Dear RF:

Well, you have opened a Pandora's box with this question.  I learn by
reading and observing and making statements which others challenge or agree
with, mostly on Lists.

I have shied away from E Commerce so far as it just hasn't, in my opinion
got a form - a definition and it seemed premature to try and assess what
changes it will make in the Capitalistic Model.  That it will have a major
effect is undeniable.  Will it change work patterns - will we stay at home
and order everything in - can we stop building highways and cars?  Will
being a Courier driver be the growth opportunity for future employment?  I
don't know and in a way, I'm almost afraid to know - things are bad enough
now without doubling the army of the unemployed by making most conventional
distribution systems such as stores and clerks obsolete.  I'm still trying
to figure out what went wrong in the industrial age.


Thomas Lunde

>From: "RF Pearse (716) 475-6010" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Tom lunde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eva Durant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FWD: (1 of 1) Blueprint to the digital economy ;
>Date: Mon, May 31, 1999, 8:44 PM

> Tom/Eva
> How will the new information age models
> (e-commerce - Digital Business)
> affect your industrial age economic models?
> (see attached)

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