firstly, you need to use the jaws curser to navigate the game,
including the start up screen, i'll leave it up to people who actually
use Jaws to discuss that, but just be aware standard tabbing and
arrowing in your usual reading mode wont' work.
Second, you need to go to the options menue and click on the accessibility
mode, which will make the game use more text, and be all round more
accessible, sinse by default without this mode, the game comes with
some unlabled graphics an swiftly scrolling messages.
Bare these in mind and things should work.
Have fun with the game.
Beware the grue!
- Original Message -
From: "William L. Houts"
To: "Gamers Discussion list"
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:50 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Smugglers 4 Woes
Hi Gang,
I've downloaded Smugglers 4, which promises to be an excellent acccessible
game. But while the intro music is stirring enough, I have no luck in
getting Jaws to read the screens. I've tried tabbing, arrowing and the
alt key, and none of them work. Has anyone else downloaded and played
Smugglers, and if so how did you get it to work?
"I just flew in from the Land of the Dead, and boy are my arms tired."
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