Re: First try of fvwm-menu-desktop which creates a full menu

2012-07-24 Thread Dan Espen
Thomas Funk writes:

 2012/7/18 Dan Espen
 I'm guessing dbus or some other abomination does the job
 for the desktops...

 I've checked the internet for finding infos how the Distributions/
 Desktops do the automatic menu update process. Here're my results:

 When a package that wants to add/remove something to/from the menu tree
 gets installed/removed, it will run update-menus in its postinst/postrm
 - see chapter 2.1
 - See chapter 4.2

 Use kbuildsycoca4 to update the configuration cache in KDE

 found nothing about how they do it. I send an email to the LinuxMint
 developers because they made their own menu (mintmenu) but got no response
 back yet.

 Before 4.8 they use libxfce4menu. In the sources there're comments that they
 use filesystem monitoring - down line 171
 Since 4.8 garcon is used. Also with filesystem monitoring

 In the Xfce wiki page ( they said
 also that xfdesktop session starts, changes to the menu file are
 immediately. (for Xfdesktop 4.5 or higher) Or reload xfdesktop

 Fluxbox and other WMs:
 Per default no automatic update. User have to do this manually.

 The thoughts doing this over dbus or other stuff:
 found nothing about specific messages used by package systems to
 inform tools
 to start menu updating.

 - Debian do updating Debian specific - not usable - depends on package mgmt.
 - Some DEs do updating specific too via daemons - too much dependencies
 - Xfce do filesystem monitoring/scanning
 - Other WMs don't update automatically
 - No event messages available to initialize menu updating

 Looks deflating.

 2012/7/23 Dan Espen
 Over here:

 I see they are talking about using inotify to know when menus have been
 updated.  Not something I'd recommend.  Manual update still seems
 preferable (to me).

 inotify sounds interesting but another dependency again. I still prefer
 the filesystem scan by ourself if at all. I found the idea in the sources
 of Marchfluxmenu:
 They do this with 'ls /usr/share/applications/*.desktop | wc -l'. They
 remember the count and if it changed a menu update starts. One directory
 is enough for them because they use the applications menu only. But I
 am not sure if this is enough for our menus. Must check this first. But
 if so a scan tooks milliseconds and the load is insignificant. We could
 do a scan perhaps every minute. This could be enough to rebuild the menus
 without recognition by the user. Another advantage is no dependency with
 dbus and other 'abomination' as you said. We need no entries for daemons
 to register us, no restarts of them and so forth ...

 Personally I haven't either a problem with manual nor with automatic
 updating. Both have their own charm ...

 But for a automatic menus update we need another solution - a module
 as Thomas suggested.

Excellent work.

Lots of people expect their system to be able to go to sleep,
hence my dislike for polling.

Sounds to me like Debian has it right.
(Specifically invoking a process after menus change.)
I wouldn't be surprised to see a solution being implemented in other
distros in due time.  In the mean time, I think we're fine as is.

Again, personal issues piling up.
Forgive me for dragging my feet on patch application.
I'll try to get to it ASAP.

Dan Espen

Re: First try of fvwm-menu-desktop which creates a full menu

2012-07-24 Thread Dan Espen
Thomas Funk writes:

 Dan Espen wrote:
 Thomas Funk writes:

 Dan Espen wrote
 Also a fixed fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl because there were some
 missing double quotes (I don't know why they were absent ... shit happens)

I think it's time for me to commit this fpl file.

It comes without consideration or even a place to put it.
Which directory do you see it being in?  Doesn't it need a man page?
Thomas Adam made some comments about using FvwmPerl.  Is that resolved?
I'm not all that familiar with FvwmPerl myself.

Dan Espen