----- Original Message -----
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 4:46 AM
Subject: Why the US blocks Germany's IMF plans

> Does anyone understand this stuff?  Can choosing one IMF candidate over
> another have any effect on the possible demise of the capitalist system?
> Or is this a more abstruswe description of how Mr. Greed operates at my
> expense?
> Comments ?
> Cheers
> MichaelP
> =========================
> BBC Friday, 3 March, 2000, 16:01 GMT
> Why the US blocks Germany's IMF plans
> Larry Summers and Bill Clinton have their doubts about Germany's IMF
> candidate
> Using unusually sharp language, the US government has rejected the
> European Union candidate to take over as director general of the
> International Monetary Fund. The BBC's Rodney Smith explains the
> reasons.
> Whether he stays or he goes, there is one very good reason why the
> United States is rejecting Caio Koch-Weser to head the International
> Monetary Fund.
> There is some personal animosity. US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers
> and World Bank boss James Wolfenson are said to have been less than
> overwhelmed by his intellectual and management abilities, and are
> apparently positively discouraged by his ability to sway with
> argument.
> Caio Koch-Weser at the EU finance minister meeting on 28 February 2000
> Caio Koch-Weser still insists that he is the right man for the job
> However after 26 years at the World Bank, Mr Koch-Weser did achieve
> managing director level, and it takes more than languages and his
> allegedly suave manner to achieve that.
> His World Bank experience may count both for him and against him: For,
> sensitivity to the developing world; against, it also means he's
> unlikely to make the changes many now feel are needed at the Fund.
> Many of the IMF's critics believe this change of leadership offers an
> excellent opportunity to modify the Fund, get rid of the opaque
> practices and dictatorial habits that brought such opprobrium down
> upon it after the Asian crisis.
> Storm clouds
> But that may not be the main thing in the minds of America's economic
> planners.
> Rodney Smith
> Rodney Smith
> They may be looking farther ahead than their European counterparts -
> and seeing very unpleasant storm clouds on the horizon.
> Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan has made no secret of his
> considerable anxiety about the overheated high-tech stock market. This
> has to an extent deflected general attention away from that other
> nightmare-in-waiting, the mountainous derivatives market.
> Mr Greenspan indicates that the New Economic Paradigm is a fragile
> flower, and may be much more unstable than Europe's planners may be
> aware.
> Conspiracy theories are flying
> An example of the underlying tensions is the shenanigans in the
> bullion market. American congressmen are deluged daily with
> conspiracy-speak from gold lobbyists convinced that the Fed - sorry,
> they changed their minds recently, now they think it's the US Treasury
> - has been depressing the gold price in collusion with other central
> banks.
> The trouble with conspiracy theorists and paranoids is that their
> behaviour sometimes masks a real problem. The ridicule they invite
> often obscures the message.
> So it may be with the bullion market. Rational gold miners who do not
> subscribe to conspiracy theories, say they do see evidence that unseen
> forces are depressing the gold price every time it pops.
> There may be good reason why this should be the case.
> Many of the so-called bullion banks, the banks which bought gold
> miners' hedge positions in the days before last October's rude
> awakening, are sitting, like some of the miners, on huge, even
> destructive potential losses if the gold price rises strongly.
> Some experts estimate they may be short 10,000 tonnes or more. You
> know the rule, if you owe the bank a dollar it will sue to get it
> back; if you owe a million it will lend you more because default would
> be too expensive.
> The abyss
> The Fed and other central banks are bound in the same way. When LTCM,
> Long Term Capital Management, collapsed 18 months ago, the Fed
> organised a rescue. The consequences of not doing so could have been
> huge and widespread financial damage as the derivatives house of cards
> imploded.
> The Fed looked into the abyss back in September 1998, and saw horrors
> other central bankers have been spared - so far.
> It's a theme never far from Alan Greenspan's musings these days.
> He takes hefty criticism from Americans who believe he should be much
> tougher with monetary policy - his only real tool - to rein in the
> excesses which are the overhanging cloud of potential fallout from the
> huge derivatives market.
> The end of Goldilocks
> Maybe he should. By allowing America's so-called Goldilocks scenario
> of high growth, low inflation and low unemployment to develop
> unchecked, he is allowing the tensions many see in the US markets to
> reach critical proportions.
> But he is well aware where the real danger lies. He and Larry Summers
> both know that if the storm does break in the US, the tsunami, the
> tidal wave, will soon reach other shores.
> That is when the world will need the help and guidance of the only
> international institution that may still be able to help - the
> International Monetary Fund.
> So it is hardly surprising that Washington is eager to have someone in
> the top job with experience of crisis. Someone with the outstanding
> qualities of leadership the future may require.
> =================================
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