>From: "vivian Hutchinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "The Jobs Letter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        "The Jobs Letter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        "The Jobs Letter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 13:08:19 +1200
>X-Distribution: Moderate
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Statistics That Matter from The Jobs Letter No.99  (14 May 1999)
>Reply-to: "The Jobs Letter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Priority: normal
>S T A T I S T I C S   T H A T   M A T T E R
>--- A special supplement to The Jobs Letter ---
>14 May 1999
>G L O B A L  U N E M P L O Y M E N T   F I G U R E S
>Official Unemployment Rates
>SPAIN 18.6%
>FRANCE 11.9%
>ITALY 12.3%
>CANADA 8.3 %
>JAPAN 4.3 %
>C R E D I T S
>The Jobs Letter
>Statistics That Matter compiled by Shirley Vickery
>Editor -- Vivian Hutchinson
>Associates -- Rodger Smith, Dave Owens and Jo Howard
>ISSN No. 1172-6695
>S U B S C R I P T I O N S
>The regular (4-6 page, posted) Jobs Letter costs
>$NZ112.50 incl GST for 30 letters.
>This subscription also includes a free email version
>on request.
>The email-only version costs
>$NZ56.25 incl GST annually (22 letters)
>and usually has an expanded Diary section.
>All email editions of the Jobs Letter
>are posted to subscribers
>on a "not to be forwarded" basis.
>We also maintain an internet website with
>our back issues and key papers,
>and hotlinks to other internet resources.
>This can be visited at
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/
>Our website resources are available freely to anyone
>with access to the internet.
>The most recent three months of Jobs Letter issues,
>however, will only be available to subscribers.
>An e-mail version of this letter is available to international
>friends and colleagues on an "exchange of information" basis
>and on the understanding that the Letter is not re-posted
>to New Zealand... this is because we need the paid
>subscriptions from our New Zealand colleagues
>in order to pay our way.
>Subscription Enquiries --
>Jobs Research Trust, P.O.Box 428,
>New Plymouth, New Zealand
>phone 06-753-4434 fax 06-759-4648
>The Jobs Letter
>essential information on an essential issue
>phone 06-753-4434 fax 06-759-4648
>P.O.Box 428
>New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand
>visit The Jobs Research Website at

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