You are not angry, you are kind of idiot, kid.
Its not our fault you dont understand basics ;) people normally have such
problems, most of them passes the problem hardworking way, others give up,
and some others like you stays in the same place where they've been 10 years
ago with a stupid smile on their faces and whishpers : im a lucifer haha i
kill u all, im the smartest human beeing on earth, ahm I told you that
10years aaagghh why nobody listen to me? I kill u!im a dead terrorist!

it's generally not a problem of zend, php, asp and technologies in
general.You are just another Govnocoder who did nothing to graduate, just
kind of bla-bla guy.

aoohralex wrote:
> My critical subject about Zend Framework was deleted. Somebody from Zend
> deleted my post. My criticism PHP authors and Zend Framework in compare to
> other frameworks wasn't comfortable for Zend company. You can don't agree
> with me but delete my subject ? So again:
> I have started learn ZF because I wanted to learn something new.
> If we have range 0 – 10. My knowledge ZF is 1 – I can make basic things in
> ZF – connect to database, queries insert/update/delete, basic zend forms,
> authorization, use jquery and layout in zend, controllers, views.
> My knowledge Symfony Framework is 5. My knowledge ASP.NET MVC (not
> ASP.NET) is 4.
> Now I can say that ZF is very bad framework or maybe rather it isn't a
> framework. Everybody knows that authors of PHP are always late and behind
> – for example PHP is really OO from version v5 (eariel it was only some OO
> elements in PHP). The same is in Zend Framework – this framework is behind
> others frameworks. 
> First - Zend_Db is nothing compared to Doctrine ORM. Using Zend_Db I have
> to create myself models:
> !!!!! In Symfony Framework with Doctrine ORM and in ASP.NET MVC with Linq
> to SQL I don't need because it is wasting of time – there it is automatic
> – in Symfony using console and in ASP.NET MVC using Visual Studio. Of
> course Doctrine and Linq to SQL have got more better things. 
> In Zend Framework almost nothing you can do using console (of course
> almost nothing compared to Symfony) – in Symfony using console you can
> generate much more (I don't use in Symfony console to generate modules,
> controllers or forms but for begginners it is very comfortable). In
> ASP.NET MVC I don't need use console but Visual Studio but ASP.NET MVC is
> very young so generated controllers/views etc. don't have so good code as
> in Symfony. In ASP>NET MVC and Symfony Framework I don't need to enable
> layout like in Zend Framework. The most horrible thing in Zend it was for
> me Zend_Acl – using that I can't still make that only logged users can
> have access to action 'add' controller 'books' – in Symfony I can make
> that using 2 lines of code in module 'books':
> add:
>   is_secure: on
> and in ASP.NET one line of code in controller:
> [Authorize] 
> What is more in Symfony and ASP.NET MVC we have tables in database and
> everything else related with users, authorization etc. created in these
> frameworks – in Zend I must myself do that.
> There is of course more good things in these frameworks – better than in
> Zend.
> Documentation – hahah – in Zend documentation is chaotic, is HORRIBLE !!
> Have you ever seen documentation of Symfony or ASP.NET MVC ? I have never
> seen worse documentation than in Zend.
> For me Zend isn't a framework but rather components that we can use in
> other frameworks – for example Zend Lucene in Symfony:
> As I thought – authors of PHP are always late and they are always behind
> so Zend is always late and behind. For me Symfony and ASP.NET MVC are from
> XXI age, Zend is from XX age.
> This was my compare these frameworks. Sry for my English – it isn't my
> national language.
> PS. bold text = I am angry because of delete my subject by Zend company.

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