FVWM: fvwm quiz

2010-02-07 Thread David Chanters
hi all

i came across this and thought you might want to try it:


it's kinda fun - so thanks to the author for it :)

sorry if this is old news


FVWM: fvwm development - and interview idea

2010-02-21 Thread David Chanters
Hi all

I've noticed a lot of activity with fvwm lately, and was wondering:

- is there a way of improving documentation?
- what's the roadmap for fvwm's future?
- when will fvwm 2.6 be released?

Is there a document to describe this?

Also, i would like to offer the chance to interview some of the
developers of fvwm so i can publish the exchange online - who is best
for this please?



Re: FVWM: fvwm development - and interview idea

2010-02-22 Thread David Chanters
On 21 February 2010 20:23, David Chanters  wrote:
> Hi all
> I've noticed a lot of activity with fvwm lately, and was wondering:
> - is there a way of improving documentation?
> - what's the roadmap for fvwm's future?
> - when will fvwm 2.6 be released?
> Is there a document to describe this?
> Also, i would like to offer the chance to interview some of the
> developers of fvwm so i can publish the exchange online - who is best
> for this please?

i was thinking recent development thats been interesting - i know
there's the history.php page on fvwm.org already

This would be an email interview.


Re: FVWM: fvwm development - and interview idea

2010-02-22 Thread David Chanters
On 23 February 2010 00:16,   wrote:
> Submit patches.

Er, ok. i will try

>> - what's the roadmap for fvwm's future?
>> - when will fvwm 2.6 be released?
>> Is there a document to describe this?
> Look at the TODO file in the source tree.

i saw this, but is it accurate for the current dev work?

> Thomas Adam has been doing most of the recent development.
> Dominik Vogt has probably contributed more than any other single
> person to Fvwm and has become the unquestioned expert.
> Viktor Griph has been pretty active too.

ok - then i will wait and see! thansk


Re: FVWM: fvwm development - and interview idea

2010-02-23 Thread David Chanters
On 23 February 2010 11:11, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> Which documentation?  Something in the man page or larger volumes of
> text, such as random guides/tutorials which are floating around on the
> 'net?  You might want to try and contribute to the FvwmWiki if it's
> nothing too specific and you feel you have something you would like to
> contribute.
i hoped for a tutorial. i will check the wiki then, thank you.

> When it's ready.  I'm really trying to push to get it out the door
> beginning of May, but there's some things still left to do on my own
> TODO list, most of which is already referenced in the TODO file in the
> source tree --- I do make a habit of updating it as I go along.  ;)
thank you - i have read this so will wait patiently.


Re: FVWM: fvwm development - and interview idea

2010-02-23 Thread David Chanters
On 23 February 2010 11:08, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> Ah, I really don't think I can say that I've done much -- I am not
> sure what you'd get out of me personally from some sort of interview,
> so I'll politely decline.  :)
that is disappointing as i recall reading things from you on the
internet about fvwm. but ok. thanks for telling me :)


Re: FVWM: fvwm development - and interview idea

2010-02-24 Thread David Chanters
On 23 February 2010 00:16,   wrote:
> Look at the TODO file in the source tree.

i did this, and have some questions:

- whats the update with the fvwm-convert2.6 script?
- according to the TODO file, the only thing remaining is this script?

whats outstanding with the convert2.6 script thats holding 2.5.x becoming 2.6.0?



FVWM: fvwm stability in the last few months

2010-02-28 Thread David Chanters

i've had lots of issues with stability of fvwm on the last few months
- crashes from loading menus with background images for the menus.

and then today the resize window that usually comes up isnt present -
after i did a cvs update early on this morning

what's happening with fvwm development?  why is it so unstable?  this isnt good


Re: FVWM: fvwm stability in the last few months

2010-02-28 Thread David Chanters
On 28 February 2010 23:31,   wrote:
> David Chanters  writes:
>> hi
>> i've had lots of issues with stability of fvwm on the last few months
>> - crashes from loading menus with background images for the menus.
>> and then today the resize window that usually comes up isnt present -
>> after i did a cvs update early on this morning
>> what's happening with fvwm development?  why is it so unstable?  this isnt 
>> good
> No one here can do a thing unless you report the problem.

ok - well consider these the problems -

-- menus with image as background, when i load a menu with a
background image fvwm dies

-- the little resize window in the top-left corner doesnt show up anymore

this is using the version in cvs - no corefile is ever seen, and
ulimit is unlimited


Re: FVWM: fvwm stability in the last few months

2010-02-28 Thread David Chanters
On 28 February 2010 23:50,   wrote:
> David Chanters  writes:
>> On 28 February 2010 23:31,   wrote:
>>> David Chanters  writes:
>>>> hi
>>>> i've had lots of issues with stability of fvwm on the last few months
>>>> - crashes from loading menus with background images for the menus.
>>>> and then today the resize window that usually comes up isnt present -
>>>> after i did a cvs update early on this morning
>>>> what's happening with fvwm development?  why is it so unstable?  this isnt 
>>>> good
>>> No one here can do a thing unless you report the problem.
>> ok - well consider these the problems -
>> -- menus with image as background, when i load a menu with a
>> background image fvwm dies
> All my menus have image backgrounds.
> We'll need more info.

menuface tiledpixmap wavybg.xpm

>> -- the little resize window in the top-left corner doesnt show up anymore
> The feedback window is configurable option.
> Do you have an "Emulate" command?

no - it was working fine until today.

>> this is using the version in cvs - no corefile is ever seen, and
>> ulimit is unlimited
> If you have a ulimit that is set BEFORE fvwm starts and you have
> Fvwm quiting without a core file, there should be something in
> your xsession file.

it is set _before_ fvwm starts


Re: FVWM: fvwm stability in the last few months

2010-03-07 Thread David Chanters
On 1 March 2010 09:21, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> On 28 February 2010 23:07, David Chanters  
> wrote:
>> hi
>> i've had lots of issues with stability of fvwm on the last few months
>> - crashes from loading menus with background images for the menus.
> Can you run:
> $ hash -r
> $ fvwm --version
> And paste the output?  I am *seriously* starting to doubt at this
> point that you're running a recent CVS version at all.
>> and then today the resize window that usually comes up isnt present -
>> after i did a cvs update early on this morning
> HideGeometryWindow never

hi -

i was prompted to reply to this. i want to apologize for any confusion
caused - i simply had 2.5.26 and cvs fvwm installed and each time was
running 2.5.26 - thomas_adam helped me out and all my problems went
away - fvwm cvs resolves it all!



Re: FVWM: Google Summer Of Code 2010

2010-03-15 Thread David Chanters
On 14 March 2010 20:24, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:16:38PM +, Thomas Adam wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So I am going to raise this now, unlike last year where we only had a few
>> days to come up with something.
> Alas, this year, it is not to be.  Despite my best efforts, I was
> unsuccessful in submitting an application on time.
> I am very sorry to have gotten anyone's hopes up on this.  As they say:
> Better luck next time.
> Sorry all.

what happened? i assume you didnt put any effort in this and you let
it pass you by?

i was looking forward to seeing this grow


FVWM: initialmapcommand with restart

2010-03-16 Thread David Chanters

i see in the cvs changelog for fvwm that the initialmapcommand doesnt
now run on restart of fvwm.

i liked this feature to remind me a restart had happened and that some
windows got "hidden" for free

can i have the old feature back?



Re: FVWM: initialmapcommand with restart

2010-03-16 Thread David Chanters
On 16 March 2010 21:15, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> No, I am afraid not.  Before I fixed it, it was broken.  I can't even think

i dont like this - can you add an option to keep the old behavior?



Re: FVWM: initialmapcommand with restart

2010-03-17 Thread David Chanters
On 17 March 2010 15:53, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> On 16 March 2010 21:36, David Chanters  wrote:
>> On 16 March 2010 21:15, Thomas Adam  wrote:
>>> No, I am afraid not.  Before I fixed it, it was broken.  I can't even think
>> i dont like this - can you add an option to keep the old behavior?
> Sorry, but to revert this would just be wrong -- so the answer is "no".

i find this unreasonable. i liked the old behavior because if i had
put the window minimized when fvwm restarted it wouldnt be minimized

so please revert this - or get someone else to do it if you cant


Re: FVWM: initialmapcommand with restart

2010-03-17 Thread David Chanters
On 17 March 2010 22:00,   wrote:
> The way I understand your request, you are asking for Fvwm to
> un-minimize windows on a restart.

or any window that id used initialmapcommand on - it was useful if id
done something to these windows to put them in their original state
when restarting fvwm

> Fvwm is supposed to restore windows to their previous state and position
> on a restart.  Doing anything else is a bug.

so i keep being told but i think thats unacceptable


Re: FVWM: initialmapcommand with restart

2010-03-17 Thread David Chanters
On 17 March 2010 22:10, David Chanters  wrote:
> On 17 March 2010 22:00,   wrote:
>> The way I understand your request, you are asking for Fvwm to
>> un-minimize windows on a restart.
> or any window that id used initialmapcommand on - it was useful if id
> done something to these windows to put them in their original state
> when restarting fvwm
>> Fvwm is supposed to restore windows to their previous state and position
>> on a restart.  Doing anything else is a bug.
> so i keep being told but i think thats unacceptable

also - why isnt anyone peer-reviewing these changes? these decisions
need discussion - no one seems to do that - why is any idiot allowed
to commit changes like this without discussion?


Re: FVWM: initialmapcommand with restart

2010-03-17 Thread David Chanters
On 17 March 2010 23:16, Thomas Adam  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:10:35PM +0000, David Chanters wrote:
>> On 17 March 2010 22:00,   wrote:
>> > The way I understand your request, you are asking for Fvwm to
>> > un-minimize windows on a restart.
>> or any window that id used initialmapcommand on - it was useful if id
>> done something to these windows to put them in their original state
>> when restarting fvwm
> Well, you could cheat.  If you knew you had groups of windows which you had
> toggleable actions on, such as Iconify and Maximize, then you could make use
> of State to assign those actions, such as:

this works but is a lot of effort for me to do.

can you provide an alternative? or just revert to the old behavior?

i prefer the old behavior
