Re: FVWM: fvwm3?

2024-02-08 Thread mark_at_yahoo

On 2/7/24 20:09, hw wrote:

On Sat, 2024-02-03 at 13:53 +0100, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

I hope to be able to go on with Xorg until I live.

Or use wayland and start living now :)  Living in the past seldwhen is
a good idea.
Except when the past is better: More capable, complete, and highly 
evolved architectural design. Read and understand Thomas' posts.

Wayland improves performance over X11's client-server model? Fine. If it 
wasn't possible to streamline X11 (I'm not convinced) then do the full 
redesign ... but include all the capabilities of the ICCCM and EWMH 
APIs. Even via an alternate, lower performance, internal path if necessary.

As I said before, Wayland sucks. If for no other reason that it will 
force me to use bloated, crap window managers (excuse me: "Desktop 
Environments"). Either that or primitive tiling ones (talk about living 
in the past). But I guess I'll be able to play live, alpha-blended video 
as the background in a terminal window -- a nightmare, I mean utopian 
dream, I never knew I had or needed.

Re: FVWM: fvwm3? [on Wayland]

2024-02-04 Thread mark_at_yahoo
I'm going to document my own hatred for Wayland here, not that it will 
make any difference to its unstoppable adoption and the subsequent 
likely demise of FVWM. Note that I'm not an expert on the subject(s) nor 
do I have the time or inclination to become one as I'm 100% convinced 
that what I don't know, or any educated rebuttals to my arguments, won't 
change my overall conclusions.

Wayland is the latest and greatest step in the destruction of the basic 
design concepts that are why UNIX, 50+ years after its inception, is the 
world's dominant operating system. It completely misses the point of 
separating functionality into independent and interchangeable software 
components. I have read the Wayland FAQ for years about why X11 needs to 
be replaced, and it boils down to exactly two points:

1. X11 is old.
2. It supports stippled line drawing which nobody uses any more.

OK ...  1) what's wrong with that, and  2) update the API to deprecate 
un- and under-used functionality.

Integrate the WM into the graphics server? What's next -- integrate the 
server into the kernel? Impossible you say, Linus would never accept 
that? Yeah, after years of him hating on C++ he accepted Rust because 
it's memory-safe. (Insist on smart pointers in C++. Problem solved.) 
I'll always venerate Linus for his contribution to computing -- the 
Herculean accomplishment of cracking Intel's insane X86 architecture to 
turn the toy Minix into a full-fledged virtual memory UNIX 
implementation -- but 30 years of being worshipped as a demigod might 
have gone to his head. (He recently demonstrated in one of his famous 
flamings, justified because the pull request in question broke the 
kernel, that he doesn't know how to read a stack trace.)

I need FVWM, and therefor by extension X11 as has been documented here, 
because nothing else supports my customized desktop UI which allows me 
to be twice as productive as the alternatives. Not so much the visual 
look (an extension of MWM, perfect) but the bindings of the three mouse 
buttons, and most importantly the ability to iconify applications to 
specific positions on the desktop. All of the 
Gnomes/KDEs/M$Windows/Apples with their taskbars and iconboxes (in FVWM 
terms) require me to search by name or icon glyph through a constantly 
changing arrangement instead of my intuitive muscle memory moving the 
mouse to a known place on the screen and clicking there. I don't even 
have to look.

Remote X11 rendering between two networked machines? I guess the Wayland 
designers didn't understand that concept. Either they don't care about 
high-end users in a professional environment, or they're only targeting 
the 99.9% demographic of casual users. "A GUI application? You mean a 
web browser connected to a cloud server, right?" I've long suspected 
that all of these visionaries leading us forward from the same boring 
old software technologies must have secret closets full of black 
turtleneck shirts, Levis blue jeans, and white running shoes in 
preparation for when they become the next Steve Jobs -- wealthy, famous, 
and beloved by all humanity. See GNOME 3 for a precedent.

I'd like nothing more than to see a "Rebel Alliance" Linux distro that 
maintains X11, GTK and Qt, System V Init, config files without D-Bus, 
and everything else that already works (mostly) perfectly (plus any 
needed fixes/updates/improvements). But the huge amount of effort 
required (50+ highly capable and committed developers) probably means it 
won't ever happen. And I'm far too over-committed with my own open 
source projects to be able to contribute. "Retro" distributions already 
exist, but as Thomas astutely points out, the nail in the coffin will be 
when Firefox and Chromium stop working on them. You can have all the 
Konquerors, Vivaldis, Operas, GNOME Webs, etc. you want, but you'll 
eventually run into e-commerce, news, and governmental websites -- all 
required to function in current global society -- that fatally inform 
you your browser isn't supported and to come back when you're using 
something else.

I suppose I'll hang on to FVWM/X11/etc as long as I can for my real 
work, probably having to add a separate/dedicated "modern" Linux box 
with Wayland and all the rest for online tasks. Maybe they'll keep `scp` 
running for the rest of my natural life so I'll at least be able to move 
important documents over to the "real" machine for inspection, analysis, 
and archiving.

Sign me,

Re: FVWM: Oddity with Mouse 2 using fvwm 2.6 & 2.7 on Suse Tumbleweed

2023-05-13 Thread mark_at_yahoo

Update #1:
Many apologies for having sent the original of this message as a
reply to the wrong thread. In the future I should probably move to
the forums where it's harder to make this kind of noob mistake.

Update #2:
I now see that what I'm requesting in "tl;dnr" below isn't supported.
Instead, explicit entries of the form  "Style application-name
IconOverride, Icon desired-icon.png" *are* required for each
application. But if I'm once again wrong, any corrections/workarounds
would be welcome. I also see that you (Thomas) have been answering
this same question for close to 20 years: My condolences and apologies
for adding to your workload.

Update #3:
Within the above limitations I think I have things under control. I
can add explicit "IconOverride" for the problematic apps and leave
everything else default. I'm still getting a crash if Fvwm is
restarted when any app is iconified, but I've always had strange
behavior (no crash though) doing that, and I need to straighten out
some Nvidia driver issues with the current install. I'll see if that
helps, and possibly build 2.7.0 to see where a null pixmap is being
sent to the X server.

Original, mis-posted message:

tl;dnr ... many thanks to all, but I'm still struggling with the
syntax. Can anyone provide me with a config line which does:

   "For all windows, search the current IconPath for a file
.png and use it if found."

and, optionally:

"... and if not found, use the application-provided icon, or if
none, no icon at all"

but I'd be happy with anything (except a crash ;) ) in the
"not-found" case.

(I've had some partial success with "Style ** Icon terminal.png" but
I don't want that on all windows, nor to have to add explicit "Style
FooApp Icon foo_app.png" lines for everything I use.)

On 5/11/23 12:20 PM, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> It might be that the application brings its own icons. Search for
> _NET_WM_ICON in the xprop output.

Yes, that's what's happening. `xprop` even provides a low-res
colored-ascii-block rendition of the icon.

Thanks for clearing up this mystery.

> I myself do not use the icons as I use a custom iconize function to
> replace the icons with a small snapshot of the content. This sets the
> following styles: `WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon
> $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png, StaysOnBottom`

That's really cool (and something that, somehow, xterms do on my
system), but I'd actually prefer a static icon (as long as it's of my
own choosing).

> So, the IconOverride here is the key.

Again as per the "tl;dnr" above, any help appreciated.

On Thu, 11 May 2023 14:38:59 -0700, Thomas Adam wrote:

> Setting ImagePath here is a little counter-intuitive.  It's a
> global command that should be set at the top of your file. See:

Thanks for the full documentation. Makes perfect sense, and I'd
already made the change at Klaus's suggestion.

> Hmm.  No.  Unless you set IconOverride, the preference is to the
> application-provided icon.

Again, thanks for clearing up what's been a mystery to me for years.
Even before my current spate of problems I've never understood why I
get one style of icon for my terminal windows (mate-terminal, KDE
konsole, etc) but a different one after a "FvwmCommand restart" (and
seemingly sometimes at random, without).

> > Q: How can I list the compiled-in default "+" ImagePath, maybe
> >with some command in an FvwmConsole?
> You can't easily.

Sad, but understandable since I'm probably the first person who's
needed it in the 30 year history of Fvwm.

> Try the fvwm2 version from git.

I think the crash is only happening due to my current problems, and
only happens if I forget to un-iconify all windows before doing
"restart". (That didn't crash on my previous openSUSE versions, but
also didn't work correctly.)

If that's the case I'll probably punt and get back to what I'm
supposed to be working on instead of fighting these install teething
pains. But, yes, my next step was to build 2.x and/or 3.x from source
(openSUSE Tumbleweed doesn't provide 3.x despite being a rolling
release which claims to track the latest from all projects). If nothing
else, I was going to compile the source to add some debug output to
print ImagePath.

Re: fvwm2 -> fvwm3 (War: FVWM: Resizing)

2023-05-11 Thread mark_at_yahoo

tl;dnr ... many thanks to all, but I'm still struggling with the
syntax. Can anyone provide me with a config line which does:

   "For all windows, search the current IconPath for a file
.png and use it if found."

and, optionally:

"... and if not found, use the application-provided icon, or if
none, no icon at all"

but I'd be happy with anything (except a crash ;) ) in the
"not-found" case.

(I've had some partial success with "Style ** Icon terminal.png" but
I don't want that on all windows, nor to have to add explicit "Style
FooApp Icon foo_app.png" lines for everything I use.)

On 5/11/23 12:20 PM, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> It might be that the application brings its own icons. Search for
> _NET_WM_ICON in the xprop output.

Yes, that's what's happening. `xprop` even provides a low-res
colored-ascii-block renditoin of the icon.

Thanks for clearing up this mystery.

> I myself do not use the icons as I use a custom iconize function to
> replace the icons with a small snapshot of the content. This sets the
> following styles: `WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon
> $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png, StaysOnBottom`

That's really cool (and something that, somehow, xterms do on my
system), but I'd actually prefer a static icon (as long as it's of my
own choosing).

> So, the IconOverride here is the key.

Again as per the "tl;dnr" above, any help appreciated.

On Thu, 11 May 2023 14:38:59 -0700, Thomas Adam wrote:

> Setting ImagePath here is a little counter-intuitive.  It's a
> global command that should be set at the top of your file. See:

Thanks for the full documentation. Makes perfect sense, and I'd
already made the change at Klaus's suggestion.

> Hmm.  No.  Unless you set IconOverride, the preference is to the
> application-provided icon.

Again, thanks for clearing up what's been a mystery to me for years.
Even before my current spate of problems I've never understood why I
get one style of icon for my terminal windows (mate-terminal, KDE
konsole, etc) but a different one after a "FvwmCommand restart" (and
seemingly sometimes at random, without).

> > Q: How can I list the compiled-in default "+" ImagePath, maybe
> >with some command in an FvwmConsole?
> You can't easily.

Sad, but understandable since I'm probably the first person who's
needed it in the 30 year history of Fvwm.

> Try the fvwm2 version from git.

I think the crash is only happening due to my current problems, and
only happens if I forget to un-iconify all windows before doing
"restart". (That didn't crash on my previous openSUSE versions, but
also didn't work correctly.)

If that's the case I'll probably punt and get back to what I'm
supposed to be working on instead of fighting these install teething
pains. But, yes, my next step was to build 2.x and/or 3.x from source
(openSUSE Tumbleweed doesn't provide 3.x despite being a rolling
release which claims to track the latest from all projects). If nothing
else, I was going to compile the source to add some debug output to
print ImagePath.

Re: FVWM: Oddity with Mouse 2 using fvwm 2.6 & 2.7 on Suse Tumbleweed

2023-05-10 Thread mark_at_yahoo

On 5/10/23 2:39 AM, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> I cannot say about the other troubles but I do think, the use
> inside of StrartFunction is somewhat wrong.
> I have that ImagePath set at the very begin of my .fvwm/config and it
> seems to work well.
> Further more, the $HOME does not to be quoted from the documentation.
> However, I do too but with ${HOME}.

Thank you, Klaus. Having ImagePath globally at the beginning of
.fvwm/config instead of in StartFuction makes perfect sense, and I
was sure it was going to solve my problems.

But it did not, nor did changing "$[HOME]" to "$HOME", "${HOME}", or
even explicitly "/home/mark". I keep working on this and have lost
count of how many mysteries there are. They include:

I still can't find a way to examine the value of ImagePath at
runtime. I finally discovered that the output of the "Echo" and other
FVWM Console commands go to $HOME/.xsession-errors, but none of
following gives me what I'm looking for:

Echo ImagePath
Echo $ImagePath
Echo ${ImagePath}
EchoFuncDefiniton ImagePath
PrintInfo ImagePath
PrintInfo ImageCache
PrintInfo ImageCache verbose 1

Despite the above, I'm absolutely sure my ImagePath is being set
correctly because launcher icons work. My config file has:

AddToFunc BasicLaunchers
+ I Launcher lockscreen  lkscr lock_brass_72.png \
 "xscreensaver-command -lock" \
 "-g -816+0"
+ I Launcher firefox frfox firefox.png \
 firefox"-g -736+0"
+ I Launcher thunderbirdtbird thunderbird.png thunderbird \
"-g -656+0"
+ I Launcher opera  opera opera.png opera \
"-g -576+0"

All of those icons work, but they do not (they just show as gray
rectangles) if I comment out:

# ImagePath 

That makes sense because:

$ fvwm-config --default-imagepath



$ find $(fvwm-config --default-imagepath | tr : ' ') 
$HOME/.local/share/icons -iname lock_brass_72.png

find: �/usr/share/X11/fvwm2/bitmaps�: No such file or directory

So FVWM must be picking up my icon path and icons, right? Why do they
work for launchers, but not when iconifying applications?

And more ... if I create an xfce4-terminal, I get:

$ xprop | fgrep CLASS
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "xfce4-terminal", "Xfce4-terminal"

FvwmIdent shows the same info. When I iconify it I get a very
nice "terminal" icon, but where is it coming from?

$ find $(fvwm-config --default-imagepath | tr : ' ') 
$HOME/.local/share/icons -iname \*xfce4-terminal\*

find: �/usr/share/X11/fvwm2/bitmaps�: No such file or directory

I know this has been too much information but either I'm missing
something obvious or FVWM 2.x still has some bugs after all these
years. Further help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

Re: FVWM: Oddity with Mouse 2 using fvwm 2.6 & 2.7 on Suse Tumbleweed

2023-05-09 Thread mark_at_yahoo

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 13:48:40 -0700 Steven Lembark wrote:

Insall SuSE Tumbleweed on it along fvwm.

Start up a machine running SuSE tumbleweed.
Their build is fvwm 2.6.9.

Copy over my ./.fvwm/config file.

Everything works out of the box execpt for Button2 in fvwm.

I had a somewhat related problem -- now partly solved -- so am posting
in the unlikely event that it may help the original poster. But first
I'll ask some questions on what again may be a slightly related problem
which I still haven't fixed ...

I've always had strange-to-me behavior with icons in FVWM. My config
file has:

AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I	ImagePath 

From reading the documentation I've always assumed that FVWM searches
the ":"-separated paths (including the default indicated by "+") for an
appropriate image file with some "NAME" plus a supported suffix such as
".xpm", ".svg", ".png", depending on how the fvwm binary was compiled. I
recently discovered the following post, which clarified that the "NAME"
is derived from the X11 window class property:

In my current situation/problem (with 2.6.9, but I've had similar ones
with 2.6.7 and earlier) I'm using an audio volume control utility,
/usr/bin/pavucontrol. If I run `xprop` I get (among other things):

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "pavucontrol", "Pavucontrol"
WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "Volume Control"
_NET_WM_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Volume Control"
WM_NAME(STRING) = "Volume Control"
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Volume Control"

So far, so good. But despite having several files named "pavucontrol"
and "Pavucontrol", with ".xpm", ".ppm", and ".png" extensions, in my
$HOME/.local/share/icons/hicolor/* directories, I'm instead getting a
different, small, volume knob icon instead when I minimize the
pavucontrol window. There are no other "*[Pp]avucontrol*" or
"*[Vv]olume*" files in either my directories or any of the system ones
I've found.

Q: Is my understanding of FVWM's ImagePath correct?
Q: How can I list the compiled-in default "+" ImagePath, maybe
   with some command in an FvwmConsole?
Q: Where is the mystery small icon be coming from?

Back to the original topic ...

I have a similar situation: Laptop (10+ years old, Intel+Nvidia) which
has been running openSUSE Leap 15.1 plus FVWM 2.6.7 without any issues
(except for some ImagePath mysteries) for 3+ years. Just upgraded to
openSUSE Tumbleweed with distro-supplied FVWM 2.6.9.

Excerpts from my $HOME/.fvwm/config file:

AddToFunc "Iconify-and-Raise" "C" Iconify
+ C Raise
Mouse 0 4   A   Iconify
Mouse 3 TI  A   Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
Mouse 3 SF  A   Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
Mouse 3 W   M   Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
Mouse 3 W   MS  Function windowops-or-die

This always worked with Leap/2.6.7, but on Tumbleweed+2.6.9 doing
Mouse 3 would crash FVWM with:

Process 2523 (fvwm) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 2523:
#0  0x7f1e0696190c __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x8f90c)
#1  0x7f1e06910196 raise ( + 0x3e196)
#2  0x7f1e068f8897 abort ( + 0x26897)
#3  0x7f1e068f87ab __assert_fail_base.cold ( + 0x267ab)
#4  0x7f1e069084b6 __assert_fail ( + 0x364b6)
#5  0x7f1e078b4c03 _XAllocID ( + 0x42c03)
#6  0x7f1e07781695 XRenderCreatePicture ( + 0x5695)
#7  0x55a9df35bb6e n/a (fvwm + 0x91b6e)
#8  0x55a9df35c5ef n/a (fvwm + 0x925ef)
#9  0x55a9df319586 n/a (fvwm + 0x4f586)
#10 0x55a9df31b56d n/a (fvwm + 0x5156d)
#11 0x55a9df2f69fa n/a (fvwm + 0x2c9fa)
#12 0x55a9df30686b n/a (fvwm + 0x3c86b)
#13 0x55a9df2f544c n/a (fvwm + 0x2b44c)
#14 0x55a9df357169 n/a (fvwm + 0x8d169)
#15 0x55a9df35706f n/a (fvwm + 0x8d06f)
#16 0x7f1e07897dba XCheckIfEvent ( + 0x25dba)
#17 0x55a9df359e12 n/a (fvwm + 0x8fe12)
#18 0x55a9df36cd17 n/a (fvwm + 0xa2d17)
#19 0x55a9df306f53 n/a (fvwm + 0x3cf53)
#20 0x55a9df331eff n/a (fvwm + 0x67eff)
#21 0x55a9df33c230 n/a (fvwm + 0x72230)
#22 0x55a9df33cc64 n/a (fvwm + 0x72c64)
#23 0x55a9df33c7ae n/a (fvwm + 0x727ae)
#24 0x55a9df2fcd8e n/a (fvwm + 0x32d8e)
#25 0x55a9df30686b n/a (fvwm + 0x3c86b)
#26 0x55a9df306959 n/a (fvwm + 0x3c959)
#27 0x55a9df2dd9ea n/a (fvwm + 0x139ea)
#28 0x7f1e068f9bb0 __libc_start_call_main ( + 0x27bb0)
#29 0x7f1e068f9c79 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 ( + 0x27c79)
#30 0x55a9df2df645 n/a (fvwm + 0x15645)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

This would happen at random with shell windows, which, related to the 
ImagePath problems above, are not currently showing any icon. But the 
crash was 100% reproducible with `pavucontrol` (again see above). Also, 
the random crashes