-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 5, 1998 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: "collapse" defined + Prigogine

>Just imagine how fast the US would unravel if foreign oil were cut off.
>People in California who have to drive 40 miles to get a loaf of bread
>starve.  Entire cities in the desert would have to be abandoned due to lack
>of water.
>This is why the Y2K issue is grabbing the headlines: one screwup in the
>wrong place and the entire system grinds to a halt.


The following article came of the net a few days ago.  I think it
corraborates Jay's observation rather well.  The only other think I believe
should be noted, is that Jan1, 2000 occurs in the dean of winter for those
of us who live in Northern climes.  Any distruption in power,
transportation, food and heat leaves us doubly vulnerable.  When the
individual officers, who have access to the worst case scenerios start
making investments to protect their families, I think it is time to pay


Thomas Lunde

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 23:04:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: If the military is getting Y2K jitters...


>Further to Jacques Bernier's earlier posting of a Canadian Press release on
>the Canadian military's Y2k preparations, this article appeared in a
>newspaper last week, before the CP article. There is no URL available.
>Halifax Chronicle-Herald August 29 1998
>Military prepares to battle Y2K bug
>By Gordon Delaney, Valley Bureau
>Greenwood - Military personnel at CFB Greenwood and 12 other bases across
>Canada are preparing for the worst when the millennium bug hits computers
>January 1, 2000.
>A plan is in place to buy large new generators, identify buildings as
>human shelters, test alternative communications systems, conduct emergency
>exercises and stockpile food, base officials say.
>"There is going to be a significant impact on military operations,"
>William Legue, deputy base commander and logistics officer at Greenwood,
>in a briefing to media and municipal officials this week.

>The bases have been ordered to have a contingency plan prepared by October
>and begin emergency exercises by the spring, Lt.-Col. Legue said.
>"The threat is from a wide range of problems, from a toaster not working to
>not being able to put food on the shelves in grocery stores."
>Some experts are predicting large-scale power outages and disruptions in
>telephone and other services as a result of the milennium bug, or Y2K (Year
>2000) problem, as it's known in the computer industry.
>Lt.-Col. Legue said the base wants to work with local communities to
>for that ominous New Year's Day. Military personnel have been ordered not
>take vacation or make travel plans around January 1, 2000.
>"We in uniform expect to be extemely busy at that time."
>He advised civilians in neigbouring communities to make sure they are
>self-reliant when the day comes. The base will be able to help local
>authorities if asked but resources will be limited, he said.
>The military will buy more generators to provide power to a few large
>buildings that could be used as shelters if needed.
>Some military personnel, like Capt. Bob Sealby, Greenwood's Year 2000
>coordinator, are buying generators for their homes. Capt. Sealby is also
>stockpiling food.
>"There are going to be problems," he said. "No one knows to what extent,
>you have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario."
>One of my co-workers, who has in the past chuckled at my preparations, said
>that after reading this article, for the first time she is scared. I had to
>make several photocopies of the article for co-workers who wanted a copy to
>take to show a friend, neighbour or family member who they have been having
>hard time convincing that Y2k is a serious matter.

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