Re: FW: [Co-opNet] Co-operative work, Linux and the future of computing (fwd)

1999-08-16 Thread Ray E. Harrell

Hi Brad,

Just a couple of points.
1. Like Christians, I basically judged systems not by
their theories but the people of practice them as well
as how much they were left alone in the world at vital
times for their development.  i.e. you can't stomp the
corn when it is a bud and blame for tasting bad.

2. The people at IBM years ago referred to thier system
as corporate socialism.  I suspect that is what this
current system is since someone IS paying the bill


Brad McCormick, Ed.D. wrote:

 Ray E. Harrell wrote:
  Just a question.  Who pays the salaries for all of these
  folks doing free things and giving up their ideas for nothing?
  someone always pays
  the bill.  People do have to eat.

 Very good question.  Sounds to me like a good
 research project for some sociologists!

  Also the first post that ascribed this to communism
  seems strange since that involves committees.  It
  seems more accurately to be a Democratic process,
  not unlike the cultures of many pre-Columbian societies
  here. [snip]

 Two points here:

 (1) Ray's definition of "communism" seems to be
 oriented to what came out of the Bolschevik revolution
 and *called* itself "Communist" while *being* more
 fascist, etc.  If we're willing to give up the word
 "communism" to the Right-wingers, then how about:

 (2) Whatever one wishes to call a *material*
 democratic process in which the workers are
 also the policy makers, I wonder how such a
 process applies to a bunch of *computer
 programmers*, who, in my experience, have
 a vision of human social interaction limited
 by *science fiction*, which, for the most
 part, seems to be very existentially "thin"
 and to have an ideal of a rebirth of feudalism
 in flying fortresses (Star Wars, etc.).

 My guess is that many of the "free software"
 programmers have little notion of any social
 process, and that their vision of a "free software
 community" is merely an epiphenomenon of whatever
 *real* social system provides them
 with computers and pizza (yes, even programmers
 have to eat...).  The present Global Capitalism probably
 suits many of them just fine (Joseph Weizenbaum
 argued that the computer has been one of the
 most powerful forces for social reaction in
 the 20th Century).

 I would like to see technical workers develop a
 richer sense of what it means to be human
 (including what it means to do computer
 programming), and to thematize the
 political nature of what they do (whatever it
 is).  For, as Sartre said: To not choose is to
 choose [for what will happen if persons
 don't do anything to change it].  And, to quote
 from imperfect memory, Joseph Weizenbaum:

I hope that, as the discipline of computer
science matures, its practitioners will mature
also, and that, whatever thsy do, they will
think about it, so that those who come after
them will not wish they had not done it.

 \brad mccormick

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

 Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
 ![%THINK;[XML]] Visit my website:

Re: FW: [Co-opNet] Co-operative work, Linux and the future of computing (fwd)

1999-08-16 Thread Brad McCormick, Ed.D.

Ray E. Harrell wrote:
 Hi Brad,
 Just a couple of points.
 1. Like Christians, I basically judged systems not by
 their theories but the people of practice them as well
 as how much they were left alone in the world at vital
 times for their development.  i.e. you can't stomp the
 corn when it is a bud and blame for tasting bad.

I'd annotate that statement with references to
Lloyd de Mause's _The History of Childhood: The
Untold Story of Child Abuse_ (Peter Bedrick Books, 1988),
Alice Miller's books: _For Your Own Good_,
_Thou Shalt Not Be Aware_, and _The Drama of the Gifted
Child_, Frederick Leboyer's _Birth Without
Violence_, etc.   Not to mention more literal
forms of "stomping buds", i.e., ritual genital
mutilation of girls and boys 

 2. The people at IBM years ago referred to thier system
 as corporate socialism.  I suspect that is what this
 current system is since someone IS paying the bill

Do you have a reference for the IBM dictum? -- I'd
much appreciate having it.  I'll
bet nobody at IBM *TODAY* is saying that!  We've
"progressed" in the past 20 or 30 years, far
beyond such things, into the brave new world
of ever shorter product development cycle times,
longer work weeks, decreased employment security,
greater income disparities, etc.  Why, to
borrow a turn of phrase from Nietzsche's Zarathustra's

 We've invented "twenty-four seven".

 Brad McCormick, Ed.D. wrote:
  Ray E. Harrell wrote:
   Just a question.  Who pays the salaries for all of these
   folks doing free things and giving up their ideas for nothing?
   someone always pays
   the bill.  People do have to eat.

I'd also like to note that the lead article in yesterday's
New York Times magazine was something I've been 
saying for a long time: "The West" didn't do what
needed to be done to help the Russian people after
we liberated them from Capital-C-Communism.  --But then
I've been reprimanded more than once for thinking
that surgeons should have any concern 
about their patients beyond when the patient
is discharged from the hospital (the context here
is wondering what is the point of bringing
people from poor countries here and operating
on them if they're just going to go back to

\brad mccormick

   Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
![%THINK;[XML]] Visit my website: