[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa Jacobo Tarrio
El sábado, 21 de junio de 2008 a las 17:29:53 +0200, suso en riseup.net 

> Se da miña mensaxe deduces outra cousa entón deberías darlle unha volta
> máis por que ninguén se está metendo contigo e pola túa reacción
> parecería que sí. Xa teño notado que por algún motivo o que eu escrebo
> aféctate especialmente, e ben que me coido de evitar ferir
> susceptibilidades. A miña única referencia a tí foi pra recoñecer o valor
> do teu traballo, considera iso.

 Resumo da túa mensaxe: "creamos a comunidade de traductores en Debian, pero
por algún motivo impedíronnos traballar, como se demostra pola inactividade
da lista. O único motivo que se me ocorre é esta mensaxe de Jacobo. A culpa
é vosa. A lista ha continuar inactiva ata que deixedes de sabotearnos."

 Creo que está claro dabondo.

 Adxunto a mensaxe por se alguén quere comparar o meu resumo co contido
orixinal da mensaxe.

   Jacobo Tarrío | http://jacobo.tarrio.org/
 próxima parte 
Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
"inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
developments [0].

It is not possible to trust in a software distro whose 'localization
community' means... just one person. Too weak, too vulnerable, too
unsustainable in the long term [1], as you may easily understand. Unless
you trust in pregnant birds, as the old galician proverb says.


[0] http://apt.mancomun.org/

[1] As an user, I detected that potential danger at December 2006. So
  I decided to contribute changing the Debian l10n galician community
  status from "non-existant" to "existant". I achieved to attract near
  60 motivated volunteers to support the creation of the
  debian-l10n-galician _public_ mailing list, so it was finally created
  in order to stablish an open collaboration channel for all us
  interested in Debian localization to galician language.


  But: just after the creation of that list, it seems that Debian 
  internal decission making process decided to exclude their own galician
  l10n mailing list from the entire localization workflow, as the
  absence of messages in the archive clearly demostrates. Perhaps that
  strange behaviour can be based on this:


  Even if that is the reason as it is not, the results of your excluding
  policy are very visible: you changed the state of the galician l10n
  Debian community from "active" (and motivated) to "inactive" (and

  As the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia FLOSS Center [2] that 
  turns impossible for me to support at the official channels the
  convenience of using and investing on a GNU/Linux distro like Debian
  which is uncapable to maintain a galician localization community;
  specially when the same people subscribed to the debian-l10n-galician
  mailing list are succesfuly involved and active in other free software

  Of course, my duties as a civil servant will not unallow me to
  continue contributing with Debian in a personal way. In this sense, and 
  as that Debian user who is the founder of the galician l10n debian 
  mailing list, I might inform you that our list will remain inactive until
  you decide to allow galician people to collaborate. Of course if you 
  prefer to maintain that "inactive" status, I will respect it, even when
  it's clearly a wrong decisition in the long term, from my point of view.

  All that summarized: Debian exclusive trust in Tarr?o, makes me
  trusting in Tarr?o by his valuable contribution, while at the same time
  makes me untrusting Debian itself, at least in the i18n part of the

[2] http://www.mancomun.org/


Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > Hi Nicolas,
> > 
> > Galician language missed there.
> Well, as far as we know, the team does not use pseudo-URLs in a
> mailing list to track down work.
> Indeed, debian-l10n-galician is mostly...inactive as far as I can see.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-i18n-REQUEST en lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster en lists.debian.org

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa Jacobo Tarrio
El sábado, 21 de junio de 2008 a las 16:00:01 +0200, suso en riseup.net 

 Só vou respostar unha vez a esta soberana parvada.

 Debian non ten ningún tipo de acordo exclusivo comigo nin viceversa. A
responsabilidade de que se faga ou non o traballo é da xente que fai (ou non
fai) ese traballo. Se queredes traballar en l10n de Debian o único que tedes
que facer é traballar en l10n de Debian.

 Sei de sobra que o contido da miña mensaxe é moi doado de malinterpretar.
Non pretendo que sexa unha ameaza, advertencia ou cousa mafiosa de ningún
tipo. O único que digo é que o meu caracter e a miña maneira de traballar
non se axustan ben ao traballo de localización en equipo, polo que se outra
xente quere traballar, non debe contar comigo.

 Finalmente, levo anos procurando me manter fóra do camiño da outra xente
que queira traballar en localización. Por iso, tendo en conta o que digo no
parágrafo anterior, non participo noutros equipos de tradución. Por iso non
participo nas discusións que hai ás veces na lista do Trasno. É dicir, non
me meto nin interfiro, a pesares do que algúns poidan pensar, e tamén
querería que se me brindase a mesma cortesía. Xa estou farto de ler cousas
sobre vacas sagradas e non sei que máis cousas e de ter a culpa de todo.

 En resumo: se non traballades en l10n de Debian, a culpa é vosa. Non de
Debian, nin miña, senón só vosa. E a min deixádeme en paz dunha vez.

 E isto é o último que vou dicir sobre o tema.

 (Non vou solicitar que Suso se desdiga ou pida disculpas nin nada polo
estilo, porque xa sei que había ser unha petición totalmente inútil).

> Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
> "inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
> has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
> developments [0].
> It is not possible to trust in a software distro whose 'localization
> community' means... just one person. Too weak, too vulnerable, too
> unsustainable in the long term [1], as you may easily understand. Unless
> you trust in pregnant birds, as the old galician proverb says.
> Yours,
> --
> [0] http://apt.mancomun.org/
> [1] As an user, I detected that potential danger at December 2006. So
>   I decided to contribute changing the Debian l10n galician community
>   status from "non-existant" to "existant". I achieved to attract near
>   60 motivated volunteers to support the creation of the
>   debian-l10n-galician _public_ mailing list, so it was finally created
>   in order to stablish an open collaboration channel for all us
>   interested in Debian localization to galician language.
>   http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=404451
>   But: just after the creation of that list, it seems that Debian 
>   internal decission making process decided to exclude their own galician
>   l10n mailing list from the entire localization workflow, as the
>   absence of messages in the archive clearly demostrates. Perhaps that
>   strange behaviour can be based on this:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-i18n/2006/12/msg00194.html
>   Even if that is the reason as it is not, the results of your excluding
>   policy are very visible: you changed the state of the galician l10n
>   Debian community from "active" (and motivated) to "inactive" (and
>   reluctant).
>   As the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia FLOSS Center [2] that 
>   turns impossible for me to support at the official channels the
>   convenience of using and investing on a GNU/Linux distro like Debian
>   which is uncapable to maintain a galician localization community;
>   specially when the same people subscribed to the debian-l10n-galician
>   mailing list are succesfuly involved and active in other free software
>   projects.
>   Of course, my duties as a civil servant will not unallow me to
>   continue contributing with Debian in a personal way. In this sense, and 
>   as that Debian user who is the founder of the galician l10n debian 
>   mailing list, I might inform you that our list will remain inactive until
>   you decide to allow galician people to collaborate. Of course if you 
>   prefer to maintain that "inactive" status, I will respect it, even when
>   it's clearly a wrong decisition in the long term, from my point of view.
>   All that summarized: Debian exclusive trust in Tarrío, makes me
>   trusting in Tarrío by his valuable contribution, while at the same time
>   makes me untrusting Debian itself, at least in the i18n part of the
>   things.
> [2] http://www.mancomun.org/
> Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> > Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > > Hi Nicolas,
> > > 
> > > Galician language missed there.
> > 
> > 
> > Well, as far as we know, the team does not use pseudo-URLs in a
> > mailing list to track down work.
> > 
> > Indeed, debian-l10n-galician is mostly...inactive as far as I can see.
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

[G11n] os jar comens eses

2008-05-22 Conversa Jacobo Tarrio
 (Non sei se esta mensaxe ha chegar, non estou subscrito).

 Digo eu que tampouco fai falla poñernos a sacar achas da árbore caída, ou
bater no cabalo morto, ou o dito que máis vos goste.

 Eu non dubido de que o Tristan dixera o que dixera por descoñecemento... o
que non quita que nos sentara coma unha patada na boca, claro :) E,
persoalmente, creo que despois de que se desculpe e todo iso, o mellor ha
ser buscar a maneira de aproveitar para que, coma compensación, nos axilicen
o procedemento de instauración da equipa galega oficial de l10n de Mozilla

   Jacobo Tarrío | http://jacobo.tarrio.org/