Hi all

I have a Module_NewsController with actions such as indexAction,
displayAction etc. This controller also includes some admin actions
which are prefixed with 'admin' ie. adminEditAction, adminDeleteAction

Using the default router, I am able to  access the public actions ie
/module/news/display. What I would like to do is add an admin/ prefix
to the default routes such that the route /admin/module/news/delete is
handled by the adminDeleteAction.

I know I can do this using custom routes, but since there are a number
of admin*Actions in the controller, I was wondering if I can somehow
use route chaining here? For example, can I set up a route chain for
/admin/module/*, such that routes beginning with this are
automatically transferred to the Module_NewsController? How do I map
the action names in this case?

Is this even possible, or have I misunderstood how route chains work?
Any advice would be appreciated. Alternate approaches would also be
welcome, my only constraint is that I'd like to have public routes as
/module/controller/action and admin routes as



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