Re: [fw-general] Re: Exception when Setting up WURFL

2011-03-15 Thread Tim Brayshaw
On 15 March 2011 11:13, is that you john wayne?  wrote:

> As luck would have i solved the problem about 20 minutes before you posted
> your reply.  My confusion was i was trying to do this in the bootstrap.
> Which, for those like me who are still n00bs, isnt possible and will not
> work and will throw up the error i found.

FYI, I've got this working by just setting the resource config in an
ini, as per the quickstart in the manual.

However... I also spent far too long getting this working. I'm still
not quite sure how I got it working in the end, but it seemed that the
order in which the config file is loaded in relation to getDevice()
information being retrieved from the session was making debugging




Re: [fw-general] Modules using zend_application

2009-05-07 Thread Tim Brayshaw

On 7 May 2009, at 12:11, Erwin Toze wrote:

in /application/Bootstrap.php:
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap {
   protected function _initView()
   Zend_Layout::startMVC(array('layoutPath' =>

in /application/modules/default/Bootstrap.php:
class Default_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap {
   protected function _initView()
   Zend_Layout::startMVC(array('layout' => 'default'));

in /application/modules/admin/Bootstrap.php:
class Admin_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap {
   protected function _initView()
   Zend_Layout::startMVC(array('layout' => 'admin'));

so i expected to have different layout when i go to
http://localhost/ //default layout
http://localhost/admin///admin layout

but wherever i go i always have the admin layout!!

does someone have a solution? did i do something wrong?

One problem could be that the bootstrap class (Default_Bootstrap) for  
the default module isn't run:



Re: [fw-general] Can't seem to load module bootstraps in ZF 1.8

2009-05-01 Thread Tim Brayshaw

On 1 May 2009, at 12:54, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

In my application/modules/default/Bootstrap.php:

class Default_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap
  public function run()
  echo "Default Bootstrap!

run() in module bootstraps is never called; only the run() in the main
application bootstrap will ever be called. If you want to test that a
module bootstrap is indeed being instantiated and invoked, override  


  public function __construct($application)
  echo "Bootstrap loaded!";


I've found that this works, but not for the default module. Bootstraps  
for other modules are loaded fine, it seems that the Bootstrap for the  
default module isn't instantiated?

I've partly got around this by manually setting the autoloader in my  
main app bootstrap:

   public function _initAutoloaderForDefaultModule()
   $defaultModulePath = $this->frontController->getModuleDirectory(
   $autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
   'namespace' => 'Default',
   'basePath'  => $defaultModulePath



Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework 1.5 has landed!

2008-03-17 Thread Tim Brayshaw

On 17 Mar 2008, at 13:51, Wil Sinclair wrote:

There were also
some very selfless souls in marketing who stayed up late over the last
few days to make sure the site was at its best in both style and
substance for the big day.

Congratulations on the new release and site, there's some amazing  
stuff in there!

Minor niggle with the new site: the kerning for the graphic  
'Simplicity, Meet Power' ( 
tagline.png) looks 'a bit off' to me. Not a big problem in the grand  
scheme of things; but to people who notice this stuff, it sticks out  
like a sore thumb!

See comparison here:

The top line is how it appears on the site, the bottom line is, IMHO,  
closer to how it should appear.

Best regards,
