CVS olicha: * Added the possibility to add an Xinerama screen to the 4 numerics

2001-10-04 Thread FVWM CVS
Module name:fvwm
Changes by: olicha  01/10/04 11:10:52

Modified files:
fvwm   : fvwm2.1 style.c 
.  : ChangeLog 

Log message:
* Added the possibility to add an Xinerama screen to the 4 numerics
Iconbox format
* Warning  I've written some doc (fvwm2.1 lines 4846-4873)

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Compilation and VMS

2001-10-04 Thread Fabien VILLARD
Hello all.

At last, a guy tried to play with fvwm 2.4.2 on OpenVMS.
The compilation stage had been very difficult, because the code changed
a lot since my original port. He got it, though, but doesn't feel brave enough 
to try
the executable today :-

My point is : he found a couple of things with the DEC CC compiler that 
I 'd like to
tell you :

Compiling [.FVWM]VIRTUAL.C...

val[2] = 1;
%CC-I-SUBSCRBOUNDS, In this statement, an array is being accessed outside the 
bounds specified for the array type.
at line number 408 in file _ROWDIE$DKA100:[SCRATCH.FVWM.FVWM]VIRTUAL.C;1


  item-icon_depth = depth;
%CC-W-UNINIT1, The scalar variable depth is fetched but not initialized.  And 
there may be other such fetches of this variable that have not been reported in 
this compilation.
at line number 360 in file 

Another one : it seems that FvwmBanner doesn't use the XPM macro
defined by the configure stage, so it complains during compilation when
xpm is not present.

I attach the description of the modifications he had to make
in the build HOWTO I wrote 2 years ago. You may find some intresting
things in it. Don't hesitate to ask for more information, but note
that I can't access a VMS machine anymore, so I'll have to ask John to 
make the tests you'll need. Perhaps I'll be able to convince him to
join your team as I did 2 years ago.



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*SUBJECT:Changes made for VMS build

Changes made to fvwm V2.4.2 for successful VMS compile

-   Unpacked kit.

-   Copied .mms, .opt and config.h to root. Copied vms.% to [.libs]

-   Modified MAKE_FVWM.MMS:
-   Defined BaseDirFix, BaseDir.
-   Removed XpmInclude, XpmLib and all references thereto.
-   Added blank line after all comment lines ending in -. 
(MMS seems to take the next line as a contunuation with
 weird results.)

-   Edited config.h:
-   #undef XPM
-   Added the following, found in acconfig.h

/* Define if stroke library is used. */

#define STROKE_ARG(x) x,
#define STROKE_CODE(x) x
#define STROKE_ARG(x)
#define STROKE_CODE(x)

-   Edit MAKE_FVWM.MMS:  Re-sync with current state of the source 
(removing stale modules, adding new ones).

-   Wondering if the typedef for fvwm_msg_type includes reserved words.
Added an 'X' to the front of each.

-   Added #define fd_set_size_t int to config.h.
(From successful Unix build; shot in the dark.)

-   Added #define FVWM_CONFDIR /Sys$Login to config.h.

-   Ignoring the pointer mismatch and conversion warnings for now.

-   Closed comment on line previous to #define USEDECOR 1 in config.h 
that prevented the definition being made.
(Took some time to find this one.)

-   Changing ECHO to XECHO, as done previously in the typedef.

-   Included:

#include builtins.h
#define alloca __ALLOCA

(There is also a version of alloca included in [.libs].  Not sure yet 
whether to use or not.)

-   Added #define SELECT_FD_SET_CAST to config.h.

-   Removed local version of strcasecmp; Appears to be part of C RTL.

-   Removed local version of strerror; Appears to be part of C RTL.

-   Removed local version of strncasecmp; Appears to be part of C RTL.

-   Removed local version of usleep; Appears to be part of C RTL.

-   in [.libs]FVWMLIB.H, changed #include Parse.h to libs/Parse.h.
Was getting confused with the parse.h in the fvwmbuttons module.

-   Removed FvwmBanner module; appears too