Re: 2TB SATAs on Seritek for my Quicksilver Dual 1GHz

2010-06-16 Thread Bill Connelly

On Jun 16, 2010, at 12:18 AM, Stewie de Young wrote:

Probably not as it has a 32mb cache despite the difference in RPMs.
At a rough guess I'd say a SATA 7200RPM drive with a 16mb cache  
would perform much the same as this drive with the 32mb cache  
( depending on what you have in there already )
I'd look at drive benchmark tests at one of the PC sites but the  
best results as we know are in real world applications. usually has some good drive comparisons  
but this may be too new for them to have performed any benchmarks yet.

Thanks ... how could I forget barefeats:

My Seagate ST31000528AS 1TB 7200 interrnal to my DA Dual 533, shows a  
Quickbench of Read 90MB/s and Write 89MB/s for 100MB Extended Tests.

Looks like the Seagate LP ST32000542AS 5900 clocks in at Read 116MB/s  
and Write 110MB/s for 1GB Extended Tests (special version of  
Quickbench I think) on a Mac Pro. Hopefully I'm taking the similar  
numbers off their findings correctly, maybe not ...

Different environments for testing for sure.

Will continue to investigate ...

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RE: 2TB SATAs on Seritek for my Quicksilver Dual 1GHz

2010-06-16 Thread Stewie de Young

> From:

> Currently have good success with a 1TB Seagate SATA and a Firmtek  
> Seritek 1S2 SATA Controller on my Digital Audio Dual 533 OS X 10.5.8.
> Anyone have experience with the so-called energy efficient "LP" Seagate?
> Its 2TBs but shows as a 5900rpm drive. My other SATAs are 7200rpm.
> Since the SATA drives are so fast, would I notice the drop in  
> rotational speed using for video capture work on my Quicksilver 2002  
> Dual 1GHz under OS X 10.5.8? I feel yes, but wonder if anyone has used  
> it.
> Trying to justify putting another $200 (SATA controller + 2TB HD) or  
> so in my QS ...
> Thanks

Probably not as it has a 32mb cache despite the difference in RPMs.
At a rough guess I'd say a SATA 7200RPM drive with a 16mb cache would perform 
much the same as this drive with the 32mb cache ( depending on what you have in 
there already )
I'd look at drive benchmark tests at one of the PC sites but the best results 
as we know are in real world applications. usually has some good drive comparisons but this may 
be too new for them to have performed any benchmarks yet.


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