3% inflation rate that is
observed in every industrial society that allows the priestly establishment to
claim part of the first Tithe in addition to the second Tithe which is their
due.  Everyone knows by now that the first Tithe is for the development of the
nation's most expensive and important assets, its children.  That is, 5% of
GNP for their education and 5% of GNP for their support.

Sustainable global governance eludes our grasp because people on the Left rail
at the multinational corporations for being too powerful, and, people on the
Right rail at the government got being too intrusive, while both corporations
and government are essential to the general welfare of every Commonwealth.
Having been systematically educated to be ignorant of a technically valid
conceptual framework which could inform their judgment, the Left and Right
surrender democratic governance (that is, control and rule) to THE INVISIBLE
GOVERNMENT, whose ultimate aim, as described in 1962 by author Dan Smoot, is
to create a: "one-world centralized government and make every nation an
official part of it."  

The alternative to such a "one-world centralized system" is obviously "a one-
world de-centralized system" of sovereign nation states under ONE LAW.  The
ultimate promise of making a public disclosure of the theory of such a de-
centralized system, is this:  Those sovereign nations that presently find
their central government trending to become more powerful and expensive, but
less effective, would find it possible to muster enough public support to
reverse that trend by means of corrective actions that have been standard
practice in corporate management since the Bank of England was founded.

A substantial majority of both Left and Right will, I believe, approve of that
part of the FORWARD to the report of the UN Commission on Global Governanc

Re: Beware Happy99.exe worm!!!

1999-03-03 Thread Eva Durant

It's a rather dated hoax, don't you think?
Never post such stuff to other people or lists
as that itself is a spam "virus". Send it
to your server maintenance people - they should 
either complain about it, or let you know if it is 
something real - never yet.


Beware Happy99.exe worm!!!

1999-03-03 Thread Dennis Paull

Hi all,

I have received a message addressed to this list with an encoded file
labeled Happy99.exe. Please do not attempt to execute this file.

I have been informed of a new email virus-like program (worm)that you 
should be aware of. The following description was taken off the McAfee 
web site which is very credible. Please read on.

. dennis


W32/Ska is a worm that was first posted to several newsgroups and has been 
reported to several of the AVERT Labs locations worldwide. When this worm 
is run it displays a message "Happy New Year 1999!!" and displays 
"fireworks" graphics. The posting on the newsgroups has lead to its 
propagation. It can also spread on its own, as it can attached itself to a 
mail message and be sent unknowingly by a user. Because of this attribute 
it is also considered to be a worm. 

AVERT cautions all users who may receive the attachment via email to 
simply delete the mail and the attachment. The worm infects a system via 
email delivery and arrives as an attachment called Happy99.EXE. It is sent 
unknowingly by a user. When the program is run it deploys its payload 
displaying fireworks on the users monitor. 

Note: At this time no destructive payload has been discovered.

When the Happy.EXE is run it copies itself to Windows\System folder under 
the name SKA.EXE. It then extracts, from within itself, a DLL called SKA.DLL 
into the Windows\System folder if one does not already exist. 

Note: Though the SKA.EXE file file is a copy of the original it does not run 
as the Happy.EXE files does, so it does not copy itself again, nor does it 
display the fireworks on the users monitor.

The worm then checks for the existence of WSOCK32.SKA in the Windows\System 
folder, if it does not exist and a the file WSOCK32.DLL does exist, it copies 

The worm then creates the registry entry -


- which will execute SKA.EXE the next time the system is restarted. When 
this happens the worm patches WSOCK32.DLL and adds hooks to the exported 
functions EnumProtocolsW and WSAAsyncGetProtocolByName. 

The patched code calls two exported functions in SKA.DLL called mail and news, 
these functions allow the worm to attach itself to SMTP e-mail and also to 
any postings to newsgroups the user makes.

No Subject

1999-03-03 Thread Cindy

begin 644 Happy99.exe