[galaxy-user] (no subject)

2012-07-16 Thread i b
ok, so if I have 3 different samples I would use 3 different goups and add
my samples as replicate within each group.

or did you mean to create just one group and add all my 3 samples as 3
replicates within that only group?

 thanks a lot

From: Jennifer Jackson [j...@bx.psu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:58 AM
To: Irene Bassano
Cc: galaxy-user@lists.bx.psu.edu
Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] cuffdiff

Hello Irene,

On 7/16/12 4:11 PM, Irene Bassano wrote:
> Hi,
> just few questions about cuffdiff if anyone can answer:
> 1.how can I load more than two sam/bam files?Galaxy gives spaceonly for
two files

Change the tool form for the option "Perform replicate analysis:" to be
"Yes" (the default is "No"). Use two conditions (Groups).

> 2.what to use as input: cufflinks, cuffcompare or cuffmerge?

GTF output from any of these may be appropriate.

Please see the tutorial on Galaxy main at:

And the "Common uses" protocols on the Cufflinks web site plus their new
paper (also linked at this site, from side bar, as "Protocol"):


Galaxy team

> Thanks a lot!
> ___
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Jennifer Jackson
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[galaxy-user] cuffcompare outputs missing

2012-07-17 Thread i b
I ran cuffcompare using 3 samples as inputs (dataset 1-2-3 cufflinks
gtf) and a reference annotation (dataset 4).
These are the outputs:

5: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: transcript accuracy
6: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: 1 data tmap file
7: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: data 1 refmap file
8: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: data 2 tmap file
9: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: data 2 refmap file
10: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: transcript tracking
11: Cuffcompare on data 1, data 4, and others: combined transcripts

my question:
why I don't have tmap and refmap on dataset 3?Why only 1 and 2 (arbitrary???)

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[galaxy-user] UCSC tools

2012-07-17 Thread i b
is there a way to create a jobin my history from UCSC genome browser
that contains ONLY genes encoding for ONLY cell surface proteins?
How can I do that?

Thanks a lot!
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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff results missing

2012-07-19 Thread i b
I ran cuffdiff using Refseq genes as GTF and two groups of BAM. Group
one has two replicates (treated) and group two only one replicate

When looking at the outputs the following are empty (1 line):

TSS group FPKM tracking
TSS groups differential expression testing
CDS FPKM tracking
CDS FPKM differential expression testing
CDS overloading diffential expression testing
promoters differential expression testing
splicing differential expression testing

the other four outputs have data downloadable as excel.

Is this normal?

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[galaxy-user] tophat output spice junction output

2012-07-20 Thread i b
where can I find an explanation of the columns in the splice junctions
output? From 7 to12 they are only numbered

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff failed

2012-07-20 Thread i b
I had  3 samples (2replicates treated (A-B) and one untreated (C) ).

I did cufflnks and cuffmerge (all 3 cufflinks)

I run cuffdiff with the following options:
+ tophats from A, B, C (2 groups: gr.one with A, B), gropu2: C.

I had the following message:

0 bytes
An error occurred running this job: cuffdiff v1.3.0 (3022)
cuffdiff --no-update-check -q -p 8 -c 10 --FDR 0.05 -N -b
/galaxy/data/hg19/sam_index/hg19.fa --labels +

Where did I do wrong? What does it mean?

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[galaxy-user] Cuffconfusion

2012-07-20 Thread i b
ok, im really confused now about cufflinks and its tools.

All I wanted was to look for differentially expressed genes between
two samples: treated (2 replicates) and control (one replicate).

can anyone give me a workflow for a similar analysis with the various
options chosen?

I have read a lot of different posts where for cuffdiff  they have
used cufflinks, cuffcompare, cuffmerge or any gtf file as imput
together with the bam file.
There must be a difference in using all these different file right???

what is the advantage in using cuffcompare and how we compare them: we
give all cufflinks or we separate control from treated?
Why do we need cuffmerge?isn't it as well combining the cufflinks?
when we use cuffcompare or cuffmerge do we mix all cufflinks no matter
is they are control or treated ones?

Please don't send me back to the cufflink page
(http://cufflinks.cbcb.umd.edu/index.html)...I need more simpler

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[galaxy-user] cufflinks eference annotation

2012-07-21 Thread i b
if I am looking for DE between samples and ran cufflinks without
reference annotation, does it mean that when I ran cuffcompare and
cuffmerge I DOTN'T HAVE to select a refence annotation in the options?

Also,how are my cufflinks fected wheter i use the reference annotation
or not?In galaxy tracker, looks like there are alignments missing or
added compared to when i ran cufflinks with a reference annotation

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff: same gene listed with different FPKM values

2012-07-26 Thread i b
Dear all,
has anything like this happened to you?

I compared two samples with cuffdiff and when I look at the
differentially expressed genes values I have the same gene listed for
5 times with different values.

71.6837 9.76435 NM_005514
87.6456 27.3965 NM_005514
115.333 4.81687 NM_005514
38.1879 5.2753  NM_005514
69.4197 5.84387 NM_005514
112.964 3.89226 NM_005514

What does this mean? And how do I know which one represents the real
expression level for that gene for the two samples?

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[galaxy-user] gene or transcript differential expression testing

2012-07-28 Thread i b
I am a bit confused about two outputs of cuffdiff:
If I want to see if two samples, e.g. treated and un-treated express
similar protein levels, what would be best to look at gene
differential expression or transcript diff. expression?

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff biological replicates

2012-07-29 Thread i b
Hi guys,
a bit of confusion about how to give cuffdiff certain outputs:
having 1 control and 8 tumour samples which I consider biological
replicates (not technical replicates), how shall give the input to

If I want to use cuffcompare as gtf: shall I cuffcompare all 8samples
plus the control and then run cuffdiff using this gtf?
When adding the bam files, shall I have to make 8 groups plus control groups?
or one groups with 8 bams and second group with the control bam?

Much appreciated an answer!!

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[galaxy-user] How to extrapolate differentially expressed genes after running cuffdiff?

2012-07-29 Thread i b
Hi guys,
have a question about the cuffdiff output "differential expression testing".

For most of you might sound "naive" but I'm new to this field and I
have very little background in statistic.

So, I have compared a control sample with 2 biological replicates
using cuffdiff. I have now about 4000 genes which were tested.

1. How do I extrapolate the genes which are up- or downregulated from the 4000?

2. Is there a FPKM value above which a gene is up- or downregulated?

3.I used excel and sorted the values from highest to smallest:
assuming that control highest value is 200 and the correspondent
treated values is 2, can I say that that gene is downregulated in the
treated ssamples by a 100 fold chnage?

4. Do I have to use at all the p_values given  in the output to
extrapolate the most up- or downregualted genes?

I do not have yet cummerbund and I am not very good with R. And I 'm lost!

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[galaxy-user] reference genome uploading

2012-07-31 Thread i b
I would like to upload the HPV16 W12E genome (AF125673) (human
papilloma virus type 16 ) but I find it hard to be accepted by galaxy.

Any suggestion where I can find the correct one?

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[galaxy-user] cuffcompare inputs

2012-08-10 Thread i b
Dear all,
given 3 samples, 1 control and 2 treated replicates when I do
cuffcompare to produce the gtf input for cuffdiff, do I have to run it
with or without the cufflink control?
E.g. Cuffcompare with only my 2 treated replicates?--use
this gtf to run cuffdiff
   Cuffcompare 1 contro and 2 treated replicates?--use
this gtf to run cuffdff

Thanks a lot
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[galaxy-user] reference genome format for tophat

2012-08-10 Thread i b
Dear all,
I managed to upload to Galaxy a genome of interest in .fasta format
from NCIB website.

However, Galaxy does not recognize it as input to run Tophat...

Wht format has to be to be used as referece genome for tophat?and how
can i convert it?

Any suggestion?

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[galaxy-user] Map with Bowtie or Tophat?

2012-08-11 Thread i b
Hi all,
what is the difference between using "NGS:mapping---Map with
Bowtie for Illumina" and "NGS: RNA analysis-Tophat for
Illumina" when mapping reads against a reference/custom genome?

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff with three groups

2012-08-11 Thread i b
Dear all,
I ran Cuffdiff with 3 groups: A, B, C each with 2, 5 and 1 replicates
When looking  at the transcripts dif.exp.testing, I have only sample A
and B and redpective values.
What happened to sample C?

Thanks for any help.
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Re: [galaxy-user] cuffdiff with three groups

2012-08-11 Thread i b
Sorry, I did not read carefully. All three samples are listed, just
down in the column I found the other sample.


On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 7:41 PM, i b  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I ran Cuffdiff with 3 groups: A, B, C each with 2, 5 and 1 replicates
> respectively.
> When looking  at the transcripts dif.exp.testing, I have only sample A
> and B and redpective values.
> What happened to sample C?
> Thanks for any help.
> ib
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[galaxy-user] picard bam statistic

2012-08-12 Thread i b
I have used for the first time this tool, picard bam statistic.
I have aligned my reads to a custom genome (7904 bp long) and had the
following output:

length= 7904 Aligned= 44 Unaligned= 0

Why is unaligned =0.

I had the unaligned =0 also when aligning agaist hg19...

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff sample values assigned

2012-08-15 Thread i b
Dear all,
in cuffdiff outputs e.g. transcript differential expression, I find for example:
value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change)
7.77183 0   -1.79769e+308


value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change)
0   14.5972 1.79769e+308

for many many rows.

if I sort in excel my data by fold change column (big to small ), all
the rows with -1.79769e+308 or +1.79769e+308 are on the top.
How can be sure that these on the top are really the most up-regulated
or down regulated transcripts if I don't know the real value of one of
the two samples (is 0 really zero?)?
I was told that the zero in one if the two samples is very small
number and Cuffdiff simply writes 0, but it is not absolutely zero,
otherwise it would not be possible ot have -1.79769e+308 or

Could you please tell me then how can I extrapolate the highest fold
change? (up and down regualted)?or of what is done by sorting by log
fold chnage is correct?

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[galaxy-user] inconsistent cuffdiff output

2012-08-20 Thread i b
Dear all,
I have two samples, treated and untreated.
I ran cufflinks and had the following:

treated: 884532
untreat.: 130247

I then ran cuffdiff and look ath transcript diff. expression:

treated: 33

Strangely for another transcripts I have:
Cufflinks: treat_:0
  untreat_: 0

Cuffdiff:  trat_4.4
  significant: yes

How this can be possible?

I had similar results with other transcripts where one one of the two
had 0 cufflinks, and the other one very high but the cuffdiff come out
with NO TEST or OK but not significant

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[galaxy-user] inconsistent cuffdiff output-corrected question

2012-08-20 Thread i b
Dear all,
I have two samples, treated and untreated.
I ran cufflinks and had the following FPKM:

treated: 884532
untreat.: 130247

I then ran cuffdiff and look at the transcript diff. expression values:

treated: 33

Strangely for another transcripts I have the following FPKM:
Cufflinks: treat_:0
  untreat_: 0

Cuffdiff values:  trat_4.4
 significant: yes

How this can be possible?

I had similar results with other transcripts where one one of the two
had 0 cufflinks, and the other one very high but the cuffdiff come out
with NO TEST or OK but not significant

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[galaxy-user] tophat deletions output

2012-08-21 Thread i b
dear all,
how can we use the tophat deletions output?
e.g. if I want to see and conpare between two samples if a specific
gene or transcript had been deleted, how can I use this output?
is visualisation enough?

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[galaxy-user] inconsistent cuffdiff

2012-08-21 Thread i b
dear all these are the cuffdiff outputs for the same transcript/gene
(one isoform only):

transcript differential expression
value1   value2log2fold test stat   pvalue
  q value  significant
18.8175 114.371 2.60357 -2.883580.00393177  0.0630024   no

gene differential expression
value1   value2log2fold test stat   pvalue
  q value  significant
18.8175 114.371 2.60357 -2.883580.00393177  0.0397768   yes

how could be that the gene expression in significnat but the
transcript is not?all the values are the same, but the q values
changes.Please explani!!I 'm really concerned about how cuffdiff makes
these calculation!

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[galaxy-user] job information on galaxy

2012-10-11 Thread i b
I am trying to open the "i" icon on galaxy to look at the information
of each job, but this does not opne for old jobs, only the last recent
one ...

Any suggestion?

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff values different for same sample

2012-10-12 Thread i b
Hello forum,
I have ran cuffdiff with two samples, treated vs untreated, and had
certain values as expressed in the output (isoform differential

When I ran it again, using a different treated sample, but SAME
UNTREATED SAMPLE, the values assigned to the untreated are different.

Why is this if values are calculated from a unique FPKM? This happend
for other jobs where I have ran the same untreated vs other treated

Thanks a lot,
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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff fpkm=0 "not significant"

2012-10-15 Thread i b
Dear forum,
whoever knows this please tell me!

Given two fpkm  . e.g. fpkm 1=2922828 and fpkm 2=0, why cuffdiff does
not calculate differential expression. those genes are listed in
cuffdiff as not significant and the log2 fold change is infinite ,
either negative or positve...how do i consider them when i want to
pull out the genes that are differentially expressed between treated
and untreated samples?

how do i interpret these data?

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[galaxy-user] cuffdiff variance calculations

2012-10-17 Thread i b
Hello forum,
I was reading some of the theory behind cuffdiff and how it calculates
for DE genes.

My question:

if I do not have replicates, how does cuffdiff do the test statistic
which is dependent on the variance?
The manual says "Note that in order to calculate the test statistic T,
we need to know the variance of the expression level in each
Doesn't this mean that I am supposed to have replicates?Otherwise how
can we have variance if we only have ONE SAMPLE?

I would appreciate if anyone could explainthis to me. Ciffdiff
caclulates DE even when I give him one sample agaist another one...how
reliable is the reult?


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[galaxy-user] cufflinks visualization

2012-10-31 Thread i b
Hi all,
can anyone explain me wh how can I visualize cufflinks outputs in trackster?
galaxy keep sending me errors

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