Re: [Gambas-user] gambas3 printer

2014-12-29 Thread MinnesotaJon
Benoît Minisini wrote
 Le 31/07/2014 19:49, Charlie Reinl a écrit :

 This strange behaviour actually comes from the Qt library. I will try to 
 override it so that things become more logical.
 Benoît Minisini

I wish you could override this:  There is no reliable way to print text
without splitting a line of text horizontally, as a graphic.  When I have a
multi-page document, my final line of text on most pages is split
horizontally, and the top of the text is on one page, and the bottom of the
text starts the new page.  In Gambas2/Qt3, we could issue a line break after
a certain number of lines, but this capability disappeared with Gambas3/Qt4. 

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Re: [Gambas-user] Issue 485 in gambas: 'Like' square brackets problem

2013-12-25 Thread MinnesotaJon
It appears that the problem happens if the first letter of the string being
matched appears anywhere in the Pattern before the actual match.  Your
original examples were:

Print GambasIDE Like {alma,Gambas,szilva,GambasIDE,otto}
Output: False 

Print GambasIDE Like {alma,GambasIDE,szilva,Gambas,otto}
Output: True 

*Actually, any g in the list, before GambasIDE, will interfere with the

Print GambasIDE Like {alma,g,szilva,GambasIDE,otto} 
Output: False


Print GambasIDE Like {alma,szilva,otto,GambasIDE,g} 
Output: True

It is only the *first letter* in the Pattern that is a problem -- the
other letters do not have any bad effect.  If we delete the g from the
word Gambas, the result is correct:

Print GambasIDE Like {alma,ambas, ambasIDE,szilva,GambasIDE,otto} 
Output: True 

*Note that if you use the * symbol, it eliminates the problem:*

Print GambasIDE Like *{alma,Gambas,szilva,GambasIDE,otto}*
Output: True

**  eliminates the sensitivity of the patterns to their location in the


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Re: [Gambas-user] Stopping a CLI program

2013-12-10 Thread MinnesotaJon
Right -- my fault!  When I suggested the example /proc/meminfo, I was just
looking for any script example, to discuss using string variables in SHELL
and EXEC for very long command strings.  Tobias provided the coolest option
to do that job.  But you've pointed out that I could have chosen a better

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Re: [Gambas-user] Line continuation

2013-12-07 Thread MinnesotaJon
If you are using SHELL, you can assign lines to variables.  If the string
continues on multiple lines, assign the text to string variables, and
concatenate those variables.  
The example below merely shows SHELL accepting a string variable as its
command string:

DIM sRes as String
DIM shellString as String  

  shellString = cat /proc/meminfo
  Shell shellString To sRes  

If you use EXEC, the flexibility is more limited, as the command cannot be
contained in a variable, but the following will work:

DIM execString as String
DIM sRes as String
  execString = /proc/meminfo
  Exec [cat, execString] To sRes

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Re: [Gambas-user] shell

2013-12-02 Thread MinnesotaJon
Maybe I'm not understanding the problem, but sudo always wants a password,
right?  In which case you have to feed it a password with the Exec or Shell
command.  I'm not a shell script expert (just learning), but I assume that
the string would look like this:

Exec [, sudo sh -c 'echo out
/sys/class/gpio/gpio27/direction' EOF\nmypassword\nEOF] 
where you have already dimensioned and set the value of mypassword in your

If you have dimensioned a variable like strShellResponseString, you will
be able to display a response from sudo in your program, if the password is
Exec [, sudo sh -c 'echo out
/sys/class/gpio/gpio27/direction' EOF\nmypassword\nEOF] TO

note:  My additional code is a here document code block.   feeds a
command list to an interactive program or a command, like sudo.  EOF means
end-of-file, but it also terminates input from stdin.  The newline escape
code \n is needed before and after the password variable, to place the
password where sudo expects it, after a linefeed from stdin, followed by
another linefeed.  And then the second EOF terminates this input, which
allows sudo to evaluate the password and either execute the sh command, or
give an error message if the password is wrong.  No extra spaces in all of
this, or they'll be interpreted as part of the code!

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Re: [Gambas-user] article on Gambas...

2013-11-26 Thread MinnesotaJon
ukimiku wrote
 I read on the Gambas-Buch page that you are co-author of a book on Gambas
 programming. I tried to locate it at Amazon, but no luck. Where is it
 available? Does it cover Gambas 3?

Hello, Ukimiku -- There is a free .PDF book in English, The Beginner's
Guide to Gambas, which you can download at my blog 
You can also buy the paperback version of the book through a link on that
blog page, if it meets your needs.  It was written for both Gambas2 and
The blog also includes sample projects, and other documents.



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Re: [Gambas-user] ColumnView Sorting

2013-11-16 Thread MinnesotaJon
Hi, Nigel --

I've never used the ColumnView (or other View) to sort the data -- I always
sort the arrays where I keep data, and then re-fill the ColumnView or other
View, if necessary.  Your question raised a point that I've never explored,
so I dug into it and found that you CAN sort data in a View, using the
built-in capabilities of the View object.  The documentation is on this

Frankly, I sometimes find the Gambas online documentation to be a little
cryptic, so (like usual) I wrote a simple program to explore and demonstrate
sorting in a ColumnView.  Here is the essential code block, especially note
the inner/2nd If-Endif block:

'Note that when you change the sort of the ColumnView from one column to
'the sort column header will display a down-arrow symbol.
Public Sub Button1_Click() 
  If TextBox1.Text  'In other words, if TextBox1.Text is not NULL.
If TextBox1.Text = 0 Or If TextBox1.Text = 1 Or If TextBox1.Text =
2 Then
  ColumnView1.Columns.Ascending = True
  ColumnView1.Columns.Sort = Val(TextBox1.Text)
  Message.Info(Type a Column ID: '0','1', or '2', OK)
  TextBox1.Text = 
Message.Info(Type a Column ID: '0','1', or '2', OK)
TextBox1.Text = 

My e-mail address is:
If you send me your e-mail address, I'll send you a tar.gz file of the
complete program, just so you can play with it and see how the sort works. 

Best regards,

Jon Nicholson

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Re: [Gambas-user] Key code constant wrong?

2013-11-15 Thread MinnesotaJon
Don't worry, Fabien -- we will all be dying soon!  

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Re: [Gambas-user] Feeding a DataView using data from another DataView

2013-11-12 Thread MinnesotaJon
Jose -- Remember that there is a big difference between a MouseDown event on
the DataView *control*, and an Activate event on a field containing
information, inside that control.

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Re: [Gambas-user] Semi-persistent pop-up form?

2013-11-12 Thread MinnesotaJon
Bruce --

You may want to try using the Desktop component, which allows you to easily
switch active (top-level) windows.  It seems that I can't attach a file
here, on a Reply, so I will e-mail you a small program showing how this
component works.

If you have two virtual desktops open, activating a window in the other
desktop will bring it into the current desktop.  (I'm using XFCE, it is
probably the same for LDXE.)


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Re: [Gambas-user] Key code constant wrong?

2013-11-09 Thread MinnesotaJon
Wamukota wrote
 The value for the key.enter constant in the 3.5.0 on my box is given as
 ? key.enter
 But, the value returned by key.code in the program is 16777220 in the
 keyrelease or the keypress events which implies that I cannot check if the
 key pressed is the Enter/Return key using the constants.
 As a workaround I switched to checking for the number or the key.enter
 value as valid values,  but I know that is not the way to go

Alain --

The Enter key and the Return key are actually 2 different keys!

In my blog post;,
I explain:

Note that the “Return” key is the “enter” key near the center of a standard
desktop PC keyboard, with the “return” symbol.
The “Enter” key is the “enter” key at the right side of a standard desktop
PC keyboard, with the numeric keypad.

The keys are equivalent in function, but each one returns a different key
code.  Here is how you use the constants:

If Key.Code = Key.Return Or Key.Code = Key.Enter Then

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Re: [Gambas-user] Shell sudo

2013-01-31 Thread MinnesotaJon
Thanks, Les -- I had this same problem, and you solved it for me.  For other
readers, here is the command adapted for Gambas3:

Shell sudo -S chmod 0777 ~/myfilename  EOF\nmypassword\nEOF   

Note:  chmod 0777 is just an example of a chmod code

The newline code \n should NOT have spaces before it or after it.  If you
have excess spaces, this will be interpreted as part of the shell command,
and you'll get an error.

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