
Regarding semantics, information "lost" when converting *our* docbook to wiki could be saved by embedding trivial wiki "comments". As a practical matter, almost everything found in our docbook files have corresponding equivalents in Confluence and can be translated back and forth between docbook and wiki. Regarding the comment from Atlassian, they were referring to the complexity of trying to convert Confluence macros to docbook, since Confluence supports user-supplied macros that are basically Java plugins producing HTML. The handful of macros we do use in the wiki seem to map nicely to docbook equivalents (e.g. {code:xml} for <programlisting role="xml">).

We all know wiki markup is not equivalent to docbook, but instead of worrying out trying to make perfect conversions back and forth, I suggest we focus on looking at a specific blocks of code (a real ZF .xml docbook file, and the corresponding wiki file), to avoid getting lost and overly concerned about abstract, hypothetical situations or problems that might not be relevant to our data.

If the community wants to have the ease, simplicity, and pleasure of using our wiki and commenting features, instead of continuing our current editing of XML docbook files, then I'm sure we can resolve any concerns regarding converting back and forth between docbook and the wiki formats. Also, for our current use of the docbook, the aptconvert and similar tools raise the question of whether or not we really need docbook at all.


Andries Seutens wrote:
Hello all,

I have been doing some research on doing the wiki to docbook conversion, however I think it is tricky because you would have to infer a lot of semantics to get Docbook out of wiki markup.

Wiki-markup is decidedly presentational, which means that we can transform it quite effectively into other presentational markups (PDF, non-strict HTML), but not so effectively into semantic markup.

There is a comment somewhere else by an Atlassian employee saying that a docbook export functionality would require each macro to support docbook. Therefore docbook would never be supported. I think this is a valid point, although i don't like that either.

I have found one other alternative that might by valuable to us: APT.

We could export our wiki markup (it already looks a lot like APT) and then use APTConvert to transform it into HTML, XHTML, PDF, PostScript, (MS Word loadable) RTF, DocBook SGML and DocBook XML....

What are your thoughts on this manner?

Best regards,

Andries Seutens

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