Re: This nicely sums up the Capitalistic Mess

1999-01-08 Thread Brian McAndrews

 I just finished reading Jose Saramago's novel 'Blindness'. In 293 pages it
describes the mess in more metaphorical images.

*  Brian McAndrews, Practicum Coordinator*
*  Faculty of Education, Queen's University  *
*  Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 *
*  FAX:(613) 533-6307  Phone (613) 533-6000x74937*
*  e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]*
* "Ethics and aesthetics are one"*
*   Wittgenstein *

This nicely sums up the Capitalistic Mess

1999-01-07 Thread Thomas Lunde

A nice little thought piece from Le Monde



 Towards a new century


 As we approach the start of a new century, how best to sum up the
 state of the world in which we live? The United States now
 dominates the world as no country has done before. It has
 overwhelming supremacy in the five key areas of power: political,
 economic, technological, cultural and military. In the Middle East
 it has just given the world a threefold display of its hegemony:
 bombing Iraq and its people without serious cause, ignoring (if not
 dismissing) international legality embodied in the United Nations,
 and enrolling the once proud forces of Great Britain as simple

 But this display of power is deceptive. The US does not have the
 option of occupying Iraq militarily, even if technically it can do
 so. Military supremacy does not automatically translate into
 territorial conquests which have become politically non-viable, too
 costly, and disastrous in media terms. The media now have a prime
 strategic role. As Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has put
 it, CNN has become the sixth member of the UN Security Council.

 What's more, in this neo-liberal age being a superpower doesn't
 guarantee a decent level of human development. The US has 32
 million people with a life expectancy of less than 60 years; 40
 million without medical cover; 45 million living below the poverty
 line; and 52 million who cannot read or write. And the European
 Union, with its euro and all its wealth, has 50 million people
 living in poverty and 18 million unemployed.

 All over the world, poverty is the rule and a decent income the
 exception. Inequality has become one of the abiding characteristics
 of our time. And it is getting worse, as the gap between rich and
 poor increases. The 225 largest fortunes in the world total more
 than $1,000 billion - equivalent to the annual income of 47% of the
 poorest of the world population (2.5 billion people). We now have
 individuals who are richer than whole countries: the wealth of the
 world's 15 richest people exceeds the total GDP of sub-Saharan

 Since the start of the 20th century the number of countries has
 grown from about 40 to nearly 200 (see Pascal Boniface's article in
 this issue). Yet our world continues to be dominated by the same
 seven or eight countries that were running it at the end of the
 19th century. Out of the dozens of states that emerged from the
 dismantling of the old colonial empires, just three (South Korea,
 Singapore and Taiwan) have reached levels of development comparable
 with those of the information-economy countries. The others are
 stuck in a state of chronic underdevelopment.

 It will be extremely hard for them to break out of this since the
 raw materials on which most of their economies depend are falling
 dramatically in price. And some natural materials (metals and
 fibres) are now either falling out of use or being replaced with
 substitutes. In Japan for instance, consumption of raw materials by
 unit of production has fallen by 40% since 1973.

 The new wealth of nations is built on brains, know-how, research
 and the capacity for innovation, and no longer on the production of
 raw materials. You could even say that in the post-industrial age
 the three traditional measures of power - the size of a country,
 its population and its wealth in terms of raw materials - are no
 longer advantages but handicaps. Countries that are large, heavily
 populated and rich in raw materials - like India, China, Brazil,
 Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Mexico and Russia - are paradoxically
 among the world's poorest. The United States is the exception that
 no longer confirms the rule.

 There is an increasing air of generalised chaos afflicting more and
 more countries with economic stagnation or endemic violence (since
 1989, the end of the cold war, there have been around 60 separate
 armed conflicts, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths and
 more than 17 million refugees). It has got to the point where (in
 the Comoros and Puerto Rico, for instance) we are seeing people
 turning their backs on the struggle for independence and calling
 for a return of the old colonial power or absorption into the
 metropolitan country... The third world has ceased to exist as a
 political entity.

 All this gives a sense of the crisis of politics and the
 nation-state at a time when the second industrial revolution, the
 globalisation of the economy and major technological change are
 transforming the world as we know it. There is