[galaxy-dev] barcode splitter made 96 files. Is there a tool to map all of these files to the reference genome?

2011-11-11 Thread Lucinda Lawson
I have Rad tag data that I'm trying to map to our reference genome in
Galaxy on our local instance. After barcode splitter, I have 96 files
(one each of all of the sequences for that individual). It seems like
the current tools (e.g. bowtie) can only map a single file to the
reference. I think that even if I were to do this step 96 times, I
would still end up with 96 files at the end and not the linkage map
that I hoped for.

Any ideas on how to move forward from this stage?
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[galaxy-dev] Velvetoptimizer won't read in my paired, illumina file

2011-11-11 Thread Lucinda Lawson
Hi. I have an illumina 1.9 file that I renamed, groomed, and
interlaced to get to its current state (see first 2 sets of paired
sequences below)


Now I want to do an initial assembly with velvetoptimizer on my local
instance of Galaxy. When I run velvetoptimizer, calling this file a
fastq file of short paired reads, it fails and I get this error

SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

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[galaxy-dev] fastx reverse compliment failed - gzip: stdout: Broken pipe

2011-11-03 Thread Lucinda Lawson
I'm reposting over here from the user side, since this is a local
instance, and it was recommended.

Hi all,
We are running Galaxy on an Ubuntu 11.10 computer (5 TB, stripped,
etc.). We are assembling a small genome (110 Gb). Our dataset isn't
directly uploaded, but is accessed from a directory (if that matters).
Everything went fine through the FASTQ Groomer, but when we ran
Reverse-Compliment, we got the following error:

fastx_reverse_complement: writing quality scores failed: File too large

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe

Any help that you might have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

As a follow up, the file that we're trying to reverse compliment is
~26 Gb. The files seem to work fine until 2.1 Gb. There is plenty of
memory (we have 3.4 Tb free on this system) and it doesn't seem to be
an issue with the permissions or partitions. I also made sure that the
Gzip and connectors to perl are up to date. And I have set everything
in ulimit to be unlimited (so there are no issues for Ubuntu for the
file size creation). This is a local instance, btw, though I'm sure
that's obvious... We were able to groom the files to create the 26Gb
file that we want to work with, so it seems like the computer should
be able to do all of this... Any thoughts?
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