Sorry some how my previous email lost all the newlines in code,

On 10/14/07 7:26 PM, "Nayana Hettiarachchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have written a custom validate Class
> class StringEqual extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
> {    
>     const NOT_EQUAL = "string";
>     protected $_messageTemplates = array(self::NOT_EQUAL => "'%value%'
> Missmatched value");
>     public function isValid ($value)
>     {        
>         $this->_setValue($value['password']);
>         if ($value['password'] !== $value['password2']) {
>             $this->_error(self::NOT_EQUAL);
>             return false;
>         }        
>         return true;
>     } 
> }
> The validation works ok, but I never get the right error message, the error
> message array always contains
> Here is how I am using the above class
>         $validators = array(
>             "username" => array("NotEmpty", "Alpha", 'presence' =>
> 'required'),     
>             "password" => array("NotEmpty", "Alpha", "presence" => 'required',
>                     new StringEqual(), "fields" => array("password",
> "password2"))    
>         );       
>         $validator = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $data);
> When the StringEqual validation class fails in the errors it says Array (
> [password] => Array ( [0] => string ) ) I can't seem to get the actual error
> message to show up.
> Maybe I am not doing something right, any help is greatly appreciated.
> Also I am not sure how to set 2 Values in the $_templateMessage
> I also tried doing the following and it also didn¹t work,
>   $this->_createMessage(self::NOT_EQUAL, $value['password'] . " Not Equal to "
> . $value['password2']);
> Before the call to _error();
> Regards
> Nayana

Nayana Hettiarachchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Director, Technology
GMI Technologic
Direct: +1 206 315 9319
Cell:   +1 206 713 5759
Integrated solutions for market research

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