Re: Judge for Thyself Who is Right

1998-09-18 Thread Durant

We are at the stage when we are aware that our manipulation
of the environment may cause its and thus
self distruction; and in the stage when we starting to be aware of
the possibility of manipulating the so far chaotic
and coincidental social/economical structure,
to achieve one that can integrate all creativity and resources
in a manner that is optimal for people's life and for the environment.
Very exiting times...


 You have to explicitly define "human progress" before you can claim it's
 true.  So, explicitly define "human progress", and then tell us what
 explicit measurements tell you that humans are progressing rather than

Re: Judge for Thyself Who is Right

1998-09-17 Thread Brian McAndrews

 Is there progress in science? Is not science a human endeavour? Aren't all
scientific laws, theories, propositions, facts, hypotheses, the product of
human consciousness?

From: Eva Durant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

that is what human progress is about. We are able to learn

"Human progress" is not science -- else it would be explicitly defined and

The belief in human progress seems an attempt to make sense out of our
senseless lives and transcend our personal deaths.

As part of something larger we believe we can live forever and make
"progress", but as individuals, the best we can hope for is a painless


*  Brian McAndrews, Practicum Coordinator*
*  Faculty of Education, Queen's University  *
*  Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 *
*  FAX:(613) 545-6307  Phone (613) 545-6000x4937 *
*  e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]*
*   'Reexamine everything you've been told,  *
* and disregard everything that insults  *
* your soul' Walt Whitman*

Re: Judge for Thyself Who is Right

1998-09-16 Thread Eva Durant

None of your characters are right in this tale;
There is no such thing as absolute freedom (Jesus),
the best way to define it is by e
freely, individually made (continuous,
dynamic) collective decision.
No totalitarian elite - however intelligent -
 will be  able
to provide happiness for us. We can be only
supportive of decisions we understand and 
we were part of making.


 actually, after a while there is enough experience to do it better,
 that is what human progress is about. We are able to learn
 Human "progress" is an illusion.
  Judge for Thyself Who is Right
by Jay Hanson
 Dostoevsky's parable is set in sixteenth-century Seville—at the height of
 the Inquisition. On the day after a magnificent bonfire, in which nearly one
 hundred heretics were burned alive, Jesus descends and is immediately
 recognized. The cardinal—the Grand Inquisitor—has Him promptly arrested and
 thrown in prison. That evening, the door of Jesus' cell opens and the old,
 ascetic Inquisitor enters to confront Him. For a few minutes there is
 silence, then the Inquisitor delivers the most profound and terrible attack
 against Christianity.
 The Inquisitor charges Jesus with betrayal of mankind, for deliberately
 rejecting the only ways in which men might have been happy. This singular
 moment occurred when "the wise and dread spirit, the spirit of
 self-destruction and non-existence," tempted Jesus in the wilderness by
 asking Him three questions.
 First, the spirit asked Jesus to turn stones into bread. Jesus refused
 because He wanted mankind free, and what would obedience be worth if it were
 bought with bread? Thus, He denied men their deepest craving—to find someone
 who would take away the awesome burden of freedom.
 Then, the spirit asked Jesus to throw Himself from the pinnacle of the
 temple, "for it is written: the angels shall hold Him up lest he fall".
 Again Jesus refused, rejecting miracles because He wanted faith given
 freely. But the Inquisitor explains that man cannot live without miracles,
 for if he is deprived of them, he immediately creates new ones. Man is
 weaker and baser by nature than Jesus thought. "By showing him so much
 respect, Thou didst ... cease to feel for him "
 Jesus' last temptation was to rule the world, to unite all mankind "in one
 unanimous and harmonious ant-heap, for the craving for universal unity is
 the third and last anguish of men" He refused once again, and thereby
 rejected the only ways in which men might have been made happy.
 The Inquisitor explains "We are not working with Thee but with him [the
 spirit] We have taken the sword of Caesar, and in taking it, of course,
 have rejected Thee and followed him. Oh, ages are yet to come of the
 confusion of free thought, of their science and cannibalism [But] we
 have corrected Thy work and have founded it upon miracle, mystery and
 authority. And men rejoiced that they were again led like sheep, and that
 the terrible gift that had brought them such suffering, was, at last, lifted
 from their hearts And all will be happy, all the millions of creatures
 except the hundred thousand who rule over them. For only we, who guard the
 mystery, shall be unhappy Peacefully they will die, peacefully they will
 expire in Thy name, and beyond the grave they will find nothing but death."
 "And we alone shall feed them" the Inquisitor continues, "Oh, never,
 never can they feed themselves without us! No science will give them bread
 so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our
 feet, and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'"

Re: Judge for Thyself Who is Right

1998-09-16 Thread Jay Hanson

From: Eva Durant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

that is what human progress is about. We are able to learn

"Human progress" is not science -- else it would be explicitly defined and

The belief in human progress seems an attempt to make sense out of our
senseless lives and transcend our personal deaths.

As part of something larger we believe we can live forever and make
"progress", but as individuals, the best we can hope for is a painless


Judge for Thyself Who is Right

1998-09-15 Thread Jay Hanson


actually, after a while there is enough experience to do it better,
that is what human progress is about. We are able to learn

Human "progress" is an illusion.

     Judge for Thyself Who is Right
   by Jay Hanson

Dostoevsky's parable is set in sixteenth-century Seville—at the height of
the Inquisition. On the day after a magnificent bonfire, in which nearly one
hundred heretics were burned alive, Jesus descends and is immediately
recognized. The cardinal—the Grand Inquisitor—has Him promptly arrested and
thrown in prison. That evening, the door of Jesus' cell opens and the old,
ascetic Inquisitor enters to confront Him. For a few minutes there is
silence, then the Inquisitor delivers the most profound and terrible attack
against Christianity.

The Inquisitor charges Jesus with betrayal of mankind, for deliberately
rejecting the only ways in which men might have been happy. This singular
moment occurred when "the wise and dread spirit, the spirit of
self-destruction and non-existence," tempted Jesus in the wilderness by
asking Him three questions.

First, the spirit asked Jesus to turn stones into bread. Jesus refused
because He wanted mankind free, and what would obedience be worth if it were
bought with bread? Thus, He denied men their deepest craving—to find someone
who would take away the awesome burden of freedom.

Then, the spirit asked Jesus to throw Himself from the pinnacle of the
temple, "for it is written: the angels shall hold Him up lest he fall".
Again Jesus refused, rejecting miracles because He wanted faith given
freely. But the Inquisitor explains that man cannot live without miracles,
for if he is deprived of them, he immediately creates new ones. Man is
weaker and baser by nature than Jesus thought. "By showing him so much
respect, Thou didst ... cease to feel for him "

Jesus' last temptation was to rule the world, to unite all mankind "in one
unanimous and harmonious ant-heap, for the craving for universal unity is
the third and last anguish of men" He refused once again, and thereby
rejected the only ways in which men might have been made happy.

The Inquisitor explains "We are not working with Thee but with him [the
spirit] We have taken the sword of Caesar, and in taking it, of course,
have rejected Thee and followed him. Oh, ages are yet to come of the
confusion of free thought, of their science and cannibalism [But] we
have corrected Thy work and have founded it upon miracle, mystery and
authority. And men rejoiced that they were again led like sheep, and that
the terrible gift that had brought them such suffering, was, at last, lifted
from their hearts And all will be happy, all the millions of creatures
except the hundred thousand who rule over them. For only we, who guard the
mystery, shall be unhappy Peacefully they will die, peacefully they will
expire in Thy name, and beyond the grave they will find nothing but death."

"And we alone shall feed them" the Inquisitor continues, "Oh, never,
never can they feed themselves without us! No science will give them bread
so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our
feet, and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'"
