FVWM: Sometimes one of Claws-mail's windows can't take focus

2016-01-18 Thread David Niklas
I'm using Gentoo
I used the fvwm95 setup script and have focus follows mouse and
I maximize claws-mail and open a compose email window. I go back and do
stuff with claws-mail, switch workspaces, even go to other Consoles
(Ctrl-Alt-F??). Sometimes the compose window does not ever get focus back
the key bindings are still in claws as is the mouse, though the cursor
shows up in the compose window permanently, it's not movable though. If
I open up more compose windows they also can't get focus.
This started about two months ago, I may have upgraded fvwm, claws,
or xorg-server as I use emerge update.
I have rebooted the machine since then.
I typically close claws and then restart it and it works.
Other windows opened in the same desktop get correct focus.
I don't know if this is a claws problem or fvwm so feel free to point me
their way.

Thanks, David

Re: FVWM: [dominik.v...@gmx.de: Removing libstroke support?]

2016-10-22 Thread David Niklas
On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 23:01:00 tho...@fvwm.org wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:57:58PM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 22:55:56  wrote:
> > 
> > Does anybody really use libstroke support?  It's resonsible for
> > quite some hardly readably code, and I suspect nobody uses it
> > anymore.  If there's a need for mouse gesture or touchpad support,
> > there must certainly be some other library around that does a
> > better job.
> > 
> > Opinions?
> Ditch it.
Same here.

Re: FVWM: The Future of fvwm Development

2016-11-18 Thread David Niklas
On Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:13:49 +
Thomas Adam  wrote:

> Hello all,
> For those of you who follow fvwm-workers@ may already know some of
> this, but for those of you who don't, it's worth mentioning what the
> state of fvwm development holds for the future.
> We have been discussing a lot about how we're able to make changes to
> fvwm without breaking it for everyone.  As many will know doubt know,
> fvwm is well-over twenty years old and in some cases it shows, too!
> Trying to bring fvwm up to date with newer technologies, and to even
> make small improvements has a very high barrier to entry, especially
> when trying to maintain backwards compatibility.  Over the years, we've
> had a loyal number of users who have come to rely on a lot of nuances
> and behaviour which we don't necessarily want to take away.
> To that end, the latest stable release (2.6.7) marks the end of the
> line for fvwm2.  This release is unique because it was my opportunity
> to remove all of the modules which I thought were no longer providing
> anything useful (because the functionality no longer exists outside of
> fvwm in certain applications, or because more widely-used modules in
> fvwm provided equivalent/better funtionality).  Indeed, this releases
> also includes a new default configuration.  I hope you find it useful.
> But I suppose it's fair to say that 2.6.7 won't necessarily appeal to
> some of the dyed-in-the-wool types for whom changes is too much, and/or
> cannot live with that really old module which works Just Fine (tm) as
> it is.  Well, that's OK as well, since we also have everything as it
> was before on the 'fvwm2-stable' branch.  So if you want to use things
> like FvwmTaskBar, for example, that's the release you should use.  This
> branch may, occasionally, receive bug-fixes over time, but certainly
> nothing else.
> In fact, I'm not envisaging any further work happening on fvwm2.X at
> all.  So what does this mean for fvwm?  In order for us to continue to
> make larger changes, we need to be able to break backwards
> compatibility and to make a lot of structural changes.  All of this
> goes towards a lot of other changes we'd like to make.  This therefore
> means that we will look at fvwm3 to do this. This will be different to
> fvwm2.
> We're in the process of setting up fvwm3, and there'll be additional
> announcements when this is complete.
> For a reference on the releases, see the following:
> https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm#releases
> Any questions, do please ask.
> Kindly,
> Thomas Adam

Not so much a question as a comment.
Many window managers and desktop environments have tried in vain to create
an automatic menu generator without success, I recommend that fvwm does
not attempt to do this, they break very easily over time.

Also, please retain the win95 configuration script, in fact, they ability
to run a simple script to generate a few different common configurations
is a strong point of many WMs.
