Good day. A month ago I started playing with Zend Framework. Overall
impression - pretty good. But today I encountered a problem.

I have made a simple login form where only Latin symbols are accepted as
valid user name. Zend validators work fine and I got those error messages
for invalid form fields as long as I do not enter some non-Latin characters.
If I enter some Unicode characters, the invalid form field contains garbage
and the error message too (like this: '�����' has not only alphabetic and
digit characters).

I tested if server environment is fine - the same symbols get displayed
correctly when I do 'echo' and when I insert them directly into the view.
And if I call Zend_Debug::dump($request->getPost());
in my controller then I see that those symbols are fine in the _POST. So I
guess there are no problems between browser and server but the problem lies
somewhere in Zend framework. I have read that I can set encoding for filters
in the form. But how can I force UTF-8 form elements and error messages? I
tried to look for the error message in Zend library source, found and saved
that file with UTF-8 but that did not help.

It seems I'll be implementing my own translated messages for validators but
still it would be nice to have the correct Unicode symbols with the default

Thanks for any ideas.

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