Re: battery charging problem on powerbook g4

2010-05-20 Thread Demetrius
thanks, i did post to that group but apparently it is not being
modertated as my message has not yet been posted.

also, the home page of this group, the first sentence states:
"Welcome to G-Group (originally G-List), a Google Group managed by Low
End Mac and covering all Macs built around G3, G4, and G5 CPUs."

nothing about it being towers only???

On May 19, 8:14 pm, Charles Lenington  wrote:

> You may get better answers on the G4books list (this list is for towers)

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Re: battery charging problem on powerbook g4

2010-05-20 Thread Demetrius
thanks for the tip, i tried it but it didn't work. added a lot of tape
in stages, but still won't charge consistently. thanks anyway...

On May 19, 2:12 pm, Richard Gerome  wrote:
>    I had the same problem with my Titanium Powerbook too, it's the 3rd party 
> battery doesn't fit quite the same as the original battery... I put a few 
> pieces of tape on the opposite side from where the contacts and latch are or 
> the side where the 2 plastic lock pins are so it would hold it in tighter, 
> add one piece of tape at a time till it stops doing it... I hope this works 
> for you like it did for me???

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battery charging problem on powerbook g4

2010-05-18 Thread Demetrius
hi there, i could use some help, if anyone has any brilliant ideas...
my  17" (1.67) powerbook isn't charging battery properly, it seems to
keep start and stop charging, as the info at upper right switches from
"not charging battery" to "calculating time to full charge"... i've
only had this cpu a few months, and was using old battery that only
lasted 20 minutes, so mostly was using adapter, but the battery would
charge ok when i depleted it. then last week i got a new 3rd party
battery, did the 'condition' thing: full charge, full drain, repeat
4-5 times, but then yesterday the screen started going very very dark
suddenly and battery did not seem to go past 8% (this is from what i
could tell when i restarted and screen stays bright for a few
minutes.). hooked it up to external screen which works for a minute or
so, then that screen goes black as well. so now using old battery
which has some charge but it's draining, as it tries to chrage then
stops, etc...
any ideas? much appreciated!

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Re: data transfer so sllooowwww on G4 MDD?

2010-03-25 Thread Demetrius
thanks for all the answers peeps. found a local card for $17!

On Mar 24, 12:44 pm, Demetrius  wrote:
> trying to move a few hundred gb from my MDD to new Western Digital "My
> Book Essential" 1TB drive, but it's going agonizingly slow... says 88
> hours for 250 gb and seems to be actually moving at that pace... it's
> a usb connection, and i reformatted the drive into two partitions.
> any idea why it's so slow?

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data transfer so sllooowwww on G4 MDD?

2010-03-24 Thread Demetrius
trying to move a few hundred gb from my MDD to new Western Digital "My
Book Essential" 1TB drive, but it's going agonizingly slow... says 88
hours for 250 gb and seems to be actually moving at that pace... it's
a usb connection, and i reformatted the drive into two partitions.
any idea why it's so slow?

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Re: annoying 'pause' on G4 MDD

2009-12-06 Thread Demetrius
thanks for the feedback folks, i've left the drives spinning and that
seems to have solved the problem. but should i be worried that running
the drives will significantly shorten their life span?!

thanks again, it's so great to have knowledgeable people sharing the
wealth ;-)

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annoying 'pause' on G4 MDD

2009-12-04 Thread Demetrius
every so often, maybe once or twice an hour, there is this pause, i
hear a hard drive not sure which one spinning up (or down?), sometimes
i get the spinning circle, and it last from 5-10 seconds. very
annoying. never, or rarely happens on my old G3 powerbook, or my G5 at

it seems that perhaps it's not the OS disk that is starting and
stopping, as it happens in the middle of doing something, when i
presume the os drive should be in use... i have

it's a G4 Mirror Door Drive, Dual 1.25ghz, 1GB RAM, running 10.5.8

could it be that i have OS installed on not the optimum drive? there
are four drives in it, and i just randomly choose one... (got in on
ebay a year ago)

in System Prefs --> Energy Saver, should i leave box unchecked that
would put drive(s) to sleep when possible? or will that cause
unnecessary wear... seems crazy to leave all the drives running all
the time!?

many thanks in advance for any help.

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Re: networking two macs

2009-03-03 Thread Demetrius

thanks for the tips Cyrus. but no luck, i can't find the "Connect
As..." option, and have no idea what passwords to use, as I haven't
set any aside from main System. shouldn't this be easy on a Mac!

On Mar 3, 2:39 pm, Cyrus  wrote:
> I remember having this problem in the past; where certain computers
> can connect one way, and others can't see each other. 10.4 wasn't
> quite as good with networking as 10.5 is; I think your problem on your
> tower computer is that in 10.5 you have to click on the "Connect
> As..." button and put in the name and password for your PowerBook, and
> check the Remember box. Otherwise, you are only seeing what a user
> connected as a guest would see. As for the other problem, I can't
> quite say what we did to solve the problem; we had a Linksys router
> (that was notoriously hostile towards Macs) but it broke, and we got a
> Time Capsule, and haven't had any problems since. So if you do have a
> Linksys or other router, I would try playing with the settings a
> little bit. You also might try changing the encryption for your
> network, for example from WEP to WPA, if you can. Hope that helps,
>      -Cyrus
> On Mar 3, 3:26 pm, Demetrius  wrote:
> > i know this should be easy but it's not working for me.
> > i have a G4 MDD with 10.5.6 and a Powerbook (PB) G3 (with G4 processor
> > upgrade) running 10.4.11. I would like to connect them on my wireless
> > network, so that I can access all folder/files, but keep others out.
> > AppleTalk and File Sharing is turned on both.
> > The MDD can see the PB on the network (as well as my roommates PC cpu,
> > all folders/files) but can only see the Public folder-->Drop Box
> > folder, but cannot open that folder "Not sufficient privleges" - but I
> > can drop things in it, and get them on the PB.
> > The PB does not automatically see the MDD, but if I "Connect to
> > Server" and enter IP of the MDD it will see it. But I cannot connect
> > as Registered User "Invalid Password" (tried System pw, no go) and if
> > I connect as Guest I can see the volume I made available on the MDD
> > but Users folders are blocked (little red - symbol) - System,
> > Application folders are accessible, i can transfer files, but I need
> > User folders.
> > most important to me is that MDD can pull files from PB.
> > any help out there? thanks!
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networking two macs

2009-03-03 Thread Demetrius

i know this should be easy but it's not working for me.
i have a G4 MDD with 10.5.6 and a Powerbook (PB) G3 (with G4 processor
upgrade) running 10.4.11. I would like to connect them on my wireless
network, so that I can access all folder/files, but keep others out.
AppleTalk and File Sharing is turned on both.
The MDD can see the PB on the network (as well as my roommates PC cpu,
all folders/files) but can only see the Public folder-->Drop Box
folder, but cannot open that folder "Not sufficient privleges" - but I
can drop things in it, and get them on the PB.
The PB does not automatically see the MDD, but if I "Connect to
Server" and enter IP of the MDD it will see it. But I cannot connect
as Registered User "Invalid Password" (tried System pw, no go) and if
I connect as Guest I can see the volume I made available on the MDD
but Users folders are blocked (little red - symbol) - System,
Application folders are accessible, i can transfer files, but I need
User folders.
most important to me is that MDD can pull files from PB.
any help out there? thanks!
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Re: copying 10.5 system disc

2009-02-21 Thread Demetrius

ok thanks Peter and Brian. i don't think i want to mess around with
hacking the install disc down to single layer, sounds risky in the
long run, especially for an amateur like me. would it make sense to
make a 'disk image', and save it on another drive? i've never done
this, but maybe will give it a try.

On Feb 21, 3:48 pm, Demetrius  wrote:
> hi there
> i always make a copy of my important discs, and i'd like to make one
> of the 10.5 Leopard disc that came with my G4 (off ebay), but i see it
> is dual layer. any nifty tricks for making a copy onto multiple reg.
> dvds? i have toast.
> thanks!
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copying 10.5 system disc

2009-02-21 Thread Demetrius

hi there
i always make a copy of my important discs, and i'd like to make one
of the 10.5 Leopard disc that came with my G4 (off ebay), but i see it
is dual layer. any nifty tricks for making a copy onto multiple reg.
dvds? i have toast.
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new g4 MDD owner

2009-02-21 Thread Demetrius

i'm new to the powermac line, being a long time Pismo owner, and i
have a couple of questions, if i may:
- will the mdd (dual1.25) take an 'airport extreme' card, or is it
limited to slower 'airport' card? any advice for the best way to make
this thing wireless, i.e PCI card or something? i don't need anything
crazy, but would like to max it out at a reasonable cost.
- it came with this "ATTO UL3D SCSI Card" - which the previous owner
says is worth something, but I have no idea what it is, some sort of
uber-fast hard drive port...? I doubt it's useful to me, is it worth
putting on ebay?

those are my two main questions i guess, thanks in advance for the
shared knowledge!

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