Re: [fw-general] Usage of ZFW / PHP in yuor country

2009-09-12 Thread Peter Warnock
If you want an unbiased answer, you're asking the wrong crowd. Of course it
is widely, well accepted to use Zend Framework in the enterprise ;)

- pw

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 3:42 AM, howard chen  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am from Taiwan.
> In Taiwan, PHP is still not a main stream commerical programming
> language for web, people still prefer .NET or Java for web site
> development. (Althought most taiwan people prefer PHP opensource app
> such as wordpress, phpbb etc)
> Talking about PHP itself, most people still perfer programming with
> raw PHP - inline php codes with HTML. (not to mention ZFW)
> Is it the same in your contry?
> I heard that PHP is more popuar and well accepted in some western
> countries, even in the enterprise market, is it true?

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Validate_NotEmpty and null values

2009-09-12 Thread Peter Warnock
Based on your example, it looks like the backward compatibility was broken.

- pw

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Martin Carpentier <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I made a previous 
> postabout
>  this problem but never got any reply. I realize the title was probably
> a bit unclear.
> So here's my second attempt.
> Since ZF 1.9.x when you  try to validate a null value with
> Zend_Validate_NotEmpty you get the INVALID error message instead of the
> IS_EMPTY error message.
> If you try:
> $value = null;
> $validator = new Zend_Validate_NotEmpty();
> Zend_Debug::dump($validator->isValid($value));
> Zend_Debug::dump($validator->getErrors());
> Zend_Debug::dump($validator->getMessages());
> since ZF 1.9.x it results in:
> bool(false)
> array(1) {
>  [0] => string(15) "notEmptyInvalid"
> }
> array(1) {
>  ["notEmptyInvalid"] => string(76) "Invalid type given, value should be
> float, string, array, boolean or integer"
> }
> before ZF 1.9.x it would result in:
> bool(false)
> array(1) {
>  [0] => string(7) "isEmpty"
> }
> array(1) {
>  ["isEmpty"] => string(36) "Value is required and can't be empty"
> }
> I believe the expected behavior is to get the IS_EMPTY and not the INVALID
> error type.
> A fix for this would be to check that the value is not null before checking
> its type (in Zend/Validate/NotEmpty.php on line 56)
> if (null !== $value && !is_string($value) && !is_int($value) &&
> !is_float($value) && !is_bool($value) &&
> !is_array($value)) {
> $this->_error(self::INVALID);
> return false;
> }
> Could someone confirm this issue?
> Martin Carpentier

Re: [fw-general] How to get session namespace value

2009-09-12 Thread Peter Warnock
The init method is a good solution, but I had to take it one step farther
and register it in the Zend_Registry collection. I was using an action
helper and discovered that I had instantiated two different objects. While I
was adding data in the action, the action helper did not realize the
additions. By using the registry, both the action and action helper now
reference the same object.

- pw

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Hector Virgen  wrote:

> I've found that it's easier to assign the session namespace object to a
> class property instead of instantiating it in each method. The init() method
> in Zend_Controller_Action is great for this. I also use a class constant for
> the namespace name just in case I need it in one of the other methods:
> class AuthController extends Zend_Controller_Action
> {
> const SESSION_NAMESPACE = 'userRegister';
> protected $_session;
> public function init()
> {
> $this->_session = new
> Zend_Session_Namespace(self::SESSION_NAMESPACE);
> }
> }
> Instead of testing if the namespace exists, you can now test if the
> property in the namespace exists:
> public function onregistersuccessAction()
> {
> if (!isset($this->_session->user)) {
> return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
> }
> /* ... */
> }
> I hope this helps :)
> --
> Hector
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:13 AM, whisher  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> In the registerAction I set my namespace
>> $userRegisterSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userRegister');
>> $userRegisterSession->user =  $data;
>> return  $this->_helper->redirector('onregistersuccess');;
>> Than I need to retrieve the data so
>> public function onregistersuccessAction()
>> {
>>return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
>> }
>> $this->view->headTitle($this->translator->translate('user_Register_HeadTitle_onsuccess'));
>> $userRegisterSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userRegister');
>> var_dump($userRegisterSession->getIterator());
>> }
>> As Zend_Session::_namespaceGet('userRegister') is deprecated, I don't find 
>> an other way.( Indeed, it's a very ugly way)
>> I figure out there will be a more smart way.
>> Can you give me an example ?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Bye
>> --
>> View this message in context: How to get session namespace value 
>> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive 
>>  at

Re: [fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

2009-09-12 Thread Peter Warnock
I prefer Zend Framework because it has a large and active community,
corporate contributions from Google, IBM, Adobe, StrikeIron, et al, quick
iterations, and a solid object-oriented design patterns.

I was into Symfony until Fabien and Francois had their falling out.  Now it
seems like the project lacks clear leadership.

My biggest pet peeve with Cake, is its PHP4 compatibility.  I view this as a
roadblock, because it prevents using the latest capabilities and

The main requirement for Zend Framework is PHP 5.2. I've seen it used with
Nginx reverse-proxing to a back-end app server using FastCGI, which will
scale far better and ultimately out perform a standard LAMP stack. In that
example, the app server was running APC just fine.  Opcode cachers are not a
part of the framework. They are a part of the server environment.

Zend_Cache is most useful at decreasing the number of function calls in the
execution of a script.  You can cache the entire frontend, or specific
components, like database calls where the data doesn't change frequently.
You can select different cache backends like File, APC, MemCache, etc. to
store the output.

Zend Optimizer is really an encoder ( It more or less defeats
the purpose of open-source.

When you find out of date documentation, the best thing you can do is get
involved in the community.

I hope you stick around. - pw

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 7:55 AM, ataulkarim  wrote:

> I must admit in the beginning i'm somewhat new to Frameworks, but for
> reasons
> to move to enterprise development and faster project execution im prone to
> get into the Frameworks Arena. Now, i have to make a choice between certain
> frameworks - Zend Framework, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter etc. I've
> invested quite a bit of time for each one's pros n cons, but i could not
> find an article or tutorial that gives me a complete insight into the world
> of "Frameworks".
> I've decided to approach the Zend Community to clarify me some of the
> things
> that are going on in my head. I hope many would like to participate here so
> that each new beginner can get an idea what options he has. Now, with all
> the backing that Zend has in terms of Technology Partners, people with
> PHP-Core knowledge, i decided to learn Zend framework, although alot of
> friends told me to choose CakePHP.
> Zend has:
> 1. Zend Framework 1.9.2 (Free)
> 2. Zend Server Community Edition (Free)
> 3. Zend Server (Buy)
> I've seen MVC tutorials of the framework (although old ones), but find the
> concept appealing. Zend server Community Edition provides with an user
> interface to work with, great. The only thing that confuses me is the
> aspect
> Caching
> Zend framework and Zend Community Edition come with the Zend Optimzer(to my
> understanding does not do opcode caching) and the Zend Server provides with
> opcode caching. I've read alot of APC caching possibilities and capabilites
> which to some people is faster then Zend Optimzer. Andi Gutmans commented
> somewhere that Zend Server has opcode caching capabilities and performance
> tests should be done with zend server.
> Now, here are my questions:
> 1. If i install Zend Server Community Edition can i still make certain
> manual changes i would be able to do with Zend Framework?
> 2. Are opcode caching capabilites present in Zend Framework / Zend Server
> CE
> - other than Optimizer? (if not -> Can i use zend framework to manually
> overcome this deficit?)
> 3. If the only Opcode caching is possible with Zend Server(which i would
> have to buy)- is there a possibility to integrate APC with Zend Framework?
> 4. Why does Zend has a
> Screenacst Tutorial  about "Getting Started with Zend Framework" with
> 1.0.3.
> Ok i know Zend is a 'Company' and would concentrate more on the buy side of
> products, but essence of PHP is i guess Open Source(free) and any help
> regarding that would be appreciated even if its in the getting started
> video
> - 1.8 would also be OK :-) .
> I hope i get some clarification for these questions which might also
> benefit
> others.
> Thanx,
> Ataulkarim
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] Correct model use to gather data from multiple tables

2009-09-12 Thread Peter Warnock

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Er Galvao Abbott wrote:

>  Greetings.
> I have this basic question for quite some time now and it's incredibly hard
> to find examples that explain this. I guess it's pretty self explanatory,
> but here we go:
> If I need to gather data from a database table I create a model, a data
> gateway and a mapper, and then I just use a method like fetchAll which
> executes the desired query ('select foo from bar' or something like that).
> My question is, what if I need to gather data from multiple tables? Let's
> say I have a users table and a group table. If I need to get details from a
> user I'd use a method such as find from the user data gateway, but what if I
> need to pull data from the user and group tables? You know, something like:
> SELECT, FROM users u, groups g WHERE u.group_id =
> Of course, I could just "cheat" and create a method in the user data
> gateway which retrieves everything, but since I'm retrieving data from a
> table other than the user's wouldn't that be wrong?
> Hope I've made myself clear.
> Cheers,
> Galvao

[fw-general] Correct model use to gather data from multiple tables

2009-09-12 Thread Er Galvao Abbott


I have this basic question for quite some time now and it's incredibly
hard to find examples that explain this. I guess it's pretty self
explanatory, but here we go:

If I need to gather data from a database table I create a model, a data
gateway and a mapper, and then I just use a method like fetchAll which
executes the desired query ('select foo from bar' or something like

My question is, what if I need to gather data from multiple tables?
Let's say I have a users table and a group table. If I need to get
details from a user I'd use a method such as find from the user data
gateway, but what if I need to pull data from the user and group
tables? You know, something like: 

SELECT, FROM users u, groups g WHERE u.group_id =

Of course, I could just "cheat" and create a method in the user data
gateway which retrieves everything, but since I'm retrieving data from
a table other than the user's wouldn't that be wrong?
Hope I've made myself clear.



Re: [fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

2009-09-12 Thread Pádraic Brady
APC works perfectly well with Zend Framework - there was some concern but it 
related to PHP pre 5.2 treatment of a large number of include_path and 
autoloaded classes. The debate was, surprisingly, one of the most misinformed 
I've seen in PHP for a long time. Nobody seemed able to quite figure out how 
APC and class loading worked in different scenarios.

All you need to know, is that PHP 5.2 with APC works just fine whether you 
autoload or not. There are some differences in efficiency but it rarely matters 
and the strategies for getting the most performance out of the system with any 
PHP 5 library or framework are well documented.

 Pádraic Brady
OpenID Europe Foundation Irish Representative

From: ataulkarim 
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:56:21 PM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

Thanks Sudheer ,

Things are getting easier now to understand. Its just that a few articles
commenting on the fact that APC does not work well with Zend Framework, was
a bit confusing. But thanks for the enlightenment :-).


Sudheer Satyanarayana wrote:
> There is no compulsion to use other Zend products with Zend Framework. 
> Zend Framework can be used on any PHP 5 installation.
> You don't have to use Zend Server in order to use Zend Framework. But if 
> you wish, you can.
> Yes, you can use APC or any other op code caching component of your 
> choice. Just treat Zend Framework as any other PHP library.
> There are good tutorials on ZF. for 
> example. The blogosphere offers some good tutorials. There is also the 
> The domain name might mislead. It is not an 
> official Zend website).
> With warm regards,
> Sudheer. S
> Business:, Tech stuff:,
> Personal:

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

2009-09-12 Thread ataulkarim

Thanks Sudheer ,

Things are getting easier now to understand. Its just that a few articles
commenting on the fact that APC does not work well with Zend Framework, was
a bit confusing. But thanks for the enlightenment :-).


Sudheer Satyanarayana wrote:
> There is no compulsion to use other Zend products with Zend Framework. 
> Zend Framework can be used on any PHP 5 installation.
> You don't have to use Zend Server in order to use Zend Framework. But if 
> you wish, you can.
> Yes, you can use APC or any other op code caching component of your 
> choice. Just treat Zend Framework as any other PHP library.
> There are good tutorials on ZF. for 
> example. The blogosphere offers some good tutorials. There is also the 
> The domain name might mislead. It is not an 
> official Zend website).
> With warm regards,
> Sudheer. S
> Business:, Tech stuff:,
> Personal:

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] How to get session namespace value

2009-09-12 Thread Hector Virgen
I've found that it's easier to assign the session namespace object to a
class property instead of instantiating it in each method. The init() method
in Zend_Controller_Action is great for this. I also use a class constant for
the namespace name just in case I need it in one of the other methods:
class AuthController extends Zend_Controller_Action
const SESSION_NAMESPACE = 'userRegister';

protected $_session;

public function init()
$this->_session = new

Instead of testing if the namespace exists, you can now test if the property
in the namespace exists:

public function onregistersuccessAction()
if (!isset($this->_session->user)) {
return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
/* ... */

I hope this helps :)


On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:13 AM, whisher  wrote:

> Hi.
> In the registerAction I set my namespace
> $userRegisterSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userRegister');
> $userRegisterSession->user =  $data;
> return  $this->_helper->redirector('onregistersuccess');;
> Than I need to retrieve the data so
> public function onregistersuccessAction()
> {
>return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
> }
> $this->view->headTitle($this->translator->translate('user_Register_HeadTitle_onsuccess'));
> $userRegisterSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userRegister');
> var_dump($userRegisterSession->getIterator());
> }
> As Zend_Session::_namespaceGet('userRegister') is deprecated, I don't find an 
> other way.( Indeed, it's a very ugly way)
> I figure out there will be a more smart way.
> Can you give me an example ?
> Thanks in advance
> Bye
> --
> View this message in context: How to get session namespace value 
> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive 
>  at

Re: [fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

2009-09-12 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Saturday 12 September 2009 08:25 PM, ataulkarim wrote:

I must admit in the beginning i'm somewhat new to Frameworks, but for reasons
to move to enterprise development and faster project execution im prone to
get into the Frameworks Arena. Now, i have to make a choice between certain
frameworks - Zend Framework, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter etc. I've
invested quite a bit of time for each one's pros n cons, but i could not
find an article or tutorial that gives me a complete insight into the world
of "Frameworks".

I've decided to approach the Zend Community to clarify me some of the things
that are going on in my head. I hope many would like to participate here so
that each new beginner can get an idea what options he has. Now, with all
the backing that Zend has in terms of Technology Partners, people with
PHP-Core knowledge, i decided to learn Zend framework, although alot of
friends told me to choose CakePHP.

Zend has:

1. Zend Framework 1.9.2 (Free)
2. Zend Server Community Edition (Free)
3. Zend Server (Buy)
There is no compulsion to use other Zend products with Zend Framework. 
Zend Framework can be used on any PHP 5 installation.

I've seen MVC tutorials of the framework (although old ones), but find the
concept appealing. Zend server Community Edition provides with an user
interface to work with, great. The only thing that confuses me is the aspect


Zend framework and Zend Community Edition come with the Zend Optimzer(to my
understanding does not do opcode caching) and the Zend Server provides with
opcode caching. I've read alot of APC caching possibilities and capabilites
which to some people is faster then Zend Optimzer. Andi Gutmans commented
somewhere that Zend Server has opcode caching capabilities and performance
tests should be done with zend server.

Now, here are my questions:

1. If i install Zend Server Community Edition can i still make certain
manual changes i would be able to do with Zend Framework?
You don't have to use Zend Server in order to use Zend Framework. But if 
you wish, you can.

2. Are opcode caching capabilites present in Zend Framework / Zend Server CE
- other than Optimizer? (if not ->  Can i use zend framework to manually
overcome this deficit?)

3. If the only Opcode caching is possible with Zend Server(which i would
have to buy)- is there a possibility to integrate APC with Zend Framework?

Yes, you can use APC or any other op code caching component of your 
choice. Just treat Zend Framework as any other PHP library.

4. Why does Zend has a
Screenacst Tutorial  about "Getting Started with Zend Framework" with 1.0.3.
Ok i know Zend is a 'Company' and would concentrate more on the buy side of
products, but essence of PHP is i guess Open Source(free) and any help
regarding that would be appreciated even if its in the getting started video
- 1.8 would also be OK :-) .

There are good tutorials on ZF. for 
example. The blogosphere offers some good tutorials. There is also the The domain name might mislead. It is not an 
official Zend website).

I hope i get some clarification for these questions which might also benefit



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

2009-09-12 Thread ataulkarim

I must admit in the beginning i'm somewhat new to Frameworks, but for reasons
to move to enterprise development and faster project execution im prone to
get into the Frameworks Arena. Now, i have to make a choice between certain
frameworks - Zend Framework, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter etc. I've
invested quite a bit of time for each one's pros n cons, but i could not
find an article or tutorial that gives me a complete insight into the world
of "Frameworks".

I've decided to approach the Zend Community to clarify me some of the things
that are going on in my head. I hope many would like to participate here so
that each new beginner can get an idea what options he has. Now, with all
the backing that Zend has in terms of Technology Partners, people with
PHP-Core knowledge, i decided to learn Zend framework, although alot of
friends told me to choose CakePHP.

Zend has:

1. Zend Framework 1.9.2 (Free)
2. Zend Server Community Edition (Free)
3. Zend Server (Buy)

I've seen MVC tutorials of the framework (although old ones), but find the
concept appealing. Zend server Community Edition provides with an user
interface to work with, great. The only thing that confuses me is the aspect


Zend framework and Zend Community Edition come with the Zend Optimzer(to my
understanding does not do opcode caching) and the Zend Server provides with
opcode caching. I've read alot of APC caching possibilities and capabilites
which to some people is faster then Zend Optimzer. Andi Gutmans commented
somewhere that Zend Server has opcode caching capabilities and performance
tests should be done with zend server.

Now, here are my questions:

1. If i install Zend Server Community Edition can i still make certain
manual changes i would be able to do with Zend Framework?

2. Are opcode caching capabilites present in Zend Framework / Zend Server CE
- other than Optimizer? (if not -> Can i use zend framework to manually
overcome this deficit?)

3. If the only Opcode caching is possible with Zend Server(which i would
have to buy)- is there a possibility to integrate APC with Zend Framework?

4. Why does Zend has a
Screenacst Tutorial  about "Getting Started with Zend Framework" with 1.0.3.
Ok i know Zend is a 'Company' and would concentrate more on the buy side of
products, but essence of PHP is i guess Open Source(free) and any help
regarding that would be appreciated even if its in the getting started video
- 1.8 would also be OK :-) .

I hope i get some clarification for these questions which might also benefit

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

[fw-general] Zend_Validate_NotEmpty and null values

2009-09-12 Thread Martin Carpentier

I made a previous
this problem but never got any reply. I realize the title was probably
a bit unclear.
So here's my second attempt.

Since ZF 1.9.x when you  try to validate a null value with
Zend_Validate_NotEmpty you get the INVALID error message instead of the
IS_EMPTY error message.

If you try:

$value = null;
$validator = new Zend_Validate_NotEmpty();


since ZF 1.9.x it results in:


array(1) {
 [0] => string(15) "notEmptyInvalid"

array(1) {
 ["notEmptyInvalid"] => string(76) "Invalid type given, value should be
float, string, array, boolean or integer"

before ZF 1.9.x it would result in:


array(1) {
 [0] => string(7) "isEmpty"

array(1) {
 ["isEmpty"] => string(36) "Value is required and can't be empty"

I believe the expected behavior is to get the IS_EMPTY and not the INVALID
error type.

A fix for this would be to check that the value is not null before checking
its type (in Zend/Validate/NotEmpty.php on line 56)

if (null !== $value && !is_string($value) && !is_int($value) &&
!is_float($value) && !is_bool($value) &&
!is_array($value)) {
return false;

Could someone confirm this issue?

Martin Carpentier

[fw-general] How to get session namespace value

2009-09-12 Thread whisher


In the registerAction I set my namespace

$userRegisterSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userRegister');
$userRegisterSession->user =  $data;
return  $this->_helper->redirector('onregistersuccess');;
Than I need to retrieve the data so

public function onregistersuccessAction()
   return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
$userRegisterSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userRegister');

As Zend_Session::_namespaceGet('userRegister') is deprecated, I don't find
an other way.( Indeed, it's a very ugly way)

I figure out there will be a more smart way.

Can you give me an example ?

Thanks in advance


View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] Usage of ZFW / PHP in yuor country

2009-09-12 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Saturday 12 September 2009 04:12 PM, howard chen wrote:


I am from Taiwan.

In Taiwan, PHP is still not a main stream commerical programming
language for web, people still prefer .NET or Java for web site
development. (Althought most taiwan people prefer PHP opensource app
such as wordpress, phpbb etc)

Talking about PHP itself, most people still perfer programming with
raw PHP - inline php codes with HTML. (not to mention ZFW)

Is it the same in your contry?

I heard that PHP is more popuar and well accepted in some western
countries, even in the enterprise market, is it true?

Is it a wild guess about PHP usage in your country? Are you quoting a 
trusted source? If so what it is it? Or you have you conducted a survey 

And what has it got to do with Zend Framework?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Usage of ZFW / PHP in yuor country

2009-09-12 Thread howard chen

I am from Taiwan.

In Taiwan, PHP is still not a main stream commerical programming
language for web, people still prefer .NET or Java for web site
development. (Althought most taiwan people prefer PHP opensource app
such as wordpress, phpbb etc)

Talking about PHP itself, most people still perfer programming with
raw PHP - inline php codes with HTML. (not to mention ZFW)

Is it the same in your contry?

I heard that PHP is more popuar and well accepted in some western
countries, even in the enterprise market, is it true?

Re: [fw-general] SubForm and Element::getId()

2009-09-12 Thread Jurian Sluiman
Op Thursday 10 September 2009 11:42:05 schreef Václav Vaník:
> Hi,
> I see now, if I have an element in subform (ZF 1.9.2), getId() method
> returns only partial id, it means id is not in subformName-elementName
> style.
> In 1.8.2 version is id correct. Is it a bug or new feature?

Using blame to determine the changed lines in svn, Matthew committed at 
09/07/08 the most recent changes from the Zend_Form_Element::getId() method. 
The message from the commit is:

> r20...@zlaptop:  matthew | 2008-07-09 12:42:51 -0400
> ZF-3567: add getFullyQualifiedName() and getId() methods to form objects
>  * Added getFullyQualifiedName() and getId() methods
>  * Updated decorators to reference the above

Having a look at issue ZF-3567 
(, perhaps the bug was 
introduced solving this issue? You can ask Matthew more about this.

Regards, Jurian
Jurian Sluiman

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