Re: [Gambas-user] Feature removal suggestion: Pressing Escape hides debug pane

2015-09-21 Thread
On Mon, 21 Sep 2015 00:54:22 -0400
Kevin Fishburne  wrote:

> On 09/21/2015 12:52 AM, Kevin Fishburne wrote:
> > On 09/19/2015 03:40 PM, Lewis Balentine wrote:
> >> On 09/19/2015 05:48 AM, Patrik Karlsson wrote:
> >>> 2015-09-19 7:16 GMT+02:00 Kevin Fishburne 
> >>> :
> >>>
>  When modifying a line of code there are context-sensitive pop-ups for
>  syntax help, code completion and method/property enumeration, which is
>  awesome. However, one type of pop-up requires that you press Escape to
>  clear and the others do not. Being unable to reliably differentiate
>  between pop-up types results in Escape being pressed in error which then
>  causes the debug pane to be hidden. When using the debug pane to jump
>  between search results, accidentally pressing Escape in an attempt to
>  clear the context-sensitive pop-up results in the debug pane, and
>  consequently the search results, being hidden. This significantly
>  interrupts workflow and has been annoying the shit out of me for
>  possibly years.
>  I think the Escape key should be uncoupled from debug pane functionality
>  entirely, forcing the user to use a different key or perhaps the mouse
>  alone to show/hide or otherwise manipulate it. Is anyone else
>  experiencing this or is it just me?
>  --
>  Kevin Fishburne
>  Eight Virtues
>  www:
>  e-mail:
>  phone: (770) 853-6271
> >>> You are not alone. :)
> >> "... perhaps the mouse alone to show/hide or otherwise manipulate it."
> >> There should always exist an alternate way to gracefully exit a dialog
> >> box lest the farmer's wife is hanging about with her carving knife.
> > Just use the window and you can generally avoid any run-ins with the
> > farmer or his knife-wielding wife...unless something else entirely is
> > going on and I've misunderstood.
> >
> > In any case, I've attached two images. Pressing Escape for enumeration
> > clears the enumeration pop-up. Pressing Escape for syntax help hides the
> > debug pane. Maybe Alt-Escape, Alt-Tab or something similar could toggle
> > debug pane visibility.
> >
> Forgot the damned images...sorry.
> -- 
> Kevin Fishburne
> Eight Virtues
> www:
> e-mail:
> phone: (770) 853-6271
Actually, removing the escape that closes the console seems to me to be a 
better idea as it is not only the completion help that causes this problem. 
Sometimes I end up keyboarding something that opens a menu item, then Esc kills 
the console and 
but whatever  ... jai yen 

B Bruen 

Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] The interview on FLOSS

2015-09-21 Thread
On Sun, 20 Sep 2015 23:22:27 -0400
Kevin Fishburne  wrote:

> On 09/19/2015 01:16 PM, Caveat wrote:
> > Really not sure what you mean by 'doesn't come from English'... of
> > course it comes from Greek, but it's a word appearing in most English
> > dictionaries... so?  Should we exclude anorexia as an English word
> > because it also comes from Greek, or manxome because it was made up by
> > Lewis Carroll... ? :-)
> All words came from half-human apes in caves making grunting sounds, 
> which at some point they decided was more useful than the usual boolean 
> expression of "hit with club" or "do not hit with club". The evolution 
> of language is a complex topic, and these days to some degree they all 
> bleed together borrowing from each other (especially English, which is 
> messy and fluid).
> -- 
> Kevin Fishburne
> Eight Virtues
> www:
> e-mail:
> phone: (770) 853-6271
I will tell you why; so shall my anticipation
prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the king
and queen moult no feather. 

I have of late—but wherefore I know not—
lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; 
and indeed it goes so heavily
with my disposition that this goodly frame, 

the earth, seems to me a sterile
promontory, this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, 
this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted
with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to
me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason!

How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how
express and admirable! In action how like an angel!
In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the
world! The paragon of animals! 

And yet, to me,
what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not
me: no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling
you seem to say so.

mmmneh, one grunter did alright, methinks.

B Bruen 

Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Using property on a string array

2015-09-21 Thread Fabien Bodard
No this assignment replace the internal list.
Le 21 sept. 2015 10:26, "Moviga Technologies"  a écrit :

> Thank you! This works! What I do not understand is if .List is returning
> a copy, then even cbxProfile.List = [] should not really work?? Because
> you are still assigning the copy of the list, and not the list itself...
> --
> ___
> Gambas-user mailing list
Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] DBus and Geoclue2

2015-09-21 Thread Moviga Technologies
I am unexperienced with DBus, and I wondered if someone could point out 
to me how to get Longitude and Latitude from geoclue2 with DBus?

According to this page:
the address is org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Location

More or less at random I tried:

Print DBus["org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Location"].Latitude
Print DBus["org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Location"]["Latitude"]

It did not work, and I do not know what I am doing, or what is the 
correct method here :)

Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Using property on a string array

2015-09-21 Thread Moviga Technologies
Thank you! This works! What I do not understand is if .List is returning 
a copy, then even cbxProfile.List = [] should not really work?? Because 
you are still assigning the copy of the list, and not the list itself...

Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Bluethooth Smart (otherwise known as BLE 4.1) control anyone?

2015-09-21 Thread joem
Bluethooth Smart (otherwise known as BLE 4.1) control anyone?

Just noticed this might be big soon.

The idea is that IoT devices connected by bluetooth and powered by a
coin cell for up to a year are just about to dematerialise.

It would be nice to have a drop in control that transmits
and receives data to these devices.

The Dialog Semiconductor devices are microscopic 5.5mm x 8mm,201527_2_71_72_73_74_75,201409_5

The bluethooth stack for Linux
does support BLE4.1 if
HCI Version: (0x7) is showing when hciconfig -a
command is run under Ubuntu.

They are also supposed to have good range.
So in theory one of these modems in every gadget powered by a coin
cell could be updating your PC with information such as temperature,
doors opening and closing and so on. As its so tiny, it can be made into
a wearable and turned into proximity sensor so that its possible to know
where you are in a building and computer can contact you :)

Gambas-user mailing list