OK, since I had to turn away so many people with the correct answer,
I'll give y'all another shot at it. As everyone should know, bughunt
week starts Sunday (11:59 PST to be exact), 11/2 and runs until Saturday
(11:59 PST to be exact), 11/8. I will give out a t-shirt for the 3
contributors who resolved the most bugs as 'fixed' during that time.
Some rules:

* Bugs must be fixed with a corresponding commit specifying the bug ID
and a regression unit test also specifying the bug ID in the docblock
like '@group ZF-XXXX'. No other resolution will count towards your
total, although you should really be nice and resolve those that don't
require a fix anyways. All right, how about this? If there are any ties,
total resolved bugs will be used to break it.

* Since this is a bughunt, only issues of type 'Bug' count.

* Do *not* assign an issue to yourself until you are ready to work on
it. At the time of assignment, click 'start progress' to mark it as 'in
progress' so that no one else starts work on it.

* If anyone does anything to the detriment of the project or one of the
other contributors, s/he will be disqualified or publically humiliated
at my discretion.

* If I've missed any pertinent rule above, you get the general idea. I
reserve the right to add and/or change rules at any point.

* Most importantly: Don't do it for the shirt, do it for the greater ZF


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