I need to connect to a remote server via "https" with mutual authentication.
This is the code:
$zendClient = new Zend_Http_Client('https://<site url>',
'maxredirects' => 0,
'strict' => false,
'timeout' => 30,
'sslcert' => '<certificate name with key + certificate>.pem',
'sslpassphrase' => '<password>',
'adapter' => 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl',
'curloptions' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false)

<list of custom headers>

$zendClient->setRawData('<row data>');

$response = $zendClient->request('POST');

It results in this exception:
"Error in cURL request: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3
alert handshake failure"

If I execute "curl" from shell command line, it connects successfully. This
is the command line:
curl --cert <certificate name>.pem --cert-type PEM --data-binary '<post raw
data>' --header '<header value>' --include --insecure --key <private
key>.key --key-type PEM --pass <password> --show-error --verbose --url <site

I use:
PHP 5.2.11
ZF 1.8.4
libcurl 7.19.6
OpenSSL 0.9.8b

Could you help me please?

Thanks in advance

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