[fw-general] Use of class member variables within controllers

2007-08-01 Thread Dan Field
I'm sure I read somewhere, that we should not create member variables  
in the controllers. Is this right? Is there an alternative? or have I  
got the wrong end of the stick somehow? Now I think about it, it  
might have been due to coding standards and the use of the var  
identifier? why is this wrong?

Dan Field [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ffôn/Tel. +44 1970 632 582
Datblygwr Systemau Systems Developer
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru   National Library of Wales

Re: [fw-general] Use of class member variables within controllers

2007-08-01 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
-- Dan Field [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Wednesday, 01 August 2007, 09:25 AM +0100):
 I'm sure I read somewhere, that we should not create member variables  
 in the controllers. Is this right? Is there an alternative? or have I  
 got the wrong end of the stick somehow? Now I think about it, it  
 might have been due to coding standards and the use of the var  
 identifier? why is this wrong?

Of course you can create member variables in the controllers. It's just
that in PHP 5, you should use a visibility keyword (public, private,
protected) instead of 'var' when declaring them:

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
 * Model object
 * @var IndexModel
public $model;

Additionally, PHP's object model lets you create new member variables on
the fly, and these are automatically public:

$this-foo = 'bar'; // implicitly creates 'foo' member w/public visibility

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/