Re: [galaxy-dev] Implementing blend4j

2013-07-15 Thread Eric Kuyt
Nice, this works! Maybe after some testing we can try to get the package in
the central maven repositories.

I think for now all the functionality I need is in your version of blend4j.
But if I think of something new I'll try to participate.


On 13 July 2013 08:58, John Chilton wrote:

 So you have packaged blend4j and all of its dependencies into one jar
 file? I don't have any experience doing that. I could imagine
 potentially some files conflicting and only one version being written
 and so jersey-json breaks? Is this a possibility, some of the jar
 metadata sort of files?

 I have used blend4j a few different ways (in a war, as a Java web
 start application, and as a standalone application) but always with
 applications where it is in its own jar file and all of its
 dependencies are in their own and original jar files. So I would
 recommend using it in that mode, if that is not possible however I
 would search the web for others having problems repackaging

 As for development, you can use my artifactory server to grab the
 canonical blend4j, by adding the following to your pom.xml file:

   nameMSI Artifactory/name


 If instead you want to test your own changes to blend4j, I believe you
 can just do a mvn install or something like that from the blend4j
 fork directory on your development server to install a local copy into
 your maven cache. blend4j is the first project I have used maven with,
 so some of my terminology could be wrong there, but hopefully the idea
 makes sense. Also happy to look at pull requests if it helps to push
 changes upstream.

 Sorry if this response is not more helpful, let me know if there is
 anything else I can do or answer.


 On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:37 AM, Eric Kuyt wrote:
  Hello all,
  I'm trying to implement blend4j in a java application. for this I cloned
  source, fetched the dependencies and added  a maven assembly plugin to
  assemble a jar file with dependencies.
  This jar I put in my classpath.
  Now fetching histories works, but creating a new one fails. Online I see
  lot of jersey users have this problem and it seems like jersey-json is
  available, but jersey-json is packaged in the jar.
  Anyone else have this problem?
  @John maybe you have better practices? I would like to have blend4j in my
  maven dependencies, but not build my own nexus.
  Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR (CVI)
  Department of Infection Biology
  PO box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, NL
  Visiting address: ASG, Edelhertweg 15, 8219 PH Lelystad
  Tel:  +31-(0)320-293391
  Fax: +31-(0)320-238153

Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR (CVI)
Department of Infection Biology
PO box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, NL
Visiting address: ASG, Edelhertweg 15, 8219 PH Lelystad

Tel:  +31-(0)320-293391
Fax: +31-(0)320-238153
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Re: [galaxy-dev] No samtools build after building index through Data Manager.

2013-07-15 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your reply.
I don't handle the updates, but it was updated on 25 Jun 13. I'm pretty
sure I can rule out the version number as the BWA builds, created using
the Data Manager, work fine.

Here is the pertinent contents of shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml

?xml version=1.0?
table comment_char=# name=all_fasta
columnsvalue, dbkey, name, path/columns
a.loc /

table comment_char=# name=all_fasta
columnsvalue, dbkey, name, path/columns
asta.loc /

table comment_char=# name=sam_fa_indexes
columnsline_type, value, path/columns
a_indices.loc /

table comment_char=# name=all_fasta
columnsvalue, dbkey, name, path/columns
_fasta.loc /

in ${GALAXY_HOME}/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample the entry for sam_fa
reads as so:

!-- Location of SAMTools indexes and other files --
table name=sam_fa_indexes comment_char=#
columnsline_type, value, path/columns
file path=tool-data/sam_fa_indices.loc /

The file tool-data/sam_fa_new_indices.loc (and .sample) does not exist.

If I keep the manually inserted builds listed in
tool-data/sam_fa_indices.loc and restart Galaxy, then I get the following
(abridged) entries in the paster.log: DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,109 Loaded tool data table
'all_fasta' DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,115 Loaded tool data table
'bwa_indexes' DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,116 Loaded tool data table
'bwa_indexes_color' DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,167 Loaded tool data table
... DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,324 Loading another instance
of data table 'all_fasta', attempting to merge content. DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,340 Loading another instance
of data table 'bwa_indexes', attempting to merge content. DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,348 Loading another instance
of data table 'bwa_indexes_color', attempting to merge content. DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,410 Loading another instance
of data table 'all_fasta', attempting to merge content. DEBUG 2013-07-15 09:51:11,422 Loading another instance
of data table 'sam_fa_indexes', attempting to merge content. ERROR 2013-07-15 09:51:11,422 Attempted to add fields
(['index', 'cfraxinea_s1v1',
raxinea_s1v1/c_fraxinea_s1v1.fa']) to data table 'sam_fa_indexes', but
this entry already exists and allow_duplicates is False. ERROR 2013-07-15 09:51:11,422 Attempted to add fields
(['index', 'b_distachyon',
stachyon/b_distachyon.fa']) to data table 'sam_fa_indexes', but this entry
already exists and allow_duplicates is False. ERROR 2013-07-15 09:51:11,423 Attempted to add fields
(['index', 'n_sylvestris',
lvestris/n_sylvestris.fa']) to data table 'sam_fa_indexes', but this entry
already exists and allow_duplicates is False. ERROR 2013-07-15 09:51:11,423 Attempted to add fields

[galaxy-dev] Display data in browser

2013-07-15 Thread Gromobir

Hello list,
I'm currently trying to create a new tool, which has an .xhtml file as 
its output.
After finishing the job, I would like to be able to click on the eye 
icon aka Display data in browser
and display the resulting .xhtml file in the frame to the left of my 
tool history. Unfortunately I have no idea yet

how I could accomplish this. Any help is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
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Re: [galaxy-dev] CloudMan Error

2013-07-15 Thread greg
Thanks for getting back to me, Enis.

I went ahead and started a new cluster instance.  I'll try to leave it
running today in case there's anything we want to check.

Here's my whole process:

Start Screen Setup:

Entering my share string:

Main Page Text and log:

Cluster name:


Disk status:

0 / 0 (0%)

Worker status:

Idle: 0 Available: 0 Requested: 0

Service status:



Cluster status log

14:08:32 - Master starting
14:08:34 - Completed the initial cluster startup process. This is a
new cluster; waiting to configure the type.
14:08:50 - Migration service prerequisites OK; starting the service
14:08:50 - SGE service prerequisites OK; starting the service
14:08:58 - Setting up SGE...
14:09:13 - HTCondor service prerequisites OK; starting the service
14:09:21 - Hadoop service prerequisites OK; starting the service
14:09:38 - Done adding Hadoop service; service running.
14:11:53 - Error creating volume from shared cluster's snapshot
'['snap-cfa775ba']': 'filesystems'

Admin Page CloudMan Log: (unfortunately nothing is jumping out at me?)

CloudMan from Galaxy
Admin | Report bugs | Wiki | Screencast
The entire log file (paster.log) is shown. Show latest | Back to admin view
Python version:  (2, 7)
Image configuration suports: {'apps': ['cloudman', 'galaxy']}
2013-07-15 14:08:32,406 DEBUGapp:68   Initializing app
2013-07-15 14:08:32,407 DEBUGec2:121  Gathering instance
zone, attempt 0
2013-07-15 14:08:32,410 DEBUGec2:127  Instance zone is 'us-east-1d'
2013-07-15 14:08:32,410 DEBUGec2:45   Gathering instance
ami, attempt 0
2013-07-15 14:08:32,412 DEBUGapp:71   Running on 'ec2'
type of cloud in zone 'us-east-1d' using image 'ami-118bfc78'.
2013-07-15 14:08:32,412 DEBUGapp:89   Getting pd.yaml
2013-07-15 14:08:32,412 DEBUGec2:338  No S3 Connection,
creating a new one.
2013-07-15 14:08:32,413 DEBUGec2:342  Got boto S3 connection.
2013-07-15 14:08:32,452 DEBUG   misc:212  Checking if bucket
'cm-0479bd75a331acc874033e98b2e1e03e' exists... it does not.
2013-07-15 14:08:32,452 DEBUG   misc:583  Bucket
'cm-0479bd75a331acc874033e98b2e1e03e' does not exist, did not get
remote file 'persistent_data.yaml'
2013-07-15 14:08:32,452 DEBUGapp:96   Setting
deployment_version to 2
2013-07-15 14:08:32,453 INFO app:103  Master starting
2013-07-15 14:08:32,453 DEBUG master:55   Initializing console
manager - cluster start time: 2013-07-15 14:08:32.453182
2013-07-15 14:08:32,453 DEBUG   comm:42   AMQP Connection
Failure:  [Errno 111] Connection refused
2013-07-15 14:08:32,453 DEBUG master:791  Trying to discover
any worker instances associated with this cluster...
2013-07-15 14:08:32,454 DEBUGec2:317  Establishing boto
EC2 connection
2013-07-15 14:08:32,535 DEBUGec2:305  Got region as
2013-07-15 14:08:32,777 DEBUGec2:326  Got boto EC2
connection for region 'us-east-1'
2013-07-15 14:08:33,022 DEBUG   misc:574  Retrieved file
'snaps.yaml' from bucket 'cloudman' on host '' to
2013-07-15 14:08:33,035 DEBUGec2:286  Got region name as 'us-east-1'
2013-07-15 14:08:33,035 DEBUG master:226  Loaded default
snapshot data: [{'snap_id': 'snap-adad90fc', 'name': 'galaxy',
'roles': 'galaxyTools,galaxyData'}, {'snap_id': 'snap-5b030634',
'name': 'galaxyIndices', 'roles': 'galaxyIndices'}]
2013-07-15 14:08:33,035 DEBUGec2:81   Gathering instance
id, attempt 0
2013-07-15 14:08:33,037 DEBUGec2:87   Instance ID is 'i-5346d733'
2013-07-15 14:08:33,125 DEBUGec2:360  Adding tag
'clusterName:MSGGREG' to resource 'i-5346d733'
2013-07-15 14:08:33,307 DEBUGec2:360  Adding tag
'role:master' to resource 'i-5346d733'
2013-07-15 14:08:33,554 DEBUGec2:360  Adding tag
'Name:master: MSGGREG' to resource 'i-5346d733'
2013-07-15 14:08:33,744 DEBUG master:246  ud at manager start:
{'region_name': u'us-east-1', 'region_endpoint': u'',
'ec2_port': None, 'deployment_version': 2, 'cloud_name': u'Amazon',
'boot_script_name': '', 'is_secure': True, 'password':
'', 'access_key': 'redacted!', 's3_port': None, 'cloud_type':
u'ec2', 'cloudman_home': '/mnt/cm', 'cluster_name': u'MSGGREG',
'freenxpass': u'', 'bucket_default': 'cloudman', 'role': 'master',
'bucket_cluster': 'cm-0479bd75a331acc874033e98b2e1e03e',
'boot_script_path': '/tmp/cm', 'secret_key': u'redacted!',
's3_conn_path': u'/', 's3_host': u'', 'ec2_conn_path':
2013-07-15 14:08:33,744 DEBUG master:1858 Generating root
user's public key...
2013-07-15 14:08:33,763 DEBUG

[galaxy-dev] [GSoC2013] Week 4 Accomplishments and Week 5 Plans

2013-07-15 Thread Saket Choudhary
Hi All,

Week 4 blog post :

Do drop in your comments , if any.


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Re: [galaxy-dev] Error Uploading Directory of Files

2013-07-15 Thread Nate Coraor
On Jun 28, 2013, at 12:35 PM, Nicholas Kline wrote:

 Our lab recently installed a local version of Galaxy on a mid-2012 Mac
 Pro computer. We can access the Galaxy server and sign in as an
 administrator. Today we tried creating a Data Library, adding a
 dataset to it, and uploading a directory of files. We followed the
 Galaxy documentation at
 to setup this feature:
 - Admin  Data Library  Add datasets  Upload directory of files
 - file format was set to auto-detect
 - and we chose the option to link to files instead of copying them
 Galaxy confirmed that the files were successfully uploaded. However,
 in the data library, under the Message column, is a message in red
 saying Job error (click name for more info). Clicking on one of the
 uploaded files displays a page with this information:
 Date uploaded: 2013-06-28
 File size: 7.5 GB
 Data type: auto
 Build: sacCer2
 Miscellaneous information:
 Traceback (most recent call last): File
 /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools/data_source/, line
 386, in __main__() File
 /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools/data_source/, line
 357, in __main__ output_paths =
 Job Standard Error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools/data_source/,
 line 386, in
  File /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools/data_source/,
 line 357, in __main__
output_paths = parse_outputs( sys.argv[4:] )
  File /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools/data_source/,
 line 64, in parse_outputs
id, files_path, path = arg.split( ':', 2 )
 ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
 Database/Build: sacCer2
 Number of data lines: None
 Disk file: /Volumes/G-SPEED Q/data/Person 2012 project/DCP2 mef.fastq

Hi Nicholas,

Could you try re-adding the data to the library with the spaces removed from 
all path components?  I thought this had been fixed a long time ago but it's 
possible that the bug reappeared at some point.


 1. Should we be concerned about this error?
 2. If so, what is the right way to fix it?
 3. If not, how do we remove the red error message next to each file:
 Job error (click name for more info) ?
 Thank you
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[galaxy-dev] Galaxy Server Questions

2013-07-15 Thread Jennifer Jackson

Hi Zain,

The minimum requirements for Galaxy are pretty much any recent model 
computer. A basic install will load and run within a very short amount 
of time, following the instructions at:

Advanced tools come from the Tool Shed. These are installed separately. 
No programming is needed, but some very basic unix skills are required, 
as they would be for ongoing server maintenance. The Tool Shed is one of 
the best documented parts of Galaxy, so you should be able to find all 
the answers here, or this is the right list to use for questions about 
local installs (

However, running a production instance that is intended to run compute 
intensive tools (such as Tophat2), and where you have some throughput 
goals, will require more substantial resources. This is always a 
difficult question to answer since so much depends on the tools used and 
the data volume. But in general, minimum requirements are about around 
the same as what those underlying tools would require on their own, if 
run line-command. So for Tophat or Tophat2, and really the entire Tuxedo 
RNA-seq tool package, you might be able to get by on 8G memory and 2 or 
4 cores. But, it will probably be slow and if you are running replicates 
through Cuffdiff at the end, you might run out of memory if the files 
are large and the genome is large (such as human). And if you are are 
hosting a web Galaxy at the same time with visualizations and such, 
well, this is why systems are often set up with clusters. With all of 
these will be competing for the same resources, going low can work, but 
this will be something that will have to be managed/tested, and it will 
change through time as tools upgrade.

You could test this out by setting up a cloud instance with the hardware 
you plan to use, loading some of your data, and running your workflow to 
see how this benchmarks. Have users on the instance while you are doing 
this - to judge performance. Cloud installations come with many of the 
advanced tools and data indexes already installed/configured, so this 
would be less investment than buying the hardware first and finding out 
later it was not not enough.

And of course Slipstream Galaxy is an option. The whole intention here 
is to make a complete package with tools  data already configured, in a 
system that has enough compute capability to do the work, for 
scientists/labs who do not want to deal with administrative tasks or 
work in the cloud (for whatever reason).

Good luck with your decision! Other are welcomed to comment about how 
they have set up their system.

Galaxy team

On 7/15/13 7:14 AM, Zain A Alvi wrote:

Hi Jen,

I hope this reaches you well. I have a small question in regards to 
setting up a galaxy server. My mentors and I are looking into buying a 
server for doing NGS analysis through the use of Galaxy. We saw that 
slipstream's specifications for hardware to be the following:

CPU: 2x Intel Xeon Processor E5-2690, 8 core (16 cores total)
RAM Memory: 12x 32GB RDIMM (384 GB) with option to upgrade it to 512 GB
Storage (Hard Drive space): 7x 3TB SAS 6 Gbps (16 TB usable) with 1 x 
100GB Solid State Disk

Power: Dual Pedundant Power Supplies
Network: Dual Gigabit Network Adapter

We are wondering what can be the minimum server hardware 
specifications that Galaxy be run on.

Our second question is if we install Galaxy on the server, do all the 
tools currently available on Galaxy come pre-installed on it or do we 
have to program (Via Perl and Python) and install each of those tool 
sets ourselves.  If we have to install those tools ourselves, is there 
a guide that we can do so? Lastly, how can we upgrade the tool sets 
such as Tophat 1.44 to Tophat 2 on this server. I was wondering about 
the last question as Tophat 1.44 is available on the main Galaxy 
server whereas Tophat 2 is available on the test Galaxy server.

Sorry for so many questions. Thank you again for all the great help.



Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
Galaxy Support and Training

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Re: [galaxy-dev] Connecting to new Galaxy Cloudman by FTP

2013-07-15 Thread Nate Coraor
On Jul 8, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Mohammad Heydarian wrote:

 I am having trouble setting up a FTP connection with the recently released 
 version of Galaxy Cloudman (ami-118bfc78). 
 I have instantiated the new version of Galaxy Cloudman with CloudLaunch and 
 also through the AWS EC2 wizard (using the same security group settings as 
 the previous versions) and neither instance will connect to my FTP connection.
 Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know what is preventing the FTP 
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Mo,

This may be a case of the new password hashing algorithm's incompatibility with 
the provided ProFTPD config.  Could you try the following:

1. Set 'use_pbkdf2 = False' in universe_wsgi.ini anywhere in the [app:main] 
2. Restart Galaxy
3. Reset your password in the Galaxy UI
4. Test FTP again


 Mo Heydarian
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[galaxy-dev] plain text output format

2013-07-15 Thread mark.rose
Hi All

I'm trying to format one of the three outputs of my galaxy tool as plain text.  
Thus far no matter how I specify my output format in the tool xml file I have 
the same problem.  When I click the eye icon it opens a save dialog rather that 
displaying the text output in the central frame.  The preview shows the text 
output and if I follow through and save the output and open with wordpad it is 
fine.  Also if I edit the attributes of the output and change it to txt 
(which is one of the formats I had tried specifying in the xml)  it will render 
in the central frame but I would rather not have to do that.  Both of my other 
outputs (a vcf and a tab-delimited file are rendered in the central frame 
properly).  What can I do to fix this?



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[galaxy-dev] Upstart script to manage a multi instance load balanced installation

2013-07-15 Thread Seth Sims
After some work i've created an Upstart script which can manage a load
balanced galaxy configuration as described in the wiki. I thought that I
would put it on this list for other people to use. The script parses
universe_wsgi.ini just like and spawns all of the servers it finds.
It comes in two pieces galaxy.conf and galaxy-worker.conf. Once you place
them both in /etc/init and make the proper edits for the environment a
server can be started with sudo start galaxy. The configuration starts
the server at boot time and puts all of the instances under the management
of upstart which deals with pids, logging to syslog and respawning if an
instance crashes.
I have just gotten this working reasonably well but have done basically no
testing so there are bugs to be found. Any comments are welcome if anyone
knows a better way to do something here.

- Seth


author Seth Sims
version 0.0.1 test
description galaxy master process. Fetches eggs and spawns all of the
servers it finds configured

start on started network-services

# make sure that any eggs we download are at least owned by the galaxy
# we cannot use setuid in this script because only root can issue the
start galaxy-worker
# command. But this way the galaxy instances should still be able to use
their eggs.
setgid galaxy

# put galaxy root directory here
chdir /srv/galaxy-dist/

pre-start script
echo checking python version
python ./scripts/
[ $? -ne 0 ]  exit 1

echo pre-fetching tossing out expired eggs
python ./scripts/ -q
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo Some eggs are out of date, attempting to fetch...
python ./scripts/
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo Fetch Successful.
echo Fetch failed.

echo starting servers
SERVERS=`sed -n 's/^\[server:\(.*\)\]/\1/  p' universe_wsgi.ini | xargs
for SERVER in ${SERVERS} ; do
echo starting server ${SERVER}
start galaxy-worker SERVER_NAME=${SERVER}
end script

post-stop script
SERVERS=`sed -n 's/^\[server:\(.*\)\]/\1/  p' universe_wsgi.ini | xargs
echo stopping galaxy servers.
for SERVER in ${SERVERS} ; do
echo stopping ${SERVER}
stop galaxy-worker SERVER_NAME=${SERVER}
end script
author Seth Sims
version 0.0.1 test
description Starts a galaxy server instance. This is run from the
galaxy.conf file

instance $SERVER_NAME

#make sure we are running as the galaxy user
setuid galaxy
setgid galaxy

#put the galaxy root directory here
chdir /srv/galaxy-dist/

#having multiple instances of galaxy using the same egg directory was
causing a race
#condition that was stopping the instances from starting correctly. So give
each instance
#its own directory under /tmp


exec python ./scripts/ serve universe_wsgi.ini
end script
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Re: [galaxy-dev] Implementing blend4j

2013-07-15 Thread John Chilton
Fantastic. blend4j definitely should be in a public repository, just don't
know how and have not had the time. Any help in that process would be most

On Jul 15, 2013 10:43 AM, Eric Kuyt wrote:

 Nice, this works! Maybe after some testing we can try to get the package
 in the central maven repositories.

 I think for now all the functionality I need is in your version of
 blend4j. But if I think of something new I'll try to participate.


 On 13 July 2013 08:58, John Chilton wrote:

 So you have packaged blend4j and all of its dependencies into one jar
 file? I don't have any experience doing that. I could imagine
 potentially some files conflicting and only one version being written
 and so jersey-json breaks? Is this a possibility, some of the jar
 metadata sort of files?

 I have used blend4j a few different ways (in a war, as a Java web
 start application, and as a standalone application) but always with
 applications where it is in its own jar file and all of its
 dependencies are in their own and original jar files. So I would
 recommend using it in that mode, if that is not possible however I
 would search the web for others having problems repackaging

 As for development, you can use my artifactory server to grab the
 canonical blend4j, by adding the following to your pom.xml file:

   nameMSI Artifactory/name


 If instead you want to test your own changes to blend4j, I believe you
 can just do a mvn install or something like that from the blend4j
 fork directory on your development server to install a local copy into
 your maven cache. blend4j is the first project I have used maven with,
 so some of my terminology could be wrong there, but hopefully the idea
 makes sense. Also happy to look at pull requests if it helps to push
 changes upstream.

 Sorry if this response is not more helpful, let me know if there is
 anything else I can do or answer.


 On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:37 AM, Eric Kuyt wrote:
  Hello all,
  I'm trying to implement blend4j in a java application. for this I
 cloned the
  source, fetched the dependencies and added  a maven assembly plugin to
  assemble a jar file with dependencies.
  This jar I put in my classpath.
  Now fetching histories works, but creating a new one fails. Online I
 see a
  lot of jersey users have this problem and it seems like jersey-json is
  available, but jersey-json is packaged in the jar.
  Anyone else have this problem?
  @John maybe you have better practices? I would like to have blend4j in
  maven dependencies, but not build my own nexus.
  Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR (CVI)
  Department of Infection Biology
  PO box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, NL
  Visiting address: ASG, Edelhertweg 15, 8219 PH Lelystad
  Tel:  +31-(0)320-293391
  Fax: +31-(0)320-238153

 Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR (CVI)
 Department of Infection Biology
 PO box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, NL
 Visiting address: ASG, Edelhertweg 15, 8219 PH Lelystad

 Tel:  +31-(0)320-293391
 Fax: +31-(0)320-238153

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Re: [galaxy-dev] [galaxy-user] Connecting to new Galaxy Cloudman by FTP

2013-07-15 Thread Mohammad Heydarian
Hey Nate,
Thanks for the response and instructions.

I understand the last three steps of your protocol, but the first step is
difficult for me to understand. I'm guessing that, 1. Set 'use_pbkdf2 =
False' in universe_wsgi.ini anywhere in the [app:main] section, is telling
me to change a setting of Cloudman by command line. This is generally where
we get stuck in using Cloudman, because we aren't familiar with command
line (we get cold sweats and light palpitations) and are weary of making
changes to the Cloudman code.

I would ask our IT guys for help, but their expertise ends at updating
Office tools. I would bother a programmer or bioinformatician, but most of
them are so busy you need a formal collaboration to get on their radar. I
would ask people who vaguely know command line for help, but most of the
time their knowledge of command line is just higher than mine and we end up
troubleshooting an issue neither of us can really grasp.

So, is there a webcast, or video, or slideshow, that can show a newbie how
to command line into Cloudman and make the changes you outline in step 1?

Mo Heydarian

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Nate Coraor wrote:

 On Jul 8, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Mohammad Heydarian wrote:

  I am having trouble setting up a FTP connection with the recently
 released version of Galaxy Cloudman (ami-118bfc78).
  I have instantiated the new version of Galaxy Cloudman with CloudLaunch
 and also through the AWS EC2 wizard (using the same security group settings
 as the previous versions) and neither instance will connect to my FTP
  Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know what is preventing
 the FTP connection?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Hey Mo,

 This may be a case of the new password hashing algorithm's incompatibility
 with the provided ProFTPD config.  Could you try the following:

 1. Set 'use_pbkdf2 = False' in universe_wsgi.ini anywhere in the
 [app:main] section
 2. Restart Galaxy
 3. Reset your password in the Galaxy UI
 4. Test FTP again


  Mo Heydarian
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[galaxy-dev] Galaxy-less Tool Installing

2013-07-15 Thread John Chilton
  One of my goals for the GCC was to sell the idea that tool shed
repositories need to be installable without a database present. I
talked with James Taylor and Enis Afgan about this idea briefly and they seemed
to believe this was a good idea - I kept meaning to discuss it with Greg but I
never got a good opportunity. Though in past Greg has made this sound
potentially doable and has never objected to the goal overtly.

  I have two specific use cases in mind (CloudBioLinux and LWR), but perhaps the
higher-level justification is something along the lines that a lot of effort
from Greg and others (Dave, Bjorn, Peter, Nate) has gone into building a modular
dependency system that could very easily be leveraged by applications other than
Galaxy, so the extra steps that could be taken to make this possible should to
make the codebase as broadly useful and to encourage adoption. The Galaxy
community could benefit from other applications potentially utilizing and
populating the tool shed and Galaxy tool developers would be further incentized
to write good, modular dependencies and publish them to the tool shed.

  A high-level task decomposition would be something like this:

  1. Rework installing tool shed repositories to not require a database. A kind
of messy way to do this might be adding a use_database flag throughout. A
cleaner way might be to use allow the core functionality to work with callbacks
or plugins that performed the database interactions.

  2. Separate the core functionality out of the Galaxy code base entirely into
a reusable, stand-alone library.

  I would love buy in from the Galaxy team on item 2 above, but it is not
strictly needed for my goals - I imagine I could write a script to pull it out
Galaxy and build the library automatically or even just have the Galaxy codebase
present when using Galaxy-less tool shed dependencies.

  Buy in on item 1 by the Galaxy team (specifically Greg and Dave B.)
however is needed, are there any objections to this idea? Do you have any broad
advice on how to approach this to ensure the changes make sense, work with your
long term vision, and end up in Galaxy?

  Of all the things on my TODO list for the next year, this is probably the most
potentially broadly interesting to this weeks BOSC codefest attendees, so I was
going to attempt to sell this as something to work on. The sales pitch would
include building a little tool shed version of the module command - to demonstrate this work and have something
immediately useful produced.

  The idea would be to create a command-line tool for utilizing tool shed

  # Unlike standard module, install procedure is available. Probably could
  # default to main tool shed and latest installable revision

  % tsmodule repo:install galaxyp/tint
  % tsmodule repo:install

  # module lets you list packages, I guess tool shed version would need
  # repository and package listings:

  % tsmodule repo:list
  % tsmodule package:list

  # Finally, a use command would source the script and make dependency
  # available in the command-line (might require starting new shell?):

  % tsmodule package:use tint_proteomics_scripts
  % tsmodule package:use tint_proteomics_scripts/1.19.19
  % tsmodule package:use

  # use apps that would be available to tools with valid requirements tags.
  % iQuantCLI

  This would be different from using the API scripts because there would be no
API, Galaxy instance, or Galaxy database involved - just the Galaxy code. If
this was able to split into its own Python library, one could imagine even
allowing something like tsmodule to be installable right from pip and
recursively fetch a toolshed_client library or something like that.
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Re: [galaxy-dev] Galaxy-less Tool Installing

2013-07-15 Thread Michael Cotterell
 This would be different from using the API scripts because there would be
 API, Galaxy instance, or Galaxy database involved - just the Galaxy code.
 this was able to split into its own Python library, one could imagine even
 allowing something like tsmodule to be installable right from pip and
 recursively fetch a toolshed_client library or something like that.

I especially like this idea. I wasn't at GCC, but my boss was, so you may
have seen some of the stuff I'm working on with Web Services.

Right now, the transition to the tool shed it awesome, except for when it
comes time to actually run the tools for adding web services. You see right
now, the tool my colleagues and I have developed dynamically creates tool
config files based on WSDLs and WADLs. The problem is, at the moment, our
tool actually edits the tools_config.xml file directly in order to add the
web service operation tools to galaxy. Your idea, if I understand it
correctly, would mean that it might be possible for my tool to utilize this
other method of installation in order to add/remove the generated tools to

I'd definitely like to hear more about this.

Michael E. Cotterell

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, University of Georgia
Graduate RA  TA, University of Georgia
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Re: [galaxy-dev] Galaxy-less Tool Installing

2013-07-15 Thread Greg Von Kuster
Hi John,

It's really too bad that we didn't find time to discuss this in person at the 
GCC.  Until now, I've not heard from anyone that installation from the tool 
shed without requiring a Galaxy database is important, so I'm lacking some 
context on this (I assume your statement without a database present refers to 
the Galaxy database).

Some concerns that immediately pop into my mind are the following - this is not 
a complete list.

1) How do you ensure dependency relationships between installed repositories?

2) How do you manage locating installed repository contents?

3) How do you manage the current state of an installed repostiroy and determine 
if it can be updated?

4) How do you manage tool version lineage for installed repositories that 
contain tools (this plays an importnt role in ensuring reproducibility)?

5) How do you maintain the state of an installed repository, enabling it to be 
repaired if it or any of it's dependencies are in an error state?

Since I've never considered re-engineering the tool shed installation process 
so that it would function in an environment without a Galaxy database, I'm not 
sure how much effort would need to go into doing so, or where to start.  I'll 
have to think about this for a while.

Greg Von Kuster

On Jul 15, 2013, at 7:27 PM, John Chilton wrote:

 One of my goals for the GCC was to sell the idea that tool shed
 repositories need to be installable without a database present. I
 talked with James Taylor and Enis Afgan about this idea briefly and they 
 to believe this was a good idea - I kept meaning to discuss it with Greg but I
 never got a good opportunity. Though in past Greg has made this sound
 potentially doable and has never objected to the goal overtly.
 I have two specific use cases in mind (CloudBioLinux and LWR), but perhaps the
 higher-level justification is something along the lines that a lot of effort
 from Greg and others (Dave, Bjorn, Peter, Nate) has gone into building a 
 dependency system that could very easily be leveraged by applications other 
 Galaxy, so the extra steps that could be taken to make this possible should to
 make the codebase as broadly useful and to encourage adoption. The Galaxy
 community could benefit from other applications potentially utilizing and
 populating the tool shed and Galaxy tool developers would be further 
 to write good, modular dependencies and publish them to the tool shed.
 A high-level task decomposition would be something like this:
 1. Rework installing tool shed repositories to not require a database. A kind
 of messy way to do this might be adding a use_database flag throughout. A
 cleaner way might be to use allow the core functionality to work with 
 or plugins that performed the database interactions.
 2. Separate the core functionality out of the Galaxy code base entirely into
 a reusable, stand-alone library.
 I would love buy in from the Galaxy team on item 2 above, but it is not
 strictly needed for my goals - I imagine I could write a script to pull it out
 Galaxy and build the library automatically or even just have the Galaxy 
 present when using Galaxy-less tool shed dependencies.
 Buy in on item 1 by the Galaxy team (specifically Greg and Dave B.)
 however is needed, are there any objections to this idea? Do you have any 
 advice on how to approach this to ensure the changes make sense, work with 
 long term vision, and end up in Galaxy?
 Of all the things on my TODO list for the next year, this is probably the most
 potentially broadly interesting to this weeks BOSC codefest attendees, so I 
 going to attempt to sell this as something to work on. The sales pitch would
 include building a little tool shed version of the module command - to demonstrate this work and have something
 immediately useful produced.
 The idea would be to create a command-line tool for utilizing tool shed
 # Unlike standard module, install procedure is available. Probably could
 # default to main tool shed and latest installable revision
 % tsmodule repo:install galaxyp/tint
 % tsmodule repo:install
 # module lets you list packages, I guess tool shed version would need
 # repository and package listings:
 % tsmodule repo:list
 % tsmodule package:list
 # Finally, a use command would source the script and make dependency
 # available in the command-line (might require starting new shell?):
 % tsmodule package:use tint_proteomics_scripts
 % tsmodule package:use tint_proteomics_scripts/1.19.19
 % tsmodule package:use
 # use apps that would be available to tools with valid requirements tags.
 % iQuantCLI