I'm trying to append the region to the default routes, like:
/co/module/controller/action, before 1.11.1 it was working, I'm using
Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain to append a
Zend_Controller_Router_Route object with the region as a param to each
deafult route, so, this is my Bootstrap.php:


// Bootstrap.php
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap {
    protected function _initRouting() {
        /* @var $fc Zend_Controller_Front */
        $fc = $this->getPluginResource( "frontcontroller"
        /* @var $router Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite */
        $router = $fc->getRouter();
        $routes = $router->addDefaultRoutes()->getRoutes();

        /* @var $locale Zend_Locale */
        $locale = $this->getPluginResource( "locale" )->getLocale();
// resources.locale.default = "es_CO"; resources.locale.force = true

        $hook = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
            array( "region" => strtolower( $locale->getRegion() ) ),
            array( "region" => "[a-z]{2}" )

        foreach ( $routes as $name => $route ) {
            $chain = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain();
            $chain->chain( $hook )->chain( $route );

            $router->addRoute( $name, $chain );

        $router->setGlobalParam( "region", strtolower( $locale->getRegion() ) );

// layouts/scripts/layout.php
echo $this->url( array( "module" => "products", "controller" =>
"index", "action" => "current-offers" ) ); // string(1) "/"

When I try to assemble a route using Zend_View_Helper_Url I get:
string(1) "/" if the url is: but if I apped
the region: the hwelper works: string(33)

What's wrong with my configuration?

Thanks for any help.

Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga

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