[Gambas-user] can't terminate fluidsynth processes by sending quit command over socket

2009-05-06 Thread Kevin Fishburne
Hello everyone. I'm having an odd issue that's got me stumped. My GAMBAS
app opens several fluidsynth daemons listening on different ports and
communicates with them over a socket. While they do all send and receive
commands properly, when I issue the quit command to any of the
fluidsynth daemons they don't actually terminate. They do respond with
Cheers!, which is what they say when they terminate, but the processes
remain and they continue responding to commands. I have to use SHELL
pkill fluidsynth, which leaves the daemons unable to be restarted
because they can't bind to their designated port/socket afterward for
some reason.

At first I thought it was fluidsynth behaving badly, but I'm able to
telnet to the fluidsynth daemon and issue the quit command
successfully using the same shell command as GAMBAS. I'm starting
fluidsynth with the following command:

SHELL fluidsynth --connect-jack-outputs --no-shell --verbose --server
--audio-driver=jack --midi-channels=1 --portname=LiquidSynth01
-oshell.port=9800 -oaudio.jack.id=LiquidSynth01 -omidi.driver=alsa_seq
-omidi.portname=LiquidSynth01 -omidi.alsa_seq.id=LiquidSynth01

My code to stop the fluidsynth daemons is:

DIM i AS Integer

' Stop FluidSynth.
FOR i = 1 TO 16
  Send_To_FluidSynth(quit, i)
  SLEEP 0.125

PUBLIC SUB Send_To_FluidSynth(FluidString AS String, Daemon AS Integer)

  ' Send a command to FluidSynth
  DIM Timeout AS Single
  FluidString = FluidString  \n ' Add carriage return to command is
  Socket = NEW Socket
  Socket.Connect(localhost, 9799 + Daemon)
  DO WHILE (Socket.Status  7) AND (Socket.Status  0)
WAIT 0.1
Timeout = Timeout + 0.1
IF Timeout = 0.25 THEN EXIT 
  Timeout = 0
  IF Socket.Status = 7 THEN 
' Socket is good, send command.
WRITE #Socket, FluidString, Len(FluidString)
PRINT Sending command to FluidSynth daemon:   FluidString
  DO WHILE Lof(Socket) = 0
WAIT 0.1
Timeout = Timeout + 0.1
IF Timeout = 0.25 THEN EXIT
  READ #Socket, FluidString, Lof(Socket)
  PRINT FluidSynth daemon replies with:   FluidString
  CLOSE #Socket


As you can see there are 16 fluidsynth daemons starting at port 9800 and
going up to port 9815. The for/next loop just cycles through these 16
ports to terminate each process sequentially. I added the timeout stuff
because if the code runs with no fluidsynth processes active/listening
it just hangs there in the do/loop loops.

Here's my debug/console output right after trying to quit the fluidsynth
daemons, including anything they replied with:

Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
WARNING: Child process terminated by signal 15
cannot read server event (Success)
cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Resource temporarily
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Success)
cannot complete execution of the processing graph 

Re: [Gambas-user] can't terminate fluidsynth processes by sending quit command over socket

2009-05-06 Thread Doriano Blengino
Kevin Fishburne ha scritto:
 Hello everyone. I'm having an odd issue that's got me stumped. My GAMBAS
 app opens several fluidsynth daemons listening on different ports and
 communicates with them over a socket. While they do all send and receive
 commands properly, when I issue the quit command to any of the
 fluidsynth daemons they don't actually terminate. They do respond with
 Cheers!, which is what they say when they terminate, but the processes
 remain and they continue responding to commands. I have to use SHELL
 pkill fluidsynth, which leaves the daemons unable to be restarted
 because they can't bind to their designated port/socket afterward for
 some reason.

 At first I thought it was fluidsynth behaving badly, but I'm able to
 telnet to the fluidsynth daemon and issue the quit command
 successfully using the same shell command as GAMBAS. I'm starting
 fluidsynth with the following command:

 SHELL fluidsynth --connect-jack-outputs --no-shell --verbose --server
 --audio-driver=jack --midi-channels=1 --portname=LiquidSynth01
 -oshell.port=9800 -oaudio.jack.id=LiquidSynth01 -omidi.driver=alsa_seq
 -omidi.portname=LiquidSynth01 -omidi.alsa_seq.id=LiquidSynth01

 My code to stop the fluidsynth daemons is:

 DIM i AS Integer

 ' Stop FluidSynth.
 FOR i = 1 TO 16
   Send_To_FluidSynth(quit, i)
   SLEEP 0.125

 PUBLIC SUB Send_To_FluidSynth(FluidString AS String, Daemon AS Integer)

   ' Send a command to FluidSynth
   DIM Timeout AS Single
   FluidString = FluidString  \n ' Add carriage return to command is
   Socket = NEW Socket
   Socket.Connect(localhost, 9799 + Daemon)
   DO WHILE (Socket.Status  7) AND (Socket.Status  0)
 WAIT 0.1
 Timeout = Timeout + 0.1
 IF Timeout = 0.25 THEN EXIT 
   Timeout = 0
   IF Socket.Status = 7 THEN 
 ' Socket is good, send command.
 WRITE #Socket, FluidString, Len(FluidString)
 PRINT Sending command to FluidSynth daemon:   FluidString
   DO WHILE Lof(Socket) = 0
 WAIT 0.1
 Timeout = Timeout + 0.1
 IF Timeout = 0.25 THEN EXIT
   READ #Socket, FluidString, Lof(Socket)
   PRINT FluidSynth daemon replies with:   FluidString
   CLOSE #Socket


 As you can see there are 16 fluidsynth daemons starting at port 9800 and
 going up to port 9815. The for/next loop just cycles through these 16
 ports to terminate each process sequentially. I added the timeout stuff
 because if the code runs with no fluidsynth processes active/listening
 it just hangs there in the do/loop loops.

 Here's my debug/console output right after trying to quit the fluidsynth
 daemons, including anything they replied with:

 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 Sending command to FluidSynth daemon: quit
 FluidSynth daemon replies with: cheers!
 WARNING: Child process terminated by signal 15
 cannot read server event (Success)
 cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Resource temporarily
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server
 zombified - calling shutdown handler
 fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the