fvwm-crystal 3.7.5 is out and next

2022-02-14 Thread Dominique Michel
Fvwm Crystal 3.7.5 is out.

This release remove the Piperead that was used to load FvwmMFL in
StartFuction when using fvwm3. Need fvwm3>=1.04

Fvwm Crystal 3.7.4 is out.

This release add an extra mplayer parameters preference.
It is mainly useful for IPTV watching to set the cache size of

That will be all for now. I think fvwm-crystal-3.7.5 is one of the best
fvwm-crystal release that just work.

I begun to work on a key bindings preferences system. I think it is a
must have feature for a dektop.

It is a relatively complex issue. To not break the exiting
configurations, it must take in account the bindings files in both
$FVWM_SYSTEMDIR and $FVWM_USERDIR and, from that, generate a new
bindings system using one or more fvwm preferences scripts. For now, I
think about one main FvwmScript to set the bindings and a second
FvwmScript launched when the new binding collide with another existing

As it is many bindings, the main script must separate them into
categories. Also, the Numlock key must be handled.

As I have no idea how long time it will take to do all that, I will
create a dedicated new branch on github.



fvwm-crystal-3.0.2 is out

2022-02-04 Thread Dominique Michel
Version 3.7.2

Fvwm Crystal 3.7.2 is out.

This release is an important bug fix and new features release.

- Initial IPTV support for mplayer.
  From the playlist menu, fvwwm-crystal can download the playlists from
  the internet and will incorporate them into the playliste menu.

  By default, all IPTV categories are supported, but the nsfw
  cateegory is disabled. Its preference file is into
  FVWM_CONFIGDIR/preferences, so that only a sysadmin can change it.
  For the other categories, a preference setting is provided into the
  playlist menu.

- Fix nasty Piperead calls into the mplayer control that could freeze

- Fix the Fullscreen functions for use with fvwm3. That should also
  work with fvwm2 and fix these functions for the browser windows and
  other windows using the F11 Fullscreen mode or similar Fullscreen
  functions - Fullscreen from fvwm-crystal have the precedence over
  what the browser think is best.

- Various improvements, fixes and cleanup. See ChangeLog for details.

Power to the people,
Dominique Michel

You can download it from sourceforge:

Re: FVWM: Restoring keyboard/mouse settings on USB plug

2021-07-26 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Mon, 26 Jul 2021 10:15:08 +0100 (BST),
Mark Hills  a écrit :

> My keyboard and mouse are on a USB hub, powered on/off separately.
> I'm tired of having to manually re-run a script every time I return
> to work.
> Searching gives suggestions to add scripts to Linux udev; that seems 
> totally the wrong layer to me -- it can only be configured by root,
> runs whether X is running or not, and I'd somehow need to delegate
> access to the running X session. I don't run dbus here either. This
> is on simple Slackware/Alpine Linux system.

I would say than the best way is to let X to manage the mouse and the
pointer. As example, I have nothing special for the USB mouse, it just
work, and for the keyboard I have a file

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "evdev keyboard  catchall"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "evdev"
Option "XkbLayout" "ch"
Option "XkbVariant" "fr"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"


FVWM: fvwm-menu-desktop, additional and extended categories

2018-09-04 Thread Dominique Michel

It is several xdg menus in my system:

fvwm-menu-desktop --get-menus desktop
/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/fvwm-applications.menu 
/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-settings-manager.menu /etc/xdg/menus/e-applications.menu

The fvwm-applications menu provide full support for the additional
categories as defined here:


fvwm-menu-desktop \
--menu-type applications \
--all-menus \
--enable-mini-icons \
--theme FVWM_Xdg \
--size 32 \
--title FvwmMenu \
--mini-icon-dir ${FVWM_USERDIR}/icons/fvwm-desktop >
${FVWM_USERDIR}/${MENU_FILE} sed -i -e 's:Module FvwmPerl -l
fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl:A $[FVWM_SYSTEMDIR]/scripts/XDG-Menu:'

The --all-menus is mandatory to get the wanted additional xdg
categories. Without it, the additional categories of the
fvwm-applications menu are missing because several menus provide the
same submenus with identical names but without the additional
categories. But even with that option, the resulting menu is a little
bit messy because if the fvwm and xfce menus are OK, the 2 others are
duplicated (get 2 times all the main categories in each of them).

If I run

fvwm-menu-desktop \
--menu-type applications \
--desktop fvwm \
--enable-mini-icons \
--theme FVWM_Xdg \
--size 32 \
--title FvwmMenu \
--mini-icon-dir ${FVWM_USERDIR}/icons/fvwm-desktop >

fvwm-menu-desktop work as expected: I only get the fvwm applications
menu and get all the needed additional categories, as provided by this
xdg menu (can be found here: https://github.com/domichel/fvwm-xdg-menu)

But in both cases, I get no support of the extended categories as
defined here:

"Appendix A, Registered Categories enumerates the standard categories.
Categories not in this document must be prefixed by the string "X-"
indicating that they are extensions."

I don't know if that issue comes from fvwm-desktop-menu or from PyXdg
on which it depend.

As example, I have several application desktop files like:
cat  /usr/share/applications/lsp-plugins-spectrum-analyzer-x1-lsp.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Linux Studio Plugins Project

# cat /usr/share/desktop-directories/LSP-Plugins.directory
[Desktop Entry]

# cat /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/LSP-Plugins.menu

LSP Plugins



In /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged, I have an electronics menu very
similar to the LSP-Plugins menu, and it appear correctly. The only
difference I can see that can trigger X-LSP_Plugins to be ignored is
than Electronics is an additional category when X-LSP_Plugins is an



If you have a problem and you are not doing anything to fix it, you are
at the heart of the problem.

Re: FVWM: pass on all keyboard events to client window

2014-01-31 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:54:31 +0100,
gator...@yahoo.de a écrit :

> Hi,
> I defined lots of keyboard shortcuts for fvwm. With most programs that
> I use, I manage to either change the keyboard bindings for fvwm or for
> the program in question to avoid colilisions. Unfortunately there
> are rare occasions, where this is not possible.
> Is there any way to tell fvwm to pass all keyboard events to a
> specific client window if it has the focus without making this window
> completely unmanaged?

No, fvwm key bindings are global. What you can do is to change the
keyboard modifiers. As example you can use 4 instead of M, and 4S
instead of MS (4 is the Windows left key or Super_L).

Key F A 4S SomeFunction


> Regards,
> Peter

Re: FVWM: problem with a wireless logitech keyboard

2014-01-23 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Thu, 23 Jan 2014 19:21:06 +0100,
"Dr. Nikolaus Klepp"  a écrit :

> Am Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014 schrieb Pierre Frenkiel:
> > hi,
> > I have a strange problem with a wireless Logitech keyboard (MK330)
> > Everything works properly, but 2 hotkeys, which behave strangely,
> > either on X11/fvwm or in console mode
> > To get the keysyms, I use xev (without programming the keys in fvwm
> > config)
> >- the hotkey 1 gives me the WindowList
> >- the hotkey 5 gives me 2 outputs
> >   d (keycode 40)
> >   Super_L (keycode 133)
> > in console mode, same kind of strange behaviours, with the
> > "showkey" command for any key, one gets 2 outputs. For example, for
> > "a" keycode press 30
> > keycode release 30
> > 
> > for hotkey 1, I get 3 outputs
> > 
> > keycode press 15
> > keycode release 15
> > keycode release 56
> > 
> > for hotkey 5, I get 3 outputs
> > 
> > keycode press 32
> > keycode release 32
> > keycode release 125
> > 
> > I really unable to figure out the origin of these behaviours.
> > Anybody has an idea?
> > 
> > best regards,
> Looks like a macro replay to me.
> nik

Logitech support for Linux is a shame. I am Swiss, all my mouses was
logitech ones, that from the first 3 buttons mouse they made, but not
the last one. The only logitech goods that have a good linux suport is
their webcams, and that only because it is an independent website that
provide full functional drivers for them.

If it is like some high-end mouse they made, and if you have a windows
box, you can try to install it on windows and reprogram it with a more
standard set-up. If you are lucky enough, it will work fine on linux
after that.


Re: FVWM: fvwm-menu-directory: bind to button and configure position/size?

2013-07-19 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:01:46 +0200,
Ryo  a écrit :

> Le 13/07/2013 09:13, James Griffin a écrit :
> > Hi
> >
> > I have fvwm-menu-directory script setup in my menus nicely. What I
> > would also like to do, is have button on my self-configured
> > task-bar (using FvwmButtons, FvwmIconMan, ...) that pops up a
> > window displaying files in my home directory. I'd like to use
> > fvwm-menu-directory, if possible, as I don't have file manager
> > installed and don't really want one and I like the way
> > fvwm-menu-directory works.
> >
> > I use OpenBSD -current and I find that packaged GUI file managers
> > are a bit useless on this system and install a load of libraries
> > and stuff I don't care for. Obviously, when pressing said button
> > I'd want to be able to configure it's position and size, etc.
> >
> > What do you think would be the best way to achieve this or, is it
> > not really possible/worthwhile?
> >
> > Perhaps it could be used  in conjunction with another FvwmButtons
> > instance, such as a panel or something like that?
> >
> > Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Many thanks. Jamie.
> >
> >
> Maybe you could have a look to XFE ( http://roland65.free.fr/xfe/ )
> It is based on the FOX toolkit mainly
> Or you could also dive into fvwm-crystal , if my memory is still in
> good condition ,  someone coded ( dominique  ? ) a file manager with
> Fvwm only.
This is not a file manager, but a desktop manager.
By desktop manager, I mean icons on the dekstop. It have its own
preferences system (contextual menu) and the icons are separated in 3
groups, $HOME, the localized XDG user directories, and the mounted
partitions. These 3 groups are individually selectable, and the user
can bind any file manager he/she can think about to these icons. More
than 10 file managers are supported, even mc, and for the others, the
user can write its own custom commands. 2 different file managers or
custom commands are supported at the same time.

I am working on a new release that will correct a few bugs in
Crystal, and add (u)mount and p(u)mount support to these icons. I have
to make the tarball and publish it, this will be done hopefully today.
(u)mount will be used for the partitions with the user(s) option in the
fstab, and p(u)mount for the not fstab configured USB/Firewire external
devices. pmount-gui is also supported. 

The icons work also nicely with uam or autofs. That way, it is possible
to have a completely *kit free system, which is for me a must have
feature -:) I suppose it will work with a *kit system too, but cannot
test it. If someone can confirm or infirm this, I will really

As an alternative, nautilus and the rox-filer are supported as before,
but I find the new Crystal built-in icon manager is just the best. It
use double pictures icons, which is not bad either. Also, it is
implemented in its own file, so it must be easy to customize for
someone that need it. Anyway, the choice is to the user.

Also, FVWM-Crystal doesn't use fvwm-menu-directory, but have its own
application menu system, which have the advantage to respect the
additional FreeDesktop categories on any distribution, even those which
doesn't take care of the files in /etc/xdg/menus.


"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: New Fvwm-Nightshade release 0.6.5 is out!

2013-06-11 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:29:48 +0200,
Thomas Funk  a écrit :

> Dominique Michel wrote:
>  > $ fvwm-menu-desktop --insert-in-menu menuRoot
>  > Traceback (most recent call last):
>  >   File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 556, in 
>  > main()
>  >   File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 203, in main
>  > menulist, desktop_temp = getmenulist(desktop, menu_type)
>  >   File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 228, in getmenulist
>  > config_dirs = xdg_config_dirs # xdg_config_dirs is a built-in
>  > list from python-xdg NameError: global name 'xdg_config_dirs' is
>  > not defined
> I have guessed it ... you have python-xdg > 0.19 installed, right?

Right, it is pyxdg-0.25

> I have had the same problem on an Arch test system. There was 0.25
> installed. They have changed something but I haven't had the time to
> analyze it. I will look over it at the weekend hopefully.
> Thanks,
> Thomas

"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: New Fvwm-Nightshade release 0.6.5 is out!

2013-06-11 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Tue, 11 Jun 2013 09:30:52 -0400,
Dan Espen  a écrit :

> Dominique Michel  writes:
> > Le Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:38:02 +0200,
> > Thomas Funk  a écrit :
> >
> >> This minor release of Fvwm-Nightshade includes the following:
> >> 
> >> - Localization support for German, French and Spanish
> >> - Tab cycling in both directions with Alt-Tab (forward) and
> >>Alt-Shift-Tab (backwards)
> >> - Included Python scripts work now with Python 2 and 3
> >> - Many Bugfixes
> >> 
> >> It's not a big release but it makes 0.6 more stable :-)
> >> 
> >> It can be downloaded from our website
> >> http://fvwm-nightshade.github.io/Fvwm-Nightshade
> >> or from Box-look.org
> >> http://box-look.org/content/show.php?content=156697
> >> 
> >> If anyone wants to contribute, we need translations for the
> >> following languages: Russian, Italian and Swedish.
> >> 
> >> I want to thank all people who helped us. Especially Jesús J.
> >> Guerrero Botella for proofreading of the Spanish translation.
> >> 
> >> Best,
> >> Thomas Funk
> >> - Fvwm-Nightshade -
> >> 
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I try it with the code from the git. I hope it is in sync.
> >
> > I get the same problem than before with the application menu: it
> > doesn't exist, all I can do is to launch its configuration script,
> > which remain desperately empty.
> >
> > The only messages I get are:
> >
> > [FvwmForm-Form][FlocaleGetFontSet]: (9x15bold) Missing font
> > charsets: ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4, ISO8859-5, KOI8-R,
> > ISO8859-7, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-14, ISO8859-15,
> > JISX0208.1983-0, KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0, JISX0201.1976-0,
> > ISO10646-1 [FNS-BaseSetup][FlocaleGetFontSet]: (9x15bold) Missing
> > font charsets: ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4, ISO8859-5, KOI8-R,
> > ISO8859-7, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-14, ISO8859-15,
> > JISX0208.1983-0, KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0, JISX0201.1976-0,
> > ISO10646-1 ls: impossible d'accéder
> > à /home/dom/.fvwm-nightshade/themes/: Aucun fichier ou dossier de
> > ce type ls: impossible d'accéder
> > à /home/dom/.fvwm-nightshade/layouts/: Aucun fichier ou dossier de
> > ce type
> >
> > I think some additional steps are needed in order to make the
> > applications menu to work. On gentoo, fvwm-menu-desktop is just
> > installed at the same time than fvwm, but no configuration at all is
> > made.
> > I think it can be the same issue with most distributions at the
> > exception of Debian, which have always been talking care of the menu
> > integration in all wm/dekstops.
> >
> > If I run 'fvwm-menu-desktop', it output nothing.
> > If I run the examples in the man page and try other options, fvwm
> > tell me they are obsolete.
> >
> > $ fvwm-menu-desktop
> > $ fvwm-menu-desktop --desktop kde-user --enable-mini-icons WARNING:
> > Argument "desktop" obsolete.  Ignored. 
> > $ fvwm-menu-desktop --type gtk WARNING: Argument "type" obsolete.
> > Ignored.
> Start by trying:
> fvwm-menu-desktop  -v

$ fvwm-menu-desktop  -v
Parameters for creating menu list:
 --install-prefix: ''
 --menu-type:  ''

Start search ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 556, in 
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 203, in main
menulist, desktop_temp = getmenulist(desktop, menu_type)
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 228, in getmenulist
config_dirs = xdg_config_dirs # xdg_config_dirs is a built-in list
from python-xdg NameError: global name 'xdg_config_dirs' is not defined

> then
> fvwm-menu-desktop  --version

$ fvwm-menu-desktop  --version
fvwm-menu-desktop version 2.1

> post results.

"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: New Fvwm-Nightshade release 0.6.5 is out!

2013-06-11 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:56:13 +0200 (CEST),
"Thomas Funk"  a écrit :

> Hi Dominique,
> >I think some additional steps are needed in order to make the
> >applications menu to work. On gentoo, fvwm-menu-desktop is just
> >installed at the same time than fvwm, but no configuration at all is
> >made.
> It works only with fvwm 2.6.6 and only from CVS. the latest snapshot
> is buggy - fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl isn't available there. This
> file creates the config gui. You can test it within a Fvwm-Console:
> Module FvwmPerl -l fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl

I updated to fvwm-2.6.6(cvs), and the menu configurator is still empty
with Nkghshade, but this command work, even if I get no menu in

> >I think it can be the same issue with most distributions at the
> >exception of Debian, which have always been talking care of the menu
> >integration in all wm/dekstops.
> I have tested it on several distributions - Fedora, Arch, OpenSuse, 
> Debian and Ubuntu and on all it works correctly.
> That's right. These are options from the old perl script. Which
> version is installed? $ fvwm-menu-desktop --version
> If it is 2.0 or higher than one thing could be ...

It is 2.1 now.

> Have a look in /etc/xdg/menus. Are there any .menu files especially
> applications.menu? If not than it is clear that no menu appears.

$ ls -R /etc/xdg/menus
applications-merged  kde-information.menu
xfce-applications.menu gnome-applications.menu
kde-4-applications.menu  lxlauncher-applications.menu

electronics.menu  zeroinstall.menu

> These files are mandatory. Without them nothing happens. If
> fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl is available and you see no menu listed
> at the top of the gui ... 
> What output comes with this command:
> $ fvwm-menu-desktop --insert-in-menu menuRoot

$ fvwm-menu-desktop --insert-in-menu menuRoot
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 556, in 
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 203, in main
menulist, desktop_temp = getmenulist(desktop, menu_type)
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 228, in getmenulist
config_dirs = xdg_config_dirs # xdg_config_dirs is a built-in list
from python-xdg NameError: global name 'xdg_config_dirs' is not defined


> Best,
> Thomas  
> -- "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and
> I'm not sure about the the universe." -- Albert Einstein 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013 um 14:18 Uhr Von: "Dominique
> Michel"  An: "Thomas Funk"
>  Betreff: Re: FVWM: New Fvwm-Nightshade release 0.6.5
> is out! Le Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:38:02 +0200, Thomas Funk
>  a écrit : > Hi, I try it with the code from the git.
> I hope it is in sync. I get the same problem than before with the
> application menu: it doesn't exist, all I can do is to launch its
> configuration script, which remain desperately empty. The only error
> or warning messages I get are: [FvwmForm-Form][FlocaleGetFontSet]:
> (9x15bold) Missing font charsets: ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4,
> ISO8859-5, KOI8-R, ISO8859-7, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-14,
> ISO8859-15, JISX0208.1983-0, KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0,
> JISX0201.1976-0, ISO10646-1 [FNS-BaseSetup][FlocaleGetFontSet]:
> (9x15bold) Missing font charsets: ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4,
> ISO8859-5, KOI8-R, ISO8859-7, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-14,
> ISO8859-15, JISX0208.1983-0, KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0,
> JISX0201.1976-0, ISO10646-1 ls: impossible d'accéder
> à /home/dom/.fvwm-nightshade/themes/: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce
> type ls: impossible d'accéder à /home/dom/.fvwm-nightshade/layouts/:
> Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type I think some additional steps are
> needed in order to make the applications menu to work. On gentoo,
> fvwm-menu-desktop is just installed at the same time than fvwm, but
> no configuration at all is made. I think it can be the same issue
> with most distributions at the exception of Debian, which have always
> been talking care of the menu integration in all wm/dekstops. If I
> run 'fvwm-menu-desktop', it output nothing. If I run the examples in
> the man page and try other options, fvwm tell me they are obsolete.
> $ fvwm-menu-desktop $ fvwm-menu-desktop --desktop kde-user
> --enable-mini-icons WARNING: Argument "desktop" obsolete. Ignored.
> $ fvwm-menu-desktop --type gtk WARNING: Argument "type" obsolete.
> Ignored. Best, Dominique -- "We have the heroes we deserve."

"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: New Fvwm-Nightshade release 0.6.5 is out!

2013-06-11 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:38:02 +0200,
Thomas Funk  a écrit :

> This minor release of Fvwm-Nightshade includes the following:
> - Localization support for German, French and Spanish
> - Tab cycling in both directions with Alt-Tab (forward) and
>Alt-Shift-Tab (backwards)
> - Included Python scripts work now with Python 2 and 3
> - Many Bugfixes
> It's not a big release but it makes 0.6 more stable :-)
> It can be downloaded from our website
> http://fvwm-nightshade.github.io/Fvwm-Nightshade
> or from Box-look.org
> http://box-look.org/content/show.php?content=156697
> If anyone wants to contribute, we need translations for the following
> languages: Russian, Italian and Swedish.
> I want to thank all people who helped us. Especially Jesús J. Guerrero
> Botella for proofreading of the Spanish translation.
> Best,
> Thomas Funk
> - Fvwm-Nightshade -


I try it with the code from the git. I hope it is in sync.

I get the same problem than before with the application menu: it
doesn't exist, all I can do is to launch its configuration script,
which remain desperately empty.

The only messages I get are:

[FvwmForm-Form][FlocaleGetFontSet]: (9x15bold) Missing font charsets:
ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4, ISO8859-5, KOI8-R, ISO8859-7,
ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-14, ISO8859-15, JISX0208.1983-0,
KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0, JISX0201.1976-0, ISO10646-1
[FNS-BaseSetup][FlocaleGetFontSet]: (9x15bold) Missing font charsets:
ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4, ISO8859-5, KOI8-R, ISO8859-7,
ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-14, ISO8859-15, JISX0208.1983-0,
KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0, JISX0201.1976-0, ISO10646-1 ls:
impossible d'accéder à /home/dom/.fvwm-nightshade/themes/: Aucun
fichier ou dossier de ce type ls: impossible d'accéder
à /home/dom/.fvwm-nightshade/layouts/: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce

I think some additional steps are needed in order to make the
applications menu to work. On gentoo, fvwm-menu-desktop is just
installed at the same time than fvwm, but no configuration at all is
I think it can be the same issue with most distributions at the
exception of Debian, which have always been talking care of the menu
integration in all wm/dekstops.

If I run 'fvwm-menu-desktop', it output nothing.
If I run the examples in the man page and try other options, fvwm
tell me they are obsolete.

$ fvwm-menu-desktop
$ fvwm-menu-desktop --desktop kde-user --enable-mini-icons WARNING:
Argument "desktop" obsolete.  Ignored. 
$ fvwm-menu-desktop --type gtk WARNING: Argument "type" obsolete.


"We have the heroes we deserve."

FVWM: FVWM-Crystal-3.2.0 is out !

2013-05-26 Thread Dominique Michel
FVWM-Crystal Version 3.2.0

This release is a major update that provide major new features.

I will first thank Kenneth E. Lester, Jr. Which kindly gave me the
permission to use his icons. His original and beautiful work can be
find at http://www.five-star.com/icons.htm

- The Thunar desktop manager was renamed to FVWM-Crystal desktop
  manager. It provide desktop icons in 3 groups, which can be
  shown/hidden on the fly:
  - $HOME, - the XDG user directories and - the mounted partitions.
  Support for more mount points was fixed. 
  It is a full rewrite from the scratch. The icons are grouped into a
  fully transparent button, which make them both much more stable on
  the screen and fully integrated into FVWM. The user can select the
  icon actions between a list of file managers or set its own custom
  commands. It make an extensive use of Kenneth's 2 images icons.

- Other Kenneth's icons was introduced into the Preference menu and
  the Music menu.

- An icon from Cuba is introduced into the Preferences menu.

- New Geometry preference: let you select and apply on the fly the
  number of desktop pages

- Added automatic hotkey support in the menus.

- 2 new recipes: LapLeft and LapRight. They are both a replacement for
  the FullScreen recipe which was removed, and well suited for modern
  wide screens.

- Improved the Font Selector.

- Fixed the synchronization and the flaky of the Expose clone, and made
  it available via "Alt + E".

- New Bling bling function. Original idea from gronono on the gentoo

- The "Left click" menu can be enabled from the Preferences menu for all
- The Music menu is available in all recipes.

- Ported the documentation to asciidoc. Added fvwm-crystal man page.
  See also http://fvwm-crystal.sourceforge.net/documentation.html

- Added the contributors into the About form.

- Make the desktop and xsession files to be installed by default.

- And the usual bug fixes, including a fix for the clock not being
  located in its button at initial startup on a new installation.
  Thanks to Thomas Funk for reporting that and other issues.

See ChangeLog for details.



"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: Very strange binding issue

2013-05-13 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Mon, 13 May 2013 10:24:43 -0400,
Dan Espen  a écrit :

> Dominique Michel  writes:
> > With fvwm-crystal, I get a very strange issue. 
> >
> > Key KP_multiply A M
> >
> > is assigned to the Fullscreen function. When Numpad is on and I
> > press this key combination, I get a lot of garbage on the console,
> > when the console have the focus. By examining this garbage, it
> > appear it is the result of 'ls /usr/bin', but on one huge line with
> > only the filenames separated by the space character.
> >
> > How can such a thing be possible?
> Doesn't sound like Fvwm.
> It sounds like your console is programmed to behave that way.
> Which console is this and does it have special key bindings?

It is urxvt. And you are right. I done more search, and find in urxvt
FAQ, that some Debian users have similar problems. But the proposed
answer didn't work for me. I done more search and rtfm. After some try
and retry, I was able reassign this binding in ~/.Xdefaults:

URxvt.keysym.M-N-KP_Multiply: command:

Now, I can even assign this binding in fvwm and it work.
I did send a mail to urxvt author with my solution, so he can
eventually update the FAQ.

"We have the heroes we deserve."

FVWM: Very strange binding issue

2013-05-13 Thread Dominique Michel
With fvwm-crystal, I get a very strange issue. 

Key KP_multiply A M

is assigned to the Fullscreen function. When Numpad is on and I press
this key combination, I get a lot of garbage on the console, when the
console have the focus. By examining this garbage, it appear it is the
result of 'ls /usr/bin', but on one huge line with only the filenames
separated by the space character.

How can such a thing be possible?


"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: firefox and fullscreen video stream

2013-05-09 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Thu, 9 May 2013 14:37:56 +0100,
Thomas Adam  a écrit :

> On 9 May 2013 14:11, Dominique Michel 
> wrote:
> > If I put a fvwm-button at the top of the video, the video remain in
> > fullscreen, but if I put another application at the top of the
> > video, firefox switch the video at its normal size.
> >
> > Is it some style option I can use for firefox in order to prevent
> > it to switch back the video in their normal size when another
> > window is bring at the top?
> You can certainly capture the class of the video and set that to a
> higher layer, although more than likely you're running up against the
> fact that the flash window when it loses focus, it reverts to its
> original size.
> -- Thomas Adam

Thank you,

in the main time, I find another solution. It look like to be a wrong
preference default setting in firefox, and it is an open bug about
this: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=724554

In short, "full-screen-api.exit-on-deactivate" must be set to false in


"We have the heroes we deserve."


2013-05-08 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Tue, 7 May 2013 22:59:32 + (UTC),
John Faucett  a écrit :

> We have displays with multiple monitors and multiple NVIDIA cards.
> When Firefox displays a page with  widgets and something is
> entered into the widget, then X11 hangs or crashes.  This doesn't
> happen if there is only one NVIDIA card being used or if a window
> manager other than FVWM is used. It also seems to be independent of
> the driver (NIVIDIA-supplied or elrepo, for example).  Any ideas on
> how to fix this?

Get a core file of a crash and inspect it with gdb.


"We have the heroes we deserve."

FVWM-Crystal-3.1.7 is out

2013-04-30 Thread Dominique Michel
Finally, we get a new FVWM-Crystal release. 

So many bug fixes and improvements have been done, that even if it is
still much to do, I make this 3.1.7 release.

Version 3.1.7
A long wanted release that provide both new features and bug fixes.

- Font and Font Size preferences. That's a big change!

- Full rewrite and debugging of the different maximize functions,
  including the full-screened mode. Fullscreen have been extended with
  a Disapear function, which give us one of the best feature of the
  Amiga OS, the ability to flow trough the full-screened applications
  and the workbench (dekstop). 
  See that as another way to cycle trough desktop space. A new Minimize
  is includded as well. It will reduce the window size.

 - The Amiga recipe is almost fully rewritten. It provide a double top
   bar that is more AmigaOS like (mac users will like it too). The
   notification area is moved near the media button. The swallowing of
   the trayer application is fixed. The buttons at the bottom are now
   in a range, with the possibility to show only some of them.

-  NumLock Fix for the focus policies. The NumLonk interferences on the
   Amiga, FVWM-Crystal with raise and MSWindow focus policy styles
   should be history now.

- New Wing-Commander recipe by Peter McConnell. Nice and functional. 

- New Fullscreen recipe. A work in progress but still usable, if you
  like to have nothing but a big diamond on your desk.

- A lot of style loading order fixes. The FvwmForm and FvwmIdent
  windows doesn't need anymore a restart to be readable.

 - A few new colorsets and windows decorations. 

- The mixer controls are moved into an unique file.

- Music controls in 2 parts, 1 file for the common functions of the
  players, and one file per player for their specific functions.

- Media preferences moved to the media button or menu.

- Unified media button with recipes that support it. (That change
  nothing for the user, that's just an experimentation for button
  implementation into the recipes)

- The MPlayer control use now dvdnav. DVB support and capture of
  MPEG sources have been added. Capture use the standard MPlayer "c"

- Some environment variables, including some preferences, have
  been converted to the new InfoStore FVWM variables. FVWM-Crystal
  will check the user preferences and convert them when needed at
  startup. Still a lot more to do here.

- FVWM versions older than 2.6.5 are not supported any more.

- Launch of Info browser using xemacs, tkinfo or pinfo from the
   developer menu.

- Fixed the icon generation of fvwm-crystal.generate-menu. Some of the
  icons was producing libpng warnings at stderr.

- Dropped habak support, which produced X BadValue Errors at restart,
  in favor of feh. As feh is huge, hsetroot is now the first available
  choice. For a complete list of the changes, please read the ChangeLog

And yes, I forget stuffs. So, read the README and INSTALL file as well.

You can download FVWM-Crystal 3.1.7 at


"We have the heroes we deserve."

FVWM: infostore and Test condition

2013-04-08 Thread Dominique Michel

I try to convert as much environment variables as possible to infostore
in fvwm-crystal.

But I didn't find any way to use the infostore variables in a Test
command with fvwm-2.6.5.

Test (EnvMatch myvariable value) command

work, but

Test (EnvMatch infostore.myvariable value) command

did not work.

In order to make the infostore fully useful, it would be great if an
InfoStoreMatch condition could be added to the Test command. Or
something like that.

I try to use PipeRead like

PipeRead 'if [ $[infostore.myvariable] == value ] ; then echo
SomeFvwmCommand ; fi'

and it work fine, but that imply a lot more modifications to do. And it
can be slower, I don't know.


"We have the heroes we deserve."

FVWM: ClickToFocus, IgnoreModifier and mplayer

2012-05-24 Thread Dominique Michel
With a click to focus without raise policy, I get a very irritating
problem: when it is 2 windows on the screen and numlock is on, the only
possibility to shift the focus to the unfocused window with the mouse
is to put numlock to off.

The solution explained into the FAQ is not a solution for me, I need
the NumLock feature of my keyboard.

I try to put 'IgnoreMidifiers 2' at the beginning of my fvwm-crystal
configuration and my click to focus policy seam to work very
well. But I get another issue: I cannot change the volume in mplayer
with the - of the numeric keypad. Numlock must be on for that, and it
look like fvwm ignore the numlock not only for its own bindings, but
also that it interfere with the bindings of other programs.

With 'IgnoreModifiers' without argument, or without IgnoreModifier, I
can change the volume in mplayer, when it have the focus and with the
same key binding: NumLock to on and '-'.

With focus follow mouse, I don't get this issue. With xfce4
and a click to focus policy, I don't get this issue.

Here is the click to focus without raise policy I use:

Style * !FPEnterToFocus, !FPLeaveToUnfocus, FPClickToFocus,
Style * !FPClickRaisesFocused, FPClickDecorRaisesFocused
Style * FPAllowRaiseClickFunction, FPAllowFocusClickFunction
Style * FPFocusByProgram,
FPFocusByFunction, !FPFocusByFunctionWarpPointer
Style * FPGrabFocus, FPGrabFocusTransient
Style * FPReleaseFocus, FPReleaseFocusTransient


"We have the heroes we deserve."

Re: FVWM: $PATH in Test x

2012-05-02 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Tue, 1 May 2012 21:28:48 +0100,
Thomas Adam  a écrit :

> On 1 May 2012 20:46, Jaimos F Skriletz
>  wrote:
> > On 05/01/2012 12:53 PM, Dominique Michel wrote:
> >>
> >> A very common way to write $HOME in a path is with ~
> >>
> >> With "PATH="~/bin:$PATH" into ~/.bash_profile, I get only the first
> >> menu line on the screen.
> >> With "PATH="/home/dom/bin:$PATH" into ~/.bash_profile, I get the 2
> >> menu lines on the screen.
> >>
> >> It look like the "Test (x xdradio) ..." work only in the first
> >> case. Is it a bug in fvwm or somewhere else, or some obscure and
> >> wanted stuff I am not aware of?
> >
> > It is an issue with the shell, and how it expands special
> > characters. When the shell encounters an Env Variable or a special
> > character like ~, *, !, etc it exapnds it based on the rules of the
> > character.
> Not for the Test command, it isn't.  This doesn't have anything to do
> with the shell or the quoting problems you'd find there.  And
> actually, this is inherent in the environment FVWM is using for
> itself, not in ~/.bash_profile, which unless sourced before FVWM
> starts, might not have the same PATH set as interactive shells.

On gentoo, ~/.bash_profile is sourced one time at login and $PATH is
the same than for the interactive shells (if it is not defined
differently into ~/.bashrc for the laters). After the login, I start
fvwm with startx. So, it is sourced before fvwm starts, and as Jaimos
pointed out, the ~ is not expanded by the shell.

Anyway, I will stop to use ~ in my config and use $HOME instead.


FVWM: $PATH in Test x

2012-05-01 Thread Dominique Michel
A very common way to write $HOME in a path is with ~

I have the following functions:

DestroyFunc Music-Start
AddToFunc Music-Start
+ I Exec exec $0

DestroyMenu /Music/Start
AddToMenu /Music/Start
+ '$[gt.Start MPlayer]' Music-Start "mplayer -slave -idle -input
Test (x xdradio) + '$[gt.Start XDRadio]' Music-Start "xdradio"

The xdradio file is into ~/bin and I start fvwm with startx.

With "PATH="~/bin:$PATH" into ~/.bash_profile, I get only the first
menu line on the screen.
With "PATH="/home/dom/bin:$PATH" into ~/.bash_profile, I get the 2
menu lines on the screen.

It look like the "Test (x xdradio) ..." work only in the first case.
Is it a bug in fvwm or somewhere else, or some obscure and wanted stuff
I am not aware of?


Re: FVWM: My previous mail seems not to have bounced, so here is the problem

2008-05-05 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Sun, 4 May 2008 22:05:34 +0100,
"Thomas Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> On 04/05/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [...]
> >  If you think this problem is cured in 2.4.25, I am glad to try it. But I
> > bet it is not. The problem is as I said one of those weird problems that I
> But this doesn't have anything to do with FVWM.  OK, I am not using
> Slackware, but neither can I reproduce it, and I can't say I am
> surprised.  There is nothing inherently weird in starting a termina,
> typing in su and then for it to mangle your bindings.
> It's -possible- it's something to do with XTerm, such as settings for
> its resource for thing like:
> eightBitInput
> eightBitControl
> And you perhaps not having set:
> XTerm*metaSendsEscape:  true
> In your ~/.Xdefaults --- but this would explain really why you see
> this when you su.
> -- Thomas Adam

Another issue with su is that it can do some weird things with the path.
Something like you have the root permissions but still the $PATH of the user
that launched the su. Because of that, I always issue 'su -'. That give me the
real root environment.

Dominique Michel

Mes 3 projets préférés auxquels je contribue:
 * FVWM-Crystal, le bureau basé sur FVWM:
 * AlsaPlayer, le lecteur audio avec contrôle de vitesse en continu:
 * L'overlay pour la MAO sous gentoo:

Re: FVWM: acrobat/adobe reader, firefox and FVWM

2008-04-10 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Thu, 10 Apr 2008 10:53:03 +0200 (CEST),
Lucio Chiappetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Also that won't be a general solution. It might solve my current program 
> (displaying a presentation on a borrowed laptop),

So kpdf will be slow to load the first time. 

> The idea was to use PDF instead of powerpoint or openoffice because 
> anybody will have a PDF viewer, and that will generally be some Adobe 
> thing.

It is a very good practice. I use html a lot, but also pdf when I want to keep
the exact aspect of a document. ps is very good too for that, but most windows
users don't even know that ps exist.

An alternative for you can maybe be to use pdftoppm on your laptop. It come
with xpdf and extract each pages in a pdf file as a ppm picture. It is best to
convert those pics to another format like jpeg or png (ppm files are very huge
files). At the end, you can use any pictures viewer to view your document.

If you are interested, I have done a little shell script that automatise this
process with pdftoppm and convert (from imagemagick).


Re: FVWM: acrobat/adobe reader, firefox and FVWM

2008-04-09 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Wed, 9 Apr 2008 14:16:45 +0200 (CEST),
Lucio Chiappetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> I am not sure whether this is an FVWM question. I regularly use fvwm 
> (2.5.10) on my SuSE (9.2) desktop, with my own .fvwmrc. The acrobat reader 
> version installed is 5.0.9. Firefox is

I don't want to start a flame war. You are using the acrobat reader on
linux when it suffer of a very bad rendering of the True Type fonts (another
Adobe invention). This is not a linux issue, it does the same on windows. You
must zoom in again and again in order to be able to read the characters,
or buy the professional version.

Have you try software like xpdf and kpdf that doesn't suffer of this
problem and that can do fullscreen viewing?


Re: FVWM: vu-meter and FVWM

2008-02-23 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:48:12 +0100,
Arnaud Fortier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Dominique Michel a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Do you know if it is some vu-meter application that can be swallowed into a
> > fvwm button?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Dominique
> >
> >   
> Hi,
> I use a Window Maker applet : WMScope ( 
> http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~john/computer/windowmaker/windowmaker.shtml )
> Regards,
> Arnaud

Thank you,

I will try it.


Re: FVWM: vu-meter and FVWM

2008-02-23 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Sat, 23 Feb 2008 21:51:28 +,
"Thomas Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> [ Don't cull fvwm@fvwm.org from the Cc list -- I don't do private FVWM
> consultancy anymore. ]

Sorry, I just clicked on the Answer button and don't checked if the address was
to the list.

> On 23/02/2008, Dominique Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Le Sat, 23 Feb 2008 21:25:45 +,
> >  "Thomas Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> >
> >
> >  > On 23/02/2008, Dominique Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > > Hi all,
> >  > >
> >  > >  Do you know if it is some vu-meter application that can be swallowed
> >  > > into a fvwm button?
> >  >
> >  > Can you provide *actual* details about what it is you're trying to do?
> >  >
> >  > -- Thomas Adam
> >  >
> >
> > I want to have something in a fvwm button or in my systray that show me the
> >  output level of my soundcard. It must be alsa or jack compatible.
> >
> >  It doesn't need to be big, it will be enough if I can see that some sound
> > are or not going thru the sound card.
> OK - so what you're saying is that it doesn't have to be in the style
> of a VU?  Good.  There's a few wmapplets which can do this -- I forget
> which, look on freshmeat for them.  They're docklets for use with
> WindowMaker.
> -- Thomas Adam

I will check, thank you.


FVWM: vu-meter and FVWM

2008-02-23 Thread Dominique Michel
Hi all,

Do you know if it is some vu-meter application that can be swallowed into a
fvwm button?


Dominique Michel

Mes 3 projets préférés auxquels je contribue:
 * FVWM-Crystal, le bureau basé sur FVWM:
 * AlsaPlayer, le lecteur audio avec contrôle de vitesse en continu:
 * L'overlay pour la MAO sous gentoo: