Menu Trouble with FVWM 2.4.10

2002-09-20 Thread Andreas M. Kirchwitz
Hi FVWM Workers!

I installed version 2.4.10 of FVWM (on Linux 2.4.19, XFree86 4.1.0,
Intel-based; basically a RedHat 7.2 system) and had mysterious
troubles with menus. On my left mouse button, I have a menu on my
root window which has sub-menus (which has sub-menus itself).
Well, I think that's the typical configuration nearly all people
have. ;-) Most of the menu entries come with small images, and
the menu background is a pixmap.

The MenuStyle seetings look like this (if this is of any help):

  MenuStyle "*"   Win, Hilight3DThin, Animation
  MenuStyle "*"   Font -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  MenuStyle "*"   Foreground White, Background #bb7070
  MenuStyle "*"   Greyed SlateGrey, TitleUnderlines2, TrianglesRelief
  MenuStyle "*"   VerticalItemSpacing 1 5, VerticalTitleSpacing 4 4
  MenuStyle "*"   MenuFace TiledPixmap 

The problem now is that menu entries magically disappear and
reappear while the menu (or a sub-menu) is open. I move the mouse
through the entries, and magically some text entries disappear
(like transparent text, only the background pixmap is seen). While
moving the mouse through the entries, certain entries disappear
and reappear (it's reproducible).

I know, this may sound silly to you but I don't know of a better
way to describe this.

The problem is clearly related to the changes in "fvwm/menus.c"
between version 2.4.9 and 2.4.10. If I replace the new file
(from 2.4.10) with the old file (from 2.4.9) and recompile fvwm2,
the menus work great.

I can send you my .fvwm2rc file if that is of help to you, or I can
try out things in "fvwm/menus.c" for debugging purposes. Whatever
is of help to you to find out what the problem is ...

Greetings, Andreas
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Fvwm 2.4.9, FvwmPager broken

2002-08-18 Thread Andreas M. Kirchwitz
Hi folks!

I installed Fvwm 2.4.9 on my Linux box, and it looks like
some changes between 2.4.8 and 2.4.9 broke the FvwmPager module
somehow. (It's not system specific, happens on any system.)

The "BalloonBack" option has no effect. The small balloon windows
seem to always use the background color of the FvwmPager itself
(or maybe they are transparent, hard to say). However, whatever
is specified with "BalloonBack", it's simply ignored.

If I use the FvwmPager binary from Fvwm 2.4.8, it works fine.

According to the "NEWS" file, the changes to FvwmPager were:

  * A number of drawing fixes in FvwmPager.
Looks like an unwanted side effect to the Balloon feature.

Greetings, Andreas
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