Hi all,
i am stucked with this. I have to transform regular sql into Zend DB sql and
then to return values in my phtml file. After many days i am not able to
acompish that. There is my indexAction.

public function indexAction() {
                $db = Zend_Registry::get ( 'db' );
                $sql = $db->select ()
                ->from ( 'bannertype', array ('bannertypeid', 'bannercat',
'bannercatdesc', 'active','bannersacross','view_type' ) )
                ->where ( 'active = ?', 'y' )->order ( 'bannertypeid','ASC' );
                        $rez = $sql->query ();
                        while($res = $rez->fetchAll ()){
                        foreach($res as $key=>$value){
                        $banncat= $res[$i]['bannertypeid']; 
                        $this->view->bannerCategorie = $res;
                        $result = $db->fetchAll("SELECT ws.*,b.*,bt.*,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM banners b WHERE b.websiteid = ws.websiteid AND
b.bannertype= '$banncat') AS theCountCategory1,
(SELECT bannercat FROM bannertype c WHERE c.bannertypeid= '$banncat') AS
FROM websites ws left join banners b on b.websiteid=ws.websiteid 
left join bannertype bt on b.bannertype=bt.bannertypeid where
b.bannertype='$banncat' group by ws.websiteid");
echo "<pre>";print_r($result);echo "</pre>";// this gives me an array

$this->view->result = $result;// this one returns nothing to phtml :(

How to pass this result into phtml?
Thank you,
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