Title: FW:  Putting on the line - could you do it?

You may have noticed - a little ego here - I have not been posting lately.  Why!  Because I came to the realization that ideas and talk are not going to solve our multiple problems and I felt I had to withdraw and rethink this whole situation.   Tom Attlee, the author of the word co-stupidity which I posted an essay about to the list several months ago is perhaps feeling the same way - as are other groups he is working with.  They finally moved out of their comfort zone in a very big way to make a point of incredible value. (see essay below)

The image now in my mind is Tinneamin Square (sp?) - remember that image of the Chinese man standing in front of the tank and when the tank tried to go around him, he continued to move in front - in essence saying, "listen and respond or take my life" the choice is yours, I am just going to stand here (naked) and you make the decision.

I'm beginning to think that the only way we can slow and stop this insanity around us of poverty, Y2K, the effects of capitalism on the Earth and future generations is to take our clothes off and stand in front of the tank.  Instead of starving us, lying to us, tricking us, decieving us - just go ahead and kill us - we stand here naked before you.

Revolution is not the answer.  Dramatic helplessness may be.  I watch the news and see the people of Serbia, begging daily for Milosovic to just go away.  They are not crying for punishment or justice, they are just saying "Please, go away, allow us to regroup and rebuild and restructure our country."  That is what most of us want - for the existing structure to "just go away" and allow the rest of us to regroup, rebuild and restructure.  Take the damn money you have stolen, just go away.  Perhaps we have to give them the alternative - kill us or just go away, it is your choice and stand there in front of them - naked.


Thomas Lunde
When you think about what you have to do in this culture to get your
priorities straight, it just boggles the mind!!   But it is always
heartening to hear about someone doing it.  I wonder if there will be any
copycat demonstrations elsewhere... -- Coheartedly,  Tom

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:03:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wendy Tanowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [y2k-nuclear] Nudes, not nukes!

Our Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday campaign people were at a forum on
nuclear weapons last night. It was a ho-hum affair until Helen Caldicott and
Patch Adams related
a story about how they had called a press conference in Washington D.C. to
talk about the possibility of extinction because of y2k as it relates to
nuclear weapons and power. No one came. So last night, Helen said, "What
does it take to get their attention? Do I have to take my clothes off?"

Then Patch Adams asked the audience how many would be willing to take
their clothes off. Dozens raised their hands. One of our Y2K WASH
folks called the press, we all disrobed and marched down Van Ness
Avenue chanting, "disrobe for disarmament, and "Nudes, not nukes!"
The SF Examiner and Channel 5 did fair coverage--no frontal nudity, however.
They both get the story right about the reason we were doing this.

This is the story which appeared in the San Francisco Examiner today, 10/4.


       Activists reveal naked truth about nuclear catastrophes

               By Ray Delgado OF THE EXAMINER STAFF

               Monday, October 4, 1999

               50 people march nude on Van
               Ness to draw attention to Y2K

               Some activists get arrested to draw
               attention to their cause. Others scream
               and rant in hopes that people will

               Some nuclear activists, on the other
               hand -- well, they get naked.

               About 50 people who gathered Sunday
               night near City Hall for a conference on
               the potential dangers of Y2K-induced
               nuclear catastrophes ended the session
               with a mass nude demonstration along a
               block of Van Ness Avenue. Desperate
               for press attention for their cause, they
               opted to get covered by uncovering.

               The nude march was led by Patch
               Adams, an activist and doctor who
               inspired the movie based on his
               lifetime of unconventional approaches
               to adversity.

               "Non-violent people like us really have
               so few tools to face a capitalist
               system," Adams told the crowd as they
               uncomfortably disrobed outside Herbst
               Theater in the War Memorial Building.
               "All we really have are ourselves and
               our ideas. Our ideas have not done the

               With those words, the crowd whooped
               and hollered their way out of the
               building and onto Van Ness for a quick
               stroll down the street, chanting,
               "Disrobe for disarmament," and,
               "News, not nukes."

               Along Van Ness Avenue, some cars
               slowed to gawk and others honked at
               the protesters, who cheered in

               The night air was chilly enough to have
               a noticeable effect on some
               participants, but there was no shortage
               of enthusiasm among the participants.

               "I'm glad to be a part of a community
               that is as passionate as I am," said Palo
               Alto resident Carol Brouillet, a
               42-year-old mother of three who has
               written books on nuclear issues. "I'm
               glad my husband's not here. He
               wouldn't do this, but we have different
               world views."

               The conference, titled Creating a
               Culture of Peace for the 21st Century,
               was well-attended by interested
               participants but generated little media
               interest until Adams and prominent
               activist Dr. Helen Caldicott called for
               the nude demonstration. Although many
               ideas were discussed at the forum, the
               main thrust of the meeting was the
               dangers of nuclear accidents occuring
               on Jan. 1, 2000, if computer systems in
               countries around the world crash
               because they are not prepared to handle
               the date change.

               Caldicott warned that some countries
               are unprepared for the Y2K problem,
               and she said too little attention is being
               paid to the dangers and consequences
               of nuclear fallout. Shedding her own
               clothes was not easy, she said, but was
               worth it to call attention to the problem.
               "To be scared of doing something like
               this, which is a little thing compared to
               what's facing us, is just silly," Caldicott
               said. "It just shows that people are
               desperate for this cause and will do
               whatever it takes."

                ©1999 San Francisco Examiner
              Examiner Hot News



Tom Atlee  *  The Co-Intelligence Institute  *  Eugene, OR  *  Walnut Creek, CA

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