Hi gamers,

Just i has writed in this list, i and some friends are translating a
frewware audio games for a brazilian portuguese. But we found a dificult
to translate some voices because exists some diference of various
countrys that speak the english language, and because it we can not know
some words, and need for help.

Who can help, writing in text the contents of the some voices that
translate words in text is easy for me. 

This help is to translate 1, 2 or 3 files of 5 seconds, of the game The
Last Crusade. 

If one person can help, please send me a mail or message in msn.

Thanks, regards.

Wagner Maia


Homepage: http://intervox.nce.ufrj.br/~wagner
Meu link do ORKUT:
skype: wagnermaia0
Telefone: 22 27224707
celular: 22 88153049 ou 81214088
Campos dos Goytacazes RJ Brasil


VocĂȘ quer respostas para suas perguntas? Ou vocĂȘ sabe muito e quer compartilhar 
seu conhecimento? Experimente o Yahoo! Respostas !

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