On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 11:53:20 pm you wrote:
> > Benoît,
> > 
> > MAJOR PANIC!  I use IsNumber extensively to do quick checks on field
> > parsing across heterogeneous databases.  Using the 80-20 rule I can
> > parse text fields for junk appendices to an expected numeric.
> > Code such as
> > 
> >     vItem=split(result!note," ",NULL,TRUE)[0]
> >     
> >        IF IsNumber(vItem) THEN RETURN Val(vItem)
> > 
> > '     else begin parsing diabolical note structure
> > 
> >     .....
> > 
> > abounds.
> > 
> > Please reconsider this.
> Then you are using IsNumber() the wrong way: in your code, vItem is a
> string (I guess), and so IsNumber(vItem) will always return FALSE.
> You used IsNumber() as if it would tell you if a string can be converted
> to a number, which it does not at the moment! And which is exactly what
> I want to change!

Arrrrrggh, yer right again.  After calming down I checked.
 IF IsNumber(Val(vItem)) THEN RETURN Val(vItem)
Sorry, I just get the panics over "my precious code" :-)
best regards
Bruce Bruen

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