I can attest to the fact that we here at Zend have been working our
tushes off trying to get 1.5 wrapped up and in to the hands of our
users. Judging by all the repository, issue tracker, etc. notifications
I've had in my inbox, a lot of people in the ZF community can say the
same. So I absolutely refuse to say another word until I extend thanks
from everyone at Zend to all the contributors, tester, and documentation
writers for all their efforts on 1.5. Thank you! . . .and keep it
coming. ;)
I'm very pleased to say we have reached the point where we must start
planning the path to our final release. Our plans include at least one
release candidate which will be made available at the simultaneously
with 1.0.4. Please note that 1.0.4 will be our *final* release from the
1.0 branch. You should all receive a code freeze announcement for both
of these releases in the next day or so. If all goes well, we will be
releasing a 'sanity check' tarballs for 1.5 RC1 and 1.0.4 on 2/22 for
everyone to test over the weekend, with the 1.5 RC1 and 1.0.4 releases
posted on the website for the following Monday- 2/25. It's difficult to
set a date for the final release until we all have a chance to put the
release candidates through the wringer, but suffice it to say we hope to
make a big announcement sometime in mid-March. :)

You can help us get there by:

* Finishing any work you are targeting for inclusion in 1.5 ASAP
* Taking on some of the bugs from our most wanted list:
* Fixing broken unit tests (Please check JIRA to see if there is an
unassigned issue for it first. If not, feel free to create one and
assign it to yourself if you plan to fix it.)
* Building the documentation and fixing any errors
* Testing, testing, testing, and more testing

Again, thanks to everyone who has helped make this one of our most
eagerly anticipated releases yet!


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