Title: Re: From a Cathedral to a "Bazaar"
Dear Michael:

This is a very interesting post.  I participated in Galiganos government
sponsored list re work - sorry I can't be more specific, I have changed
computers and all my files are not easily available and memory fades.

However, I do remember the excitement I felt in being able to input and the
joy of meeting other citizen thinkers who had great experiences and ideas.
The end result was silence from the government.  No feedback - no official
position - no indication of what the experts thoughts were on the
information from the public particpators such as I.  I met some nice people
- in fact I think I found your list through references in this discussion.
I have also participated on a European List re Governance and again was
excited and educated by the participants and again let down that the
official world did not contribute or respond in any way.

Without having read your suggested references, I can only say that I want to
be able to enter into dialog with my government, business and other agencies
in which I have interests and opinions and I will look forward to your
continuing pointing in those directions.

Respectfully from a kindred spirit - by all means let's develop the bazaar
model by becoming active enough to force the "experts" to communicate with
the public.

Thomas Lunde

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