I have a composite element (MultiCheckbox for pre-defined values + Text for
custom values; all having the same name) that is having validation problems.
The field is required (at the very least, one of the checkboxes must be
checked *or* there must be a value in the text field).

The problem is that text fields are always submitted and a NotEmpty
validator will fail on an empty text field, even if one of the boxes is
checked. Even a custom validator that uses the $context parameter is not
ideal, as it will still be called for each and every value in the element's

A similar problem with Zend_Filter_Input was worked around by hacking in a
TRAVERSE_ARRAY boolean option, but that seems impossible to implement in
Zend_Form without rebuilding the entire Zend_Form_Element_* family on top of
a custom validator class.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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