Re: FVWM: full-screen on secondary screen

2018-07-21 Thread Klaus Ethgen
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Am Fr den 20. Jul 2018 um 17:34 schrieb Olav Kvittem:
> When I connect a projector I would like full-screen mode in for example 
> Libreoffice and Shotwell
> to go to the projector not to the  laptop display.

You need to setup the second screen via xrandr as in the other answer
above, below, right or left of your laptop screen.

Then, and that is important, you need to restart fvwm otherwise fvwm is
"thinking" it is just on one screen. (I did not find other way to do

After that, the mouse has to be on the screen where you want to do the
full screen.

What I did not find out right now:
- - How to do it without restarting fvwm
- - How to maximize a window over both screens without manually resizing
  stuff. (For example a beamer slide deck as pdf with slide notes on the

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16Klaus Ethgen 
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
Comment: Charset: ISO-8859-1


Re: FVWM: full-screen on secondary screen

2018-07-20 Thread Donald R Laster Jr

  Try setting up the projector as an additional display using xrandr.  That may 
be what you need. I have used xrandr on Slackware and Red Hat Enterprise 6.8 
environments to use multiple displays.  I also believe you can set up fvwm to 
create multiple displays that are independent of each other.  Check the 
Xinerama settings in fvwm configuration.  I have never tried this however.  But 
I found this:  and it might help.


  This is the xrandr man page from Slackware 14.0. 


   xrandr - primitive command line interface to RandR extension

   xrandr [-help]  [-display display] [-q] [-v] [--verbose] [--dryrun] 
[--screen snum] [--q1] [--q12]
   RandR version 1.3 options
   [--current] [--noprimary]
   Per-output options
   der_bottom [--scale xxy] [--transform a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] [--primary]
   RandR version 1.2 options
   [--prop] [--fb widthxheight] [--fbmm widthxheight] [--dpi dpi] 
[--newmode name mode] [--rmmode name]  [--addmode
   output name] [--delmode output name]
   Per-output options
   [--output  output]  [--auto]  [--mode  mode]  [--preferred]  [--pos  
xxy]  [--rate  rate] [--reflect reflection]
   [--rotate orientation] [--left-of output] [--right-of output] [--above 
output] [--below output] [--same-as  out-
   put] [--set property value] [--off] [--crtc crtc] [--gamma 
red:green:blue] [--brightness brightness]

   RandR version 1.0 and version 1.1 options
   [-o orientation] [-s size] [-r rate] [-x] [-y]

   Xrandr  is  used to set the size, orientation and/or reflection of the 
outputs for a screen. It can also set the
   screen size.

   If invoked without any option, it will dump the state of the outputs, 
showing the existing  modes  for  each  of
   them, with a '+' after the preferred mode and a '*' after the current 

   There  are a few global options. Other options modify the last output 
that is specified in earlier parameters in
   the command line. Multiple outputs may be modified at the same time by 
passing multiple  --output  options  fol-
   lowed immediately by their corresponding modifying options.

   -help  Print out a summary of the usage and exit.

   -v, --version
  Print out the RandR version reported by the X server and exit.

  Causes  xrandr to be more verbose. When used with -q (or without 
other options), xrandr will display more
  information about the server state. Please note that the  gamma  
and  brightness  informations  are  only
  approximations  of  the  complete  color  profile stored in the 
server. When used along with options that
  reconfigure the system, progress will be reported while executing 
the configuration changes.

   -q, --query
  When this option is present, or when no configuration changes are 
requested, xrandr will display the cur-
  rent state of the system.

  Performs all the actions specified except that no changes are 

  Apply  the  modifications  without  grabbing the screen. It 
avoids to block other applications during the
  update but it might also cause some applications that detect 
screen resize to receive old values.

   -d, -display name
  This option selects the X display to use. Note this refers to the 
X screen abstraction, not  the  monitor
  (or output).

   --screen snum
  This  option  selects  which  screen to manipulate. Note this 
refers to the X screen abstraction, not the
  monitor (or output).

   --q1   Forces the usage of the RandR version 1.1 protocol, even if a 
higher version is available.

   --q12  Forces the usage of the RandR version 1.2 protocol, even if the 
display does not report it  as  supported
  or a higher version is available.

RandR version 1.3 options
   Options for RandR 1.3 are used as a superset of the options for RandR 

  Return the current screen configuration, without polling for 
hardware changes.

  Don't define a primary output.

   Per-output options

  This option sets the panning parameters.  As soon as panning is 
enabled, the  CRTC  position  can  change
  with  every  pointer  move.   The first four parameters specify 
the total panning area, the next four the