hi all,

if i set an
    $element = Zend_Form_Elenemt();
to be required and the user inputs '0', the
returns false.

this is due to the implementation of the Zend_Validate_NotEmpty validator, that checks if a value is empty($value).

    empty('0'); // => false

the Zend_Validate_NotEmpty has been addressed both in the bugtracker [1] and the mailinglist [2]. as it seems, the implementation of the Zend_Validate_NotEmpty is not likely to change, taken the fact that it was intended to map the native php function empty() [3].

but the problem remains. my user inputs 0 (say the number of children he has) and the system tells him to fill out the form ;) it wont take 0 for an answer...

to sum it up, here are some of my questions:

* is this considered a problem?
* should NotEmpty be changed after all?
* should we implement a NotNull validator?

pierre spring.
who really enjoys working with the zFramework.
[1] http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-2851
[3] http://php.net/manual/en/function.empty.php
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